"Your doing so good baby" daddy says to me. If he has no money, job, or car, how will he find you? I was just wondering is it a good thing or a bad thing to let her still go out to christmas in the park and zobierama and events downtown just because they use to do it when they were dating? Should i let my girlfriend go out to places with her baby daddy still? And i plan on living and being happy. I'm working full time . In the meantime, flirt with him a little, keep the mood light, and see where . But my girlfriend (23f)wants her son to experience positive experiences with both his parents at the same time. It's easy to get provoked when an ex-boyfriend enters your territory. Follow My Twitter:https://twitter.com/paralleltechyhttps://twitter.com/paralleltechyhttps://twitter.com/paralleltechySUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTEshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTEshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTEsStrawbys channel:https://www.twitch.tv/strawbys_TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@techys?lang=e#ad #fortniteFortnite Season 6 LIVE EVENT and BATTLE PASS Reaction! Either, you spread your legs too early or didn't have enough self discipline to wait and see how many "red flags" went up with this guy. A lot of the time, the girl needs time to grow and figure out what she wants and needs for her child, but she wont get a chance if she gets into another relationship right away. By subscribing, you agree to share your email address with EBONY to receive our weekly emails, events, and other updates. Move far away with your gf and the kid. Correct me if I'm wrong!?! You are his girlfriend. Who doesnt want to do whatever it takes to make their relationship work? And then after all of this- she tells me that she's taking her son to sign him up for karate- and that she's taking her ex with her so her son can have both parents. He's following his dream and not caring about what she are the other baby mama thinks abut it and that's what have her chasing him when he's in town. Kinda the same but here goes .. My names Carlos and I met this beautiful spiritual girl named Jackie.when we first met it was at work I was minding my own business then outta nowhere we talked and we connected and after however much we both disagreed on relationships ..me because I was cheated on .and her because of some guy who got her hopes up and before that her abusive and controlling baby daddy .so now I've said that yeah she has a two year old kid who I think is wonderful and she's a wonderful mother..so after careful thinking I asked her out I had my doubt's but we had connected on so many levels I didn't notice I loved this chick already . The girl who had a strict dad is either going to be very sheltered and immature. Don't listen to any false promises, because when it comes to choosing who goes where, the love that made that child outweighs **** around for a couple of months. I'm wondering what the children's role is in ALL of these nonsense postings. I prayed hard for the father of my daughter to be my ex, but the joke was on me when the results confirmed that a nameless figure was the father of my child. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. When I told my best friend, red flags went up for her immediately: Hes trying to get rid of you. The weekend of his 25th birthday, we headed out of town and had the time of our lives. The sickening part is that he uses the child as a way to try to win her back. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He is merely their mother's new (ish) boyfriend. The night was intoxicating. Maybe pack some bags and get a hotel to give them even more family time. Hey Carlos sorry for very late response I forgot I had this until I went through a email lol but I read your comment and I can tell you it hurts like hell I know but everyone walks there own path in life if she wants to walk the wrong path then you got to let her man there too many girls out there that deserve the love we can provide I know I found another beautiful woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with she takes care of me and I take care of her. Remember no matter how "crazy" Dad may be he is STILL Dad. Before getting involved with the courts cause then they make you take the kid for visitation or worse he could go for custody. Unlike most men, he didn't want to bring another woman into the bedroom. 9. Hope this helps. Tldr gf had her deadbeat baby daddy show up 14 years after their child's birth to suddenly get involved without doing any parenting. I think I'm the problem. The girl has to put her foot down and stop letting her "ex" run the show. Court Order Restricting Ex's New Partner. But i dont have real advice because i havnt figured how to deal with my situation like yours.. He is staying at someones duplex, we dont know who's, but its definitely not his. I mean it in a nice way, I'm totally with you on this journey! And then quickly smacks my bum 5 more times. The way he treats her piss me off real talk, Not worth it , once you catch a body that shyt catches up, Leave her and get a childless female to date, 2 kids by another ninja who didn't marry her and you love her, you cant fukk with a single mom unless her BD is a decent dude. Not his wife. 9)She's continuously texting late at night. Its just too much going on in my life right now. The baby deserves a baby role model Peace reply #4 Joe 13 years ago Saying he loved her and ****. Come to the wrong place for sympathy brehs, you cant fukk with a single mom unless her BD is a decent dude, Get marked by a light skin nikka on a bozy Monday afternoon. Roberts, 31, asked Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer on Dec. 27 to allow their daughter to take the Biden name, claiming it would benefit their daughter because it is "now synonymous with being well. He shares his self-improvement plans with you. because he realized i wasnt playing. She may be on a mission to either find someone to take care of her or to make her dad mad. The moment you got with this chick, you signed up to be in drama world. I'm dealing with the exact same situation now and need to know how yours turned out. For the longest time- they had split custody- she would have him half a week- and he would have him the other half of the week. I had brought the situation up if she was scared of asking me what she had asked me .she said she was because she didn't wanna loose me and she didn't know how'd I take it.but I had told her I wouldn't leave her for any reason like that ..then she said he was causing her stress because hes always messing with her brain saying **** like you weren't suppose to move on & he left his other baby momma and he got kicked out of their and now he's homeless but wants to get back with her ( to me it sounds like a pile of ****) ..so the next day she seems sad when I see her at her home at night ..she's distant all day thoughts texts..so when I went to see her I knew something was up..( now I wish I hadn't asked ) I asked what's up what's wrong why are you so sad .. She told me she was super stressed and that her minds a mess and all she can think about is her babies happiness and she doesn't like seeing him cry when that **** leaves . It may not display this or other websites correctly. Danielle, if you would like to leave the contact information for your national talk show, you can fill out the form in the contact us page and ask permission with the site operators. Since we used condoms during our little rendezvous, I naturally assumed that positive pregnancy test I was staring at was the result of an unprotected tryst with my beau after we returned. Naturally- this upset me. Its not a problem as long as you don't mind a ton of drama. Everytime I try bring stuff up with her she get a bit defensive but some of that is how I bring it up. . He uses his daughter as a means to mentally abuse my girlfriend and even tries to get her to resent her mom. She told me that I have no right to feel the way I feel because her ex is the child's father. You could get into serious trouble with him and she will just move on to another man. A MUM and daughter have revealed that they both sleep with the same man - and they don't see anything wrong with it. The doctor revealed my conception date and I was horrified. It might help to lower the stress of the situation if you take the couch and he can stay in the bedroom with your girlfriend. Baby Daddy Issues Trust Issues am I crazy??? U sure u want to be in amongst all that drama op? my girlfriends abusive and manipulative dad (won't get into too much detail) want me to fight him. I want my baby daddy back but he is with a new woman HELP! The only thing harder than breaking up/going No Contact with a narcissist is breaking up/going No Contact with a narc who also happens to be your baby daddy/momma. Especially with a young child. Get over yourselves, work on your issues and let the **** father see his little one. The way he treats her piss me off real talk they got two kids together one night, the last night i was in dallas she was gonna come see me(she stay in da 903) but she coudlnt cuz he never came to picc up the kids so she couldnt leave the other night she drove to his house to drop them. And I don't want to end up screwed out of all of this. Be the bigger man and show that by example. He wont even sell drugs, steal car stereos, or anything. I am recently going through the process of purchasing a gun leagally the right way just to protect her and me. If the girl is strong enough to get through with leaving and handling her own business than she will be worth staying with but if your constantly fighting her fight's and trying to step into a situation that she is the only one that can make better for herself than your going to be fighting your entire relationship with the baby daddy because remember; they have a child and a father will fight until the end for his son/daughter against another man, but he will stop if the mother makes things clear about their situation. If you have to deal with him put the pressure on and hustle him. He calls her everyday and leaves voicemails callin her baby, and everything. To spend the day with you as a family on a family day shouldnt be an issue. When she told me about this- I got a little upset. 1. anyways, its a F** up situation and I was willing to go through with it but my friend made me realize that it's really not worth it. He calls her talking to her all crazy telling her to "Do what I told you to and and it wont get out of hand" and i get soo **** and not sure what to do.They have a son together and he uses the son as a pon against her which leaves her crying and histerical .Dude you dont have to deal with that if you dont choose to if it disrupts you life completly. They broke up because he's an abusive, no job, no cell phone, no apartment havin, no car drivin, weed smokin stereotype. but you aint got no say so when ya a deadbeat no count daddy homie none at all You know the name of the game fool yo babys mama chose me now we can handle it like gentlemen or we can get into some gangsta sh88t dont let the smooth look fool ya boi my dad didnt raise no punks and my mama didnt raise no ***** so if we gonna do it do it. Hey I hope you read this, even though this was posted a while ago. It's hard to leave someone that you love and needs your help but the reality is that, SHE got into their situation and SHE need to get out of the situation on her own. I was assured I would have his help and support. I've read here before, but never posted. And I'm also feeling like she's helping her ex out more and more. I have my mom and older sister cut off. Just a gut feel and my gut feel is usually spot fucking on. That is ****! It's not like he transformed into a weed smoking jobless Decepticon overnight so a woman that could choose him bears watching with caution before you invest and become baby daddy number two. It can also be said a woman can be judged on how she treats her exes because you might be getting a preview as to how you may be treated. they just know thats my daddy and hes effing awesome. It's a red flag that I would file away as a . Discover short videos related to girlfriends baby daddy on TikTok. Animal behavior 101. Girlfriend and baby daddy drama, please help! All was well for a few weeks after we returneduntil I missed my period. It was a very slow process and took a really long time for us both to fully commit into a relationship. Many people think that fathers do not get the right to ask for child support, but this is not true. You must log in or register to reply here. There is nothing wrong with you and I believe you care about your girlfriend, but the big question here is to you. in fortnite chapter 2, season 6 gameplay subscribe & click the bell! If you eventually go out with her, you will regret it. Telling your father, "I don't want you to joke about watching me have sex . We are living in a mobile home. My ex-boyfriend and I split up after he cheated on me, and I'm now with someone else and living in another You cant change people and you cant make someone be a good father if they dont wanna be. Even if it doesn't inspire him to do right, the potential for reality TV level drama is cut down a bit. I think its great that shes including BOTH of you and not cutting you out. Period. 3. Florida law provides for an injunction in cases of . Same **** is happening to me right now. I would put some distance between you and this whole issue, it reads heart break ahead once the baby daddy comes into the scene. My baby moms found someone else and she moved on, but i want her back. Well, if he now suddenly wants to be part of his daughter's life, I'm sure he won't mind your gf lawyering up and going for child support he owes. Husband (36m) mad at me (35f) and seeking FWB online. 1, sorry daddy *smack* 2, sorry daddy . By Confused, 6 years ago on Dating 2,465 I'm 26 and my girl is 27 So I'm going to go into great detail about my situation. My girlfriends CRAZY BABY DADDY (HELP!!!!! "Well". But making the wrong decision will end up with you spending time in jail or dead while she this beef between her and him continue. Happiest child in the world, very pretty and intelligent and is a wee singer. Get a Lawyer and get a protection order as soon as possible. But I think I can help because im a woman in the situation and my baby daddy is the dead beat. She has made her decision to go back. son outta nowhere after being gone . My parents are kicking me (18/M) out by months end. It may sound mean, but I would have charged her to the game. all that other **** don't matter to them thats why i tried to allow him to b apart of his kids life. For the past couple of months though- he has constantly changes the schedule between them. My four-year-old daughter gets very upset about staying at her dad's - I don't know why. Or am I in the wrong? He stays in touch with you even though he doesn't have to. They can make or break a team honestly. But of course I did not! For now I just focus on loving her. My car is in the shop right now, so I know that times get rough, but usually when we're down, we at least wish we weren't. My think my girlfriend still love her baby daddy My girlfriend has a 1 year old baby, we been together for 8 months and her and the father been broken up for about 10 but they still be on the phone fighting. just my opinion. I think it depends on how old the child is. The footage, posted early Saturday, purportedly shows Savannah Sprague, a cheerleader for Clayton Valley Charter High School, brutally beating an unidentified girl who had just challenged her to a. Cookie Notice You should not be threatened by anyone, period, especially with a threat of physical violence. I am in the same situation with my daughters father. At age 9, I was raped by another family member . Don't give him any excuse such as domestic violence. I found the request strange, to say the least. Why can she stay with him, but I can't?". And she says she loves him but isn't in love with him. I think you should decide why you want to physically confront him, before you possibly alienate your stepchilds father. either he respected the relationship i was in or he got to stepping never to see his kid again because me and my baby don't need all that. I feel so insecure. She just had the rotten luck of getting pregnant (by him, not saying pregnancy is rotten luck) and finding out AFTER she left him. Copyright 2023 EBONY. I accompany her sometimes, but hang back where he cant see, just for her protection. I Love you and hope the other women who may read this post appreciate the step dads and men who step in to take the role and responsibility like these men are. We've been se My Hubby's ex girlfriends daughter calls him daddy and he is NOT THE FATHER!!! Because you need to let go, to be able to see yourself again! 3 attorney answers Posted on Sep 27, 2011 Since the child was born out of wedlock, the mother automatically has physical custody of the child. Because any man who doesnt think what you have to offer isnt enough, isnt worthy of you anyway. Giving him a few minutes to voice his mind won't hurt you *and it'll be fun too*. 10. Im telling you to really evaluate the situation and make sure you are at peace. You are using an out of date browser. He's a great guy, the complete opposite of my daughters dad and im scared of running him off, but more importantly i am concerned for my daughter and our safety. MY GIRLFRIENDS DAD WANTS TO FIGHT ME in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 gameplaySUBSCRIBE \u0026 CLICK THE BELL! I'm mad at myself for doing this to you .. Its that I am just really stressed right now and I feel I can't make you happy if I don't feel happy myself and the only person right now is my baby and I didnt leave you for my baby daddy I swear .he knows that too I'm just really stressed right now I reply I get that I know what you have to deal with..but I go on to say I just think if you're saying this isn't because you didn't lose interest in me and its cuz of stress and you think you can't make me happy but I felt happy anyway then why throw something away that still is good and that I still believed in her and me together . girlfriends dad wants me to fight him. My Mom died December 5th, 2012. Every couple fight now and then When they happen in dreams, their interpretation is totally opposite of the negative feelings of your dream. That tells them "I can have a baby and if i don't like the Daddy or he leaves I will find another man to fill the void". My girlfriend's baby's daddy is trying to break us up. This situation is crazy. Initially I wallowed in self-pity and wondered how I could be so dumb. Then I stared at her little face wondering how I will explain who her daddy is? First you need to accept that he's gone. and our Avoid any problems with him if anyway possible because if you care about this girl you do not need to do any jail time over her baby daddy. well, it is not your child, not your ex. Anything I say regarding it is always the wrong thing and just starts a humongous fight so I don't even say anything to it now. Sounds like she's a keeper. 4. And if the father does not match the description of your anger and selfishness they will turn on YOU. and its hard for us women especially to take a boy away from his father but once hes hurting our kid and not helping its time to change things. Now I Don't Know Who My Child's Father Is". He has her thinking that she is a horrible mother (which she is far from) and that she is ruining her child's life. The DNA test came back positive [M28/F27/F20]. 786-401-2173. website. Resentment is natural particularly if he was the one dumped and he hasn't moved on or has a grudge against your girlfriend his ex based on their history. When she drops her son off, if she forgets to leave her purse at home, he'll find a way to steal her wallet somehow because he likes to act like he's going to get his son out of the carseat, but actually sit in the front seat and harass her. But even if I put him in the hospital, it wont phase him, so I know physical violence will get me nowhere. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. I am dealing with my situation with prayer and trying to stay out of it unless she needs me. Since he's popped back in, I have had no access to my son whatsoever. but once he started **** with my bf it was done for. The baby deserves a baby role model Peace. we've have several altercations before because he doesn't like me but this last time he stated shoving me and . I'm in the same situation and need advice myself- I've been dating this girl for a year now and fell for her. Do not quit your job if you have crotch goblins! Holidays will suck, period. And from what you have noticed about him this shows poor judgment. So i leave and the next morning she texts me good morning babe I love you too and I don't wanna lose you because you different. It sounds like this will be a fight . But I'm looking at what boundaries I should put out there. Will my baby daddy ever come back to me and his daughter?? Get out now before you get too much more involved. However remember you can't make anyone change if she is going back to him she still has feelings for him and you might have to cut her off to save yourself the heartache of being used by her to mess with this guys emotions. Now I Don't Know Who My Child's Father Is". Jun 19, 2012 OK so Ive been in a committed relationship with my GF for about 5 months. Idris and Sabrina Elba discuss their shared purpose and Somali, Ghanaian-Sierra Leonan roots. Don't listen to people who say it is a vendetta. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Bro, we need to talk. He is a redneck in tight with the small town cops so he never gets in any trouble for his harassment and my gf is stuck dealing with all his ****. [6] 10. girlfriends baby daddy come over for holidays and spend the day with us as a family is ok? The stress is literally killing me, I'm just so done with every thing and everyone In my life right now. 2. at the end of the day, they do have a child together that most of us forget about while we worry about our own feeling and wants, that we forget the child is watching and learning. And then she defended him with " he's a really good guy and he's trying " . "It's alright Emma, Daddy just wants to show you his surprise! I want my baby daddy back but he is with a new woman HELP! Baby daddy phoned me to see how it was going. If he is using their baby to emotional blackmail your girlfriend then he isn't a good father. Whatever the reasons for the infidelity may be, it can be hard for many people to carry on with a relationship after their partner has cheated on them without . For more information, please see our If at all possible, you want your new guy and baby daddy to at least be civil to each other. August 31, 2013 at 11:59 pm. As daddy continues the pain gets worse at around 15 I start crying loudly. I just hope one day when she gets older she can forgive me and listen when I tell her that its okay to not do what the other woman will. I trust her. I'm just afraid that eventually she's going to hang out with her ex more and more and realize that she " needs " him in her life for her son. Currently have been dating this girl 7months. Child Custody Fighting for Child Custody between Unmarried . Now I use the term "Baby Daddy" A term which I hate btw, because this dude is just that! broken-telephone 4 yr. ago Just be careful you don't know this guy very well he could be a pedophile or a psycho and try and get custody of the kid. I run up the stairs and slam the door shut as I hear Daddy racing up the stairs again. It's not a joke. I did that to my baby daddy. But dont be like everyone else if you dont have to and end up as a stastistic in jail. Dude(26m) is a dead beat. They are trying to hang on to what little they can control by being dramatic and getting some type of energy from your spouse and you. A family day shouldnt be an issue the exact same situation now and fell for her.! Press question mark to learn the rest of the negative feelings of your dream birthday, 'll... Still dad wee singer and from what you have noticed about him this shows judgment! Me have sex your girlfriends baby daddy wants to fight father does not match the description of your.... 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