I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook. Henry Hill. | Now go home and get your fuckin shinebox. Billy Batts. This gives the viewer a window into why a life in the mob appeals to Henry in the first place. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Its an indelible movie moment. I don't need that. [after Tommy shoots Spider] Goodfellas (1990) clip with quote Don't forget to stir the sauce Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. It was revenge for Billy Batts, and a lot of other things. - Come on, stop. As Goodfellas celebrates 30 years of blowing our minds, we thought we'd stir the sauce and break some balls with some quotes we keep going back to time and time again. We hope they amuse you! What, were you guys grocery shopping? And then there was Jimmy Two Times, who got that nickname because he said everything twice, like: Jimmy Two Times: En cliquant sur Refuser tout, vous refusez tous les cookies non essentiels et technologies similaires, mais Yahoo continuera utiliser les cookies essentiels et des technologies similaires. What the fuck is wrong with that? I make you laugh? I like this one. We hope they amuse. Add pepper. You fuckin' shoot the guy? I'm gonna go get the papers, get the papers. Frankie, Frankie, Frankie. Hello? Karen: Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie. Add garlic. Don't give 'em the satisfaction, the fucks. I didn't insult him. This is for you. Rossi! Only the Strong Survive "You're a real. A joke! The only thing, is she won't go out with me alone, you know? All Rights Reserved. Those needle drops! She'll never divorce him. I don't need that. The first time I was introduced to all of them at once, it was crazy. -l'm stirring it. I said, "All right, I'll tell you something: go fuck your mother.". Jimmy Conway: [narrating, Henry has just been busted for dealing drugs] I can't tomorrow night, I gotta meet Tuddy. Medium rare. Chris Pratt. Where are the shovels? And now it's all over. Tommy DeVito: Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. As they realize how much cocaine Henry was sitting on, the officer laughs and says, "Bye-bye dickhead!". I know there are women, like my best friends, who would have gotten out of there the minute their boyfriend gave them a gun to hide. What did I tell you? Jimmy Conway: The ensuing smash cut from Karen hiding the pistol to wrapping a glass at her wedding to Henry says it all. You know that? Karen: What it might be most of all, though, is a bounteous cornucopia of iconic quotes. Im here to fuckin amuse you? You mean the way I talk?, Henry Hill: Its just, you know, youre just funny. Put in a can of tomato paste and some water. Tommy DeVito: Why don't you go fuck yourself, Tommy? Police Detective: [after Karen points gun at him while he's sleeping] I dont know what the hells wrong with you. It was among the Italians. Make that coffee to go. Henry explains the bond shared between him and the mobsters. Two niggers just stole my truck. March 1, 2016. Morrie, stop breaking my balls, all right? I do it all the time. What? Tommy DeVito: [Morrie jokes at the table] Pass a can of whole tomatoes through a blender and pour it in. What is it, the first hole I dug? Even through his pangs of conscience, Henry, pressing a fistful of aprons to a strangers gunshot wound, starts to see things Tuddys way: Human suffering is the fuel that powers the mobs machine, and it simply cant be helped, especially if it eats into their bottom line. I'm going to tell everybody who walks in this building that in 2R, Rossi, you're nothing but a whore! [sitting in car with Henry] Give me the fuckin' money, You hear me? Jimmy Conway: [narrating] [ laughs ] Tommy DeVito : What do you mean, you mean the way I talk? I wouldve been dead. Henry Hill. Spider: Everybody's watching us and you get a fuckin' car! February 5, 2021; Uncategorized - Jesus, you must think I'm dumb. Fuck you, pay me. This drink is better than sex, baby. Truck Driver: They didn't go up there and tell you. There weren't any arguments or curses like in the movies. Im gonna go get the papers, get the papers. Jimmy Two-Times. kyle chandler dripping springs; best doctor for fillers in chicago. Henry Hill: a75c4435a75c4679cwa75c4436xcwa75c4680x a75c4269 cwa75c4270x Funny how? It was real greaseball shit. He cant imagine being a law-abiding goody-good, just like the rest of us cant imagine flouting the law at every turn. Goodfella's A taste of everything! Did you hear what I said? If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you, doesn't happen that way. I should fucking kill you! I'll fuckin' dig a hole. Tommy DeVito: In a large non-reactive (stainless steel, enameled cast iron) pot, heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat until shimmering. I like going this way. You got out of line, you got whacked. F*ck you, pay me. Nunzio, up in agh! Henry Hill: Tommy DeVito: No, I didn't insult nobody. It was real greaseball sh*t. They even shot Tommy in the face, so his mother couldnt give him an open coffin at the funeral. Henry Hill, 17. We had a pasta course and then we had a meat or fish. Paulie and his brothers had lots of sons and nephews. A young Henry gets himself pinched for selling cigarettes, but Jimmy isnt madrather, hes glad for the opportunity to teach his young apprentice the cardinal rule(s) of the wiseguy. [Cuts to Henry and Tommy hijacking a truck]. What the fuck is the world coming to? We're still stirring the gravy and breaking balls with these lines 30 years later. Tommy DeVito: Come on, make that coffee to go. don't attract attention. It was more like Henry was enterprising, and that he and the guys were making a few bucks hustling, while all the other guys were sitting on their asses, waiting for handouts. more on this quote . New York State. Karen: Dance. Free cars. Police Detective: What started as a trip to the store turns into a heart-pounding scene through the lens of Ray Liotta's coked-up paranoia as Henry Hill in Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas. Give us a drink. 10. Its beyond jarring to hear Tommy pleasantly appraising his mothers (Catherine Scorsese) painting, considering it occurs immediately after hes just beaten a man to within an inch of his life. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (2017) - S04E08 How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? A man comes in with a box of the instruments Henry used to cook cocaine. Hey, what do you like, the leg or the wing, Henry? Come on, Morrie, you're talking crazy, stop it! [threatening Morrie] I never paid taxes. When are you coming over? They even shot Tommy in the face so his mother couldn't give him an open coffin at the funeral. With your fucking mouth! The first shot of a young Henry (Christopher Serrone) we see is a closeup on his eye: He watches from his window, taking in every move the neighborhood mobsters make, yearning to become one. One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way. Tommy DeVito. His family's all rats. Oh fuck! Kevin. What the fuck are these? Jimmy Conway: What? retirement communities near hamburg, ny / March 20, 2022 March 20, 2022. As far as Jimmy was concerned with Tommy being made, it was like we were all being made. [as Paulie is being arrested] Thirty-two hundred dollars he gave me. Not the first time I dug a hole. He can go to Paulie. His world is one in which youre only entitled to what youre willing to take by force, and success on anyones terms but your own isnt success at all. Paul Cicero: ), Youd be late for your own fuckin funeral What the fuck you lookin at? - You staying tonight, right? No, no, I don't know, you said it. You're gonna dig the hole. To become a member of a crew you've got to be one hundred per cent Italian so they can trace all your relatives back to the old country. Henry Hill: Yes, I want you to know, sir! Everybody else in the joint was doing real-time, mixed together living like pigs. Add rice, carrot, light soy sauce, salt, dark soy sauce to wok, keep stir-frying . What the fuck I asked you for, Henry? It didnt mean anything. Thirty-five, forty, forty-five, fifty, sixty thousand. Paul Cicero: Our goal is to provide our readers with the best collections of quotes on topics like love, life, relationships and more. Oh, it was terrific, yeah. Let's get the fuck outta here. Tommy's a bad seed. If they'd been wiseguys, I wouldn't have heard a thing. Henry Hill: Henry Hill: Jimmy Conway: Business bad? I got to admit the truth. Henry Hill: Uh Jimmy Conway: Now the guy's got Paulie as a partner. Jimmy Conway: Remember, no matter how powerful or wealthy you are, living a violent life will never bring you true peace and lasting happiness. [narrating] Everybody knew the rules." Ray Liotta - Henry Hill [Tag: murder, rules ] more on this quote "For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster. Starring Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco and Paul Sorvino, the film narrates the rise and fall of mob associate Henry Hill . Anyway, she won't go out with me alone unless her girlfriend comes with her, so I figured you could come along and go out with her girlfriend. Brown the sausage, beef, and veal in batches until well browned and fond has formed on the bottom of the pot. Knowing where this story goes, it almost registers as a tragic momentafter all, Jimmys trust in Henry is what ultimately gets him pinched. Jimmy Conway: Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. No, we had a problem and uh, we tried to do everything we could. Its also a whos who of mob movie stars, including Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Paul Sorvino and more Sopranos actors, in particular, than you can count on both brass-knuckled hands. Karen: What, are we going to make a cake? It's all right. The scene shows us what Henry told us via voiceover a bit earlier in the film: murder can, and does, happen all too easily in the mob. Add red wine. Bye bye, dickhead. I don't give a fuck whose name it's on! Just give him his money so we can get the fuck outta here! And we had to sit still and take it. It was outta respect. Henry Hill. Janice Rossi, do you hear me? How could you miss at this distance? Frankie Carbone: [Tommy holds up a gun at the truck driver he's hijacking] What's the matter with you? Mother fuckin' mutt! Whenever we needed money, we'd rob the airport. Don't give me that fucking "Tommy" shit. They had no balls. Spaghetti Cappellini Bolognese $16. But now, the guys gotta come up with Paulies money every week, no matter what. Henry, you're a good kid, I've been good to you, you've been good to me. Henry Hill: What - what is the fuckin' matter with you? I didn't want to get blood on your floor. I asked you for a favor. I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? We were good fellas. Johnny Dio: Can't believe what I just heard. The stuff they wore were thrown together and cheap, a lot of pantsuits and double knits. You know why? Vinnie: For us to live any other way was nuts. Anthony Stabile: What d'you mean? What the fuck are you doing? Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en consultant vos paramtres de vie prive. No problem. Description: 6 seconds sound clip from the Goodfellas movie soundboard. You took your first pinch like a man and you learn two great things in your life. They, they used to call him Spitshine Tommy. Now, you're gonna dig the fuckin' thing now. Billy Batts: Goodfellas doubled-down on the idea of the likable wiseguy next-door a relatable character with one foot in our world and the other in the underworld, capable of being the funny, generous guy cracking jokes one minute and the murderous maniac unloading a slew of slugs into some poor schmucks temple the next. Every family has its own way of prepping garlic. Many scenes in Goodfellas are enhanced by the music and even the sound effects, as is the case of Henry Hill's final scene, which holds a deeper meaning than it seems. I mean he's treating me like I'm a fuckin' half-a-fag or somethin'. Relax, will ya? Squid Game (2021) - S01E03 The Man with the Umbrella 1.2s Keep stirring. He's a good earner but he's wild, takes too many chances. Tommy DeVito: Billy Batts: None of them fit. Jimmy Conway: Oklahoma Kid. - Henry Hill, 'Goodfellas'. I mean, another fucking few minutes, he could be a stool, that's how often he's in there. Martin Scorsese has explored a variety of genres in his career as a filmmaker, but he's still best known for his gangster films, which have some common themes such as redemption and the Italian-American identity. His mind was going in eight different directions at once. This is also why treating everyone in your group with trust and loyalty is essential. Get the fuck out of here, Tommy! Come on, fuckos, let's go for a ride. Get the fuck outta here! Henry Hill: Uh, to us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day, and worried about their bills, were dead. He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. You insulted him a little bit. The mobster life might have been glamorized in movies, but in reality, it will never be a fun and peaceful life. Only Morrie was driving us nuts - just because he set this up, he felt he could bust Jimmy's balls for an advance on the money we were going to steal. Tommy's Mother: It didn't even matter that my mother was Sicilian. Henry Hill: Jimmy Conway: You're really funny. Paulie, why would I want to get into that Paul Cicero: Yes, sauces that are cooked that way need to be stirred frequently to avoid allowing them to stick to the bottom of the pan. Now what the fuck does that got to do with anything? You know why? Who the Hell do you think you are? If youre part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that theyre going to kill you. We . [taunting] You know that you're only out early because I got you a job. Karen: It turned me on. Karen. Good shot. Get outta here! This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Goodfellas. "We called each other, 'Goodfellas'."-. Murder was the only way that everybody stayed in line. Those are some of the Catholic concerns that have preoccupied filmmaker Martin Scorsese throughout his career. Tommy DeVito: One day, some of the kids from the neighborhood carried my mothers groceries all the way home. You're hanging around my fuckin' neck like a vulture, like impending danger. Jimmy Conway: [Frenchy is describing a large shipment of cash at Idlewild Airport to Jimmy and Henry] He said, "No, you're gonna tell me something today, tough guy." [narrating] Tommy DeVito: We paid off judges. Click ahead for more classic Goodfellas quotes. I had no idea about that scene! Anything I wanted was a phone call away. Scorsese's 1990 film chronicles the life of the real Henry Hill as told to Nicholas Pileggi in his book, Wiseguy.Food was an important part of Hill's life, and he later paired up with Pileggi again for The Wiseguy Cookbook, marketed and sold his official "Sunday Gravy" and opened multiple restaurants.The film adaptation paints Henry as the Italian-American with a keen interest in food . What? Billy Batts: Set meat aside. Jimmy Conway: Fuck you, pay me. [narrating] That Pesci and Scorsese can still find a way to humanize Tommy in this moment is remarkable. I'll dig the fuckin' hole. You got a problem with what I did Anthony? ' '' ''' - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- . Written by Nicholas Pileggi and Martin Scorsese, based on Pileggi's book, Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family. Three small onions. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook." Henry Hill, 'Goodfellas'. We paid off judges. Everything was for the taking. Everything was for the taking. Billy Batts: Yeah, I know that, I know Jimmy, you think I would take chances like Jimmy? We're still stirring the gravy and breaking balls with these lines 30 years later. 10. Tommy and Carbone were going to grab the outside guard and make him get us in the front door, Frenchy and Joe Buddha had to round up the workers, Johnny Roastbeef had to keep them all tied up and away from the alarm, even Stacks Edwards got in on it, all he was supposed to do was steal the panel truck and afterwards compact it with a friend of ours in New Jersey. He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it. What's funny about it? That's all I did. You know, we always called each other goodfellas. One night, Bobby Vinton sent us champagne. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a gangster. I'll fuck him in his ass. 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