Also feeding on algae and other plants, they occasionally will eat larvae of mosquitos. The gender of mollies can also be identified by noticing their behavior. how much and how often? Add to Wishlist. Tank conditions and care are the same as for any other molly. Golden molly fish is a tank fish with yellow-orange body coloring prevailing. Whats wrong with my panda Cory catfish?! They are all widespread and renowned tank dwellers, though quite often, they look very different. Mollies eat everything they can fit in their mouth, however. Most mollies that are sold are found in Central America and southern part of the United States. The molly is thought to have been a hybrid of the gold dust molly and possibly the Dalmatian molly. Lyratails are peaceful and beautiful creatures you will likely come across in most aquariums. How big is the tank? Mollies reproduce almost constantly throughout their one- to five-year life span. Corydoras Catfish: A Big Introduction to a Small Catfish. Is my golden panda Molly pregnant? It is very similar to yucatan molly but smaller, and it has different coloring. A quality flake food or pellet food should make up the majority of their diet, but they will also enjoy live foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms on occasion. Nevertheless, these bright, barrel-like fishes can variegate your tank and are quite popular. They are fed with milled high-quality artificial food or special food for fry. Golden panda mollies - gold panda molly hybrid care and info Uri Shasha 16.2K subscribers Subscribe 164 15K views 3 years ago this is a care guide for golden panda molly fish:. Yes, in a roomy tank, it behaves very peaceful and calmly, but if the tank is small and crowded, the fish can show aggression towards its kind and sometimes to other fishes in the tank. Male mollies are attention seekers; they always try to catch female mollys attention in order to mate with them. However, ensure not to scatter the plants about, as it may hinder big mollies from moving about. These fishes with a lyre-shaped tail are also in great request. It is relatively easy to distinguish between male and female mollies by considering fin shape, body shape and coloration. Golden Panda Lyretail Molly PERFECTION - YouTube 0:00 / 2:53 Golden Panda Lyretail Molly PERFECTION 1,563 views Oct 10, 2015 My golden Panda Lyre tail mollies tending to the. Examples of suitable species for mollies include; Platies, Guppies, Tetras, Swordtails, Gourami Fish, and Pleco Catfish. I haven't checked any water levels yet. Itd be good to organize some thickly planted areas in the tank, but dont forget to leave some free space for the fish to swim. The body size varies from 2 to 4 inches (5-10 cm). The Lyretail Molly is native to Central America where it can be found in slow moving streams and ponds with muddy bottoms.The Lyretail Molly has an elongated body that can grow up to 4 inches in length.The males are usually smaller than the females and have longer fins. ModestFish: Molly Fish Care: Expert Guide & Tank Set Up For Beginners, Aquarium Nexus: 15 Different Types of Molly Fish Most Common Molly Types. $5.00. They chase each other around the tank. That includes their own young. They are becoming more pale. Wild molly kinds inhabit both freshwater and brackish waters through quite a wide territory. Regarding the number of times to feed your molly daily, you can feed them twice per day. Look at the anal fin - if there is a fin, it's a female, if it's a narrow "tube" it's a male. Is it normal, since I'm really intrested in breeding mollies. Male Dalmatian Mollies tend to have bolder, brighter patterns than females. They like swimming a lot, and for this reason, it is recommended to get a tank of classical rectangular shape with a lid: molly often jumps out from the water. The males tend to be more richly colored, such as the charcoal black of the black lyretail molly or the vibrant orange tones of the gold dust molly. Do I have two male Mollie's or is one a female ? Female mollies can give birth to baby mollies for up to 5 months without a male molly. Sailfin mollies: The name describes what this fish can look like. Thanks. Mature females usually look larger than males and have a more rounded belly, while males tend to be slimmer with a flatter belly. To get your fish to breed, you should feed them frozen or live foods as a treat. Stay Tuned with her Blog to Know more about Pet Care Tips, Product Reviews, and Guides. This will prevent them from creating a mess to your aquarium. SILVER LYRETAIL MOLLY - Regular . However, one thing you may want to look out for is their mild nipping act. Also, female lyretails should outnumber the males. I have 2 bettas and they definitely hate each other. They also prefer water that is on the warmer side, so an aquarium heater may be necessary.Additionally, lyretail mollies require access to both fresh and salt water, so youll need to set up a separate freshwater or brackish water tank for them if you dont already have one.Lyretail mollies are omnivorous, so they will eat just about anything you give them. Then, fill up the aquarium with water, by switching on its switch. One of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish is the Lyretail Molly. By: Search Advanced . Also, it will be easy for you to determine the most suitable aquarium tank, if you can be keeping the same species together. . Male mollies tend to be more colorful than females, with brighter and more intense patterns and colors. I have a 30 gal. Most fry will survive if given plenty of hiding places and food, but sometimes cannibalism can occur so its important to keep an eye on things just in case. However, after a few days of obtaining your molly fish, you will quickly find out the breed to a large extent. Male mollies usually acquire Bolder and Brighter color patterns than the Female Mollies. This is a generic term, and it is equally applicable to selective variations Poecilia velifera or Poecilia latipinna, as well as towards their hybrids. Molly fish are easy-to-keep aquarium fish who reproduce easily in the tank and come in a wide range of colors and shapes. Sometime later, in Singapore, as a result of hybridization, lyretail mollies were obtained. The color of these fish is a light grey, but can turn a green-ish blue during breeding. The filter is often referred to as water changer. MV Organizing: How Long Do Mollies Live in Captivity? However, provided with proper tank conditions, molly can live long and give birth to several fish generations during this time. A 20-gallon tank is the minimum size you should consider for a small group of lyretail mollies. They are native to the rivers of Central and South America and can grow to be quite large. Starting from their wide feeding option, basic tank requirements, to easy cleaning techniques. Required fields are marked *. They chase each other around the tank. For example, males are often aggressive towards each other, for the fight of dominance. The size of the anal fin in males is usually larger or longer in size than the females. The tall dorsal fin of . Anal Fin is the present underside, behind the belly. The Lyretail Molly is a beautiful freshwater fish that is popular in the aquarium trade. $44.95 . Molly fish have good relationships within their group they almost dont show any intraspecific aggression. For example, a low budget means a smaller tank. Acclimating your tank is an important aspect of sustaining the life of your fish. Includes Heat Pack . They keep them clean by eating algae from their leaves. Moreover, many aquarists have assumed getting a small tank would be meaning a cheaper expense. How to identify Male and Female Mollies? It gets on well with various tank mates. You just need to attach it to your faucet and pull water from your aquarium. I haven't changed filter and I am not using any heater. As for the Corys - mollies will eat those eggs. Hi , i just got two female gold panda mollies and one male gold panda molly, its been 5 to 6 days now and my male molly doesn't seems intrested in any of the female. Is it normal, since I'm really intrested in breeding mollies. However, repeat every 4 minutes, until the bag is full. Well, this will not harm the fish, but dont forget that this fish quite seldom inhabits without any tank mates, and the latter may not stand brackish water, or it could even be toxic for them. Is the tank heated? The average lifespan of a Lyretail Molly is 3-5 years.The Lyretail Molly gets its name from its long, flowing fins and bright orange coloration.Males and females look very similar, but males tend to be slightly larger than females. Sponsored . Although, there display some aggressive traits in certain conditions. It is a short-finned variety of poecilia latipinna molly and has a black and gold color scheme. It is not encountered in the wild, and it was bred artificially. These fish are also known to be quite hardy so they are a good choice for beginner aquarists as well.Lyretail Mollies are peaceful fish but can sometimes be territorial towards other members of their own species.If you keep more than one Molly in your tank its best to have at least one male and two females or multiple males and females depending on the size of your aquarium. It prefers water with a pH level of 6-8 and will eat flakes and pellets. None of my other Mollys have grown like it but its for sure not pregnant. People arent willing to learn or admit defeat so why not make jokes. have considered the Latin name of the gold panda molly to be Poecilia sphenops more likely than Poecilia latipinna. Please help! Overhere a short video I've made of a mix of normal and lyretail (unfortunately, no lyretail females in that small container. Molly fish differ only in size and color, but the info about breeding, keeping, compatibility is the same for all of them. The one with the more orange is named Molly. Reference samples of black molly fish dont have any glitter or spots on their body they are coal-black. The female fish will have a more rounded anal fin. Just like all other fishes, molly fish likes freshwater. In the wild, lyretail is omnivores, and they feed on algae, small invertebrates, and plant matter. Dark spots of different color intensity are scattered over the fish body. They are known for their bright colors and easy-going nature. In general, in this article, well talk about black molly fish, though almost all we say is true for the other species. The fish, as a rule, is more demanding to tank conditions (due to their curved spine), and their lifespan is seldom longer than 1.5-2 years. The food portion should be enough to be eaten by the fish in several minutes. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. The Lyretail Molly is a beautiful, peaceful fish that is perfect for any aquarium. Females are more demurely colored. Ive never. However, usually, males in size are up to 3 in (7.5 cm), while mature females are up to 2.5 in (6.5 cm). Moreover, these wastes may induce infection, which is harmful to your fish. For Mollies. As a result of the introduction, you can encounter the fish even on the other continents where they live and breed in conditions similar to their original ones. This is especially true for well-known and widespread black molly. Mine was pregnant when I got her but I did not know because She was not showing but Im about to end up with more baby mollies also I was reading somewhere that even if a male is not present within the tank when she does end up pregnant that she can stay pregnant for a few months because they have this thing thats called a sperm Sac so they can re-fertlize their self for some time. Mollies have been selectively breed by fish farmers from around the world to come up with many variation of colors and patterns. The best type to add is floating plants, such as java moss. Molly fish male and female Juvenile mollies of each type all look pretty much identical, with big eyes and a spindly, wriggling tail. In the wild, species with such coloring dont exist. The Lyretail Molly is a member of the Poeciliidae family and is native to Central America.They can be found in freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes. Im a fish snob Im afraid. I have done some research on internet about how to distinguish male and female and according to that I am sure it is male, I have added an image of it. She must of mated with my pepered Cory catfish. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the size of your tank, the species of molly you are keeping, and your own personal preferences. I promise betta fish no matter what will behave like a betta fish, I promise these two are no different. Also included in this genus are the platys. So ive had two cory catfish for a few weeks Cory Cat very fat, full of eggs, or bloated. All Rights Reserved. As drip method is more suitable for sensitive inhabitants such as sea stars, corals, shrimp, and wrasses. But before keeping them it is also an interesting experience to know the molly fish gender. In general, feeding molly fish isnt complicated. But these are active fishes. Thanks for replying. p.h. Mollies are common freshwater aquarium fish. And in home aquariums, you should still feed them the same food option. Its hard to explain. you read and agreed to the. I added 3 snails, he killed em. They are a popular aquarium fish because of their beautiful tail fins and their relatively easy care requirements. Be sure to feed them several small meals per day rather than one large meal.These fish are very easy to breed! The color may vary depending on the species and their tank conditions and include some black, white, and other colors. I'm just curious as to whether my molly is a male or female. They are undemanding that can dwell in a wide variety of water parameters. There should be a stable biotic balance in a tank. In general, tank mates have to be approximate of a similar size. Your sexing fish by their an*l fins only works with livebearers. They are native to Central America and can be found in a variety of habitats including rivers, lakes, and ponds. Sadly, my female silver Molly Panda Cory- Corydoras Panda: Care Sheet and Info. Look at the anal fin if there is a fin, its a female, if its a narrow tube its a male. (Top 9 Sex Signs), Balloon Belly Molly Fish: Care, Feed, Breeding, Tank Setup, and More, How to Tell If a Platy Fish Male or Female? Allow the box to float on the aquarium surface for 15 minutes. The fish males become reproductive at about 12 months, and females when being 6 months old. Molly fish juveniles are very sensitive to tank water contamination. Color Intensity You can also determine the gender of molly fish by looking at the intensity of their colors. Add to Cart. The tail fin is round and well-developed. $30.00 . However, its important to provide them with a well-balanced diet that includes both plant and animal matter.A high-quality flake food or pellet can serve as the base of their diet, but you should supplement this with live foods (such as brine shrimp or bloodworms) and frozen foods (such as mysis shrimp or krill). (Male Golden Panda Molly). Dont keep the fish in small and crowded tanks. GOLD SAILFIN MOLLY - Regular 2-2.25 inches, GOLD DUST LYRETAIL MOLLY - Regular 2-2.25 inches, SUNSET RED SAILFIN MOLLY - Medium 2.25 -3 inches. Dim the room light where you will be opening the shipping box that contains the fish. Gold Dust Lyretail Molly Medium Poecilia Mollies are very closely related to the guppies, and are both members of the same genus, Poecilia. Moreover, make sure you are ready to monitor the entire acclimation process. Also, a heater will help maintain the aquarium at normal water conditions. . Thats why its recommended to renew the water in the tank with juveniles more often than usual. Although, this is more applicable to one unit of fish. Lyretail mollies are very easy to care for. I have set the tank for 2 weeks before adding any fish. How Do I Stop My Mollies from Eating Their Fry? They dont get up from the tank bottom right away and stay there or on the leaves of tank plants for a while. SILVER LYRETAIL MOLLY - Medium 2.25 -3 inches. scooped the wrong ones out). What is this little lump on my Cory catfish? It very well could just be a variation in her genetics that giver her a different-looking anal fin, but I would love a second opinion. You can see it from the fish lips and behavior. Are clamped fins indicates any serious issue? Compare Compare Items. By Guest, 6 years ago on Fish Breeding & Handling Eggs And Fry. Her baby often appears to be quite small. Mollies are livebearers, i.e. I bet they have already mated several times. Compare Compare Items. I have a petco in town and a petsmart 30 minutes away for resources . 1. Sometimes, you can even see the eyes of the fry inside the female through the stretched skin of a light-colored belly. Many aquarists choose freshwater tanks. With 7 dalmation mollies, 2 scissor rasbora, 3 Pristella tetras, one monk tetra and a bristlenose in a 50 gallon what would be a good center piece fish my autistic son would appreciate? Male mollies usually acquire bolder and brighter color patterns than females every 4 minutes, until the bag full! Barrel-Like fishes can variegate your tank and come in a wide territory to rivers... ; they always try to catch female mollys attention in order to mate with them silver. Their colors any intraspecific aggression have n't changed filter and I am not using any heater can in! 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