A student who physically acts out toward University property by breaking windows, throwing furniture or smashing doors. In Disturbing Behavior, he played Tom Cox, one of the Blue Ribbons. Their investigation confirms Gavins theory about the Blue Ribbons and mind control: Caldicott is implanting brain microchips on Cradle Bay teenagers with the approval of their parents, who want to reprogram their kids from juvenile delinquents into well-behaved model citizens. 13. A Blu-ray version which carries over existing extras was released by Shout! External sites are notendorsed by CNN Interactive. An unfulfilled need. It's the same movie! An international co-production between Australia, The United States and Canada. What kind of students run AWAY from a fight and not towards it? When Steve joins the local high-school, the outcast Gavin Strick befriends Steve and introduces his also rejected friend Rachel Wagner to the newcomer. Why buy the movie? The sound machine that scares the rats away is what gets them in the end, isnt it? They can consult with other professionals on campus. The music video for the song "Got You (Where I Want You) by The Flys contains scenes from the film and features Katie Holmes and James Marsden. the Terms and Policies, and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. Once delinquents, teens are suddenly donning letterman jackets and joining the Blue Ribbons social club. Disturbing Behavior Special Edition James Marsden (Actor), Katie Holmes (Actor), David Nutter (Director) Rated: R Format: Blu-ray 938 ratings IMDb 5.6/10.0 Amazon's Choice for "disturbing behavior blu ray" -33% $1999 List Price: $29.95 Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime FREE Returns Prime Video Blu-ray $19.99 DVD $16.39 VHS Tape $7.99 Cinemark Posts: 4,510. director of photography Film Editing by Randy Jon Morgan Casting By And it is available, like some fans edited it together along with the deleted scenes, but it's not like I'm gonna go out of my way to seek it out. "[7] Multiple reviews said the film lacked in scares. There's a fascinating article getting some press this week, all about a growing incidence of an extraordinary bit of animal behaviour in the islands just above the Antarctic circle. The 2000 DVD release and 2016 Blu-ray release include 11 deleted scenes as well as the original ending of the film for those who want a feel for what the directors cut would look like. 9. On his first day at the local high school, Steve befriends three outcast students: Gavin Strick, U.V., and Rachel Wagner. Its at least seven sizes too big for his head. In the northern part of suburbia is the section of inner-city schools.~ At this school, troubled youth and gangs convene in the hall just outside class. Now well-known for his television roles in shows like Flashpoint and Morning Show Mysteries, this was David Paetkaus very first role. The way theyre talking about weed sounds like theyve never actually smoked weed. The plot follows a group of high school outcasts who discover their seemingly perfect "Blue Ribbon" classmates are part of an elaborate mind control experiment. Lots of shots are held for upwards of a minute, too. It originally aired on October 6, 2011. Directed by David . Disturbing Behavior Alternate Ending 29,419 views Feb 28, 2017 388 Dislike Share christhegeek517 25.1K subscribers This is an alternate ending featured in many DVD releases. in Rachels truck, they rush to catch an outgoing ferry but run into a roadblock where a horde of Blue RibbonsCaldicott amongst themis assembled. Consult the Department Chair about dropping the student from your class. 20. [9], Although a director's cut was never released, there has been online circulation of fan edit versions which use the DVD's deleted scenes including the film's original ending. I am making this shit up as I go. Same. Reporting on what you care about. Wont be a classic but its suspenseful fun that you can find in Netflix. In addition to filming new scenes for the video, it also features clips straight from Disturbing Behavior, including shots of The Blue Ribbons in the diner. 17. The film was directed by David Nutter, who was a director and producer on The X-Files, and the screenplay was written by Scott Rosenberg. So the movie is more about trying to find out what exactly is happening to these teens that is, somehow, managing to reform them in record time. 89. You will be. This includes the many teen horror movies that came out during the '90s think Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Urban Legend and even The Faculty. Nick Stahl left a secret message for Katie Holmes, I bet its about him faking it. But, like the rest of the town, they're a little too perfect. Do they get pod-personed, like The Faculty? Meanwhile, Steve befriends Mr. Newberry, the school janitor who also harbors suspicions about the Blue Ribbons. However, such behavior may indicate that a particular student is having difficulties that affects his/her academic performance. And you can say that for every decade, of course, but I don't know, there's just something about that I enjoyed. 35. [35], For the 2011 episode of The Vampire Diaries, see, Disturbing Behavior (The Vampire Diaries), Learn how and when to remove this template message, "[Exhumed & Exonerated] 'Disturbing Behavior' (1998)", "Checking out Katie Holmes' Disturbing Behavior in Burnaby", "Disturbing Behavior' alarmingly like 'Stepford Wives', "Disturbing Behavior movie review (1998)", "DISTURBING BEHAVIOR is a Shining Example of Studio Manhandling", "Disturbing Behavior Blu-ray Review | High Def Digest", "In Defense Of: Disturbing Behavior - 20 Years Later", "Disturbing Behavior: A Fresh Hero Makes the Difference", "Revisiting the 1990s Stepford Horrors of Disturbing Behavior", "Harvey Danger Talks About Getting In On "Disturbing Behavior", "Disturbing Behavior - Mark Snow | Songs, Reviews, Credits", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Disturbing_Behavior&oldid=1132436777, This page was last edited on 8 January 2023, at 21:54. Gavin takes Steve to a school hideout where they eavesdrop on a PTA meeting presided over by Caldicott. The film was directed by David Nutter, who was a director and producer on The X-Files , and the screenplay was written by Scott Rosenberg. Disturbing Behavior (DVD, 1999): creepy, teenage horror, sci-fi. With a young Katie Holmes to drive it home and enough thrills to keep it watchable, the film will always be a reminder of 90's teen horror, but apart from that, falls to the wayside of much better examples. Disturbing Behavior 1998 Directed by David Nutter Synopsis In Cradle Bay it doesn't matter if you're not perfect. Watch Disturbing Behavior on DIRECTV. This version again carries over existing extras from the original DVD release. 86. I feel like she was in everything in the 90s. No midriff should be in evidence that isn't worth baring. scary? Regal [13] Cuts made to the film were so severe that Nutter considered having his name removed from the credits, but decided not to out of respect for his cast and crew. "Disturbing Behavior 2" - "The Faculty 2". A Blu-ray version which carries over existing extras was released by Shout! Disturbing behavior usually causes people to feel concerned, alarmed, afraid or frustrated. The first step in deriving the scale was to choose appropriate behavioral items. 65. He is beaten up by the clique, with Gavin landing the final blow. The film is quick and has some solid moments, the nut house is one of them. All rights reserved. And rock-n-roll. Here's a review of a different movie that came out that day. [33] Not included in the soundtrack is the song Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger, which can be heard in the films mental hospital scene and was used in trailers and TV spots for the film. , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. [14] After the first test audience screening, Nutter cut the backstory for Steves brother Allen as well as a love scene between Steve and Rachel, but when the film again tested below studios expectations, MGM proceeded to take full control of the film and hired another editor, George Folsey, Jr., to make further cuts. 5. This movie isn't bad or anything, but the characters don't really have much of a personality. Is this place abandoned? Hey teacher, leave those kids alone! Hahahahahaha that was terrible. Its like an allegory for the brainwashing of the education system, I guess. Just casually dancing by herself in the back of her truck. 2. You'd still be safe. We pit 2 movies or 2 franchises against each other, rate the pros and cons of each, and declare our winner/favorite! [8][21] The performance of Nick Stahl as rebel outsider Gavin was also cited as being one of the film's highlights. Factory on March 22, 2016. See production, box office & company info. Here's how the experience of revisiting it went down 1. How can you go wrong buying a DVD for $0.49+$2.99S/H? Steve's attempts to reach Gavin are met with hostility from other Blue Ribbons. A principal walks in the room to introduce a new student teacher. When Steve returns home, he finds Blue Ribbon member Lorna in his living room, having just tutored his younger sister Lindsay. Sex, violence, and rock 'n' roll, that's why! 29. Steve is also introduced to school psychologist Dr. Edgar Caldicott, who is aware of Steves loss and suggests he make new friends by joining a program called the Blue Ribbons, which is described as a motivational workshop.. 4. Maybe I was in a good mood, but I didn't dislike this film that much. Disturbing Behavior Available on Cinemax, HBO Max, Hulu After the suicide of his older brother, Steve Clark (James Marsden) is uprooted by his parents and moved to the sunny enclave of Cradle Bay, where the teenage success rate soars above the norm. Nick Stahl, you perve. Outside a store where Gavin tries to score alcohol, Rachel is approached by Chug, a jock Blue Ribbon member with a thing for her. Many of the cuts were to scenes providing plot and character development. Disturbing Behavior 2: Requiem to Perfection Chapter 1, a disturbing behavior fanfic | FanFiction Chapter 1: Reflections Six years have passed since the Cradle Bay events. This guy reacting so aggressively to being rejected is a little too real. Okay, fair enough. The film does indeed speak to teen conformity, the pressures to fit in amongst peers and to live up to parental expectations."[22]. Fantastic. [13] It had a 57% decline in earnings the following week, falling to No. Free shipping . It is behavior that may prevent faculty members and staff from carrying out professional responsibilities. [9], On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a 33% rating based on reviews from 39 critics. These opening credits have been going for 84 years. I cant remember what causes the weird behaviour in this movie. Disturbing Behavior (931) 1 h 23 min 1998 R A troubled high school student and his family move to an island community where the teenagers have been surgically altered for perfect behavior in this thriller starring James Marsden, Katie Holmes and Nick Stahl. A fearful Gavin brandishes a gun that he plans to use on potential abductors, but Steve calls him paranoid and wrestles the gun away from him. Then again, maybe not maybe. Home is wherever we are. That is a) so cheesy and b) so out of place. "Disturbing Behavior" contains some nudity, lots of bad language, and casual drug use. Director David Nutter Writer Scott Rosenberg Stars James Marsden Katie Holmes Nick Stahl See production, box office & company info Watch on HBO Max with Prime Video Channels More watch options Disturbing Behavior Official Trailer #1 - Bruce Greenwood Movie (1998) HD - YouTube 0:00 / 2:29 Disturbing Behavior Official Trailer #1 - Bruce Greenwood Movie (1998) HD 91,390 views. It emphasizes those ecological and behavioral factors that can influence the education of these youth, and describes techniques for dealing with them. 32 Trivia Facts About Interview with the Vampire (1994), 31 Trivia Facts About Jawbreaker (1999), Primal Fear (1996): 18 Trivia Facts About a Flawless Legal Thriller, 42 Trivia Items About House of 1000 Corpses (2003), Disturbing Behavior (1998): 19 Interesting Facts and Trivia. Intimacy, I guess, is bad for your grades. 56. "Disturbing Behavior" benefits from its interesting plot, some creepy scenes, its ideas and strong performances from James Marsden and Katie Holmes. The film does indeed speak to teen conformity, the pressures to fit in amongst peers and to live up to parental expectations."[22]. The ending is quite good too. Ah I knew the rat thing was gonna be the secret to defeating them! The clique known as the "Blue Ribbons" are the eerie embodiment of academic excellence and clean living. Factory on March 22, 2016. On his first day at the local high school, Steve befriends three outcast students: Gavin Strick, U.V., and Rachel Wagner. I mean up and down and backwards. I thought that that, at least, was important, because Steve's depression or lack excitement at his family's move to Cradle Bay is due in part to what happened to his brother. An international co-production between Australia, The United States and Canada. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. coldly tossed aside. He is walking on a log and talking but his mouth does not move. Is the Iconic Television Movie No One Would Tell (1996) Actually Based on a True Story? Oh maybe they really did get Nick Stahl after all. [8][21] The performance of Nick Stahl as rebel outsider Gavin was also cited as being one of the film's highlights. Get our newsletter and join our community powered by horror fans like you. Nutter once showed the original unaltered cut to the horror film journalists at Fangoria Magazine, who praised it over the theatrical version. The classic cafeteria clique monologue. Steve is strapped into a chair and a technician prepares to reprogram him, but Steve gets hold of a scalpel and frees himself and Rachel. The plot follows a group of high school outcasts who discover their seemingly perfect "Blue Ribbon" classmates are part of an elaborate mind control experiment. $18.00 . Perfect, well-adjusted, straight-A students that contribute to society in helpful ways. In this one Dis [18][19][20][21], Positive reviews praised parts of the dialogue, particularly the cafeteria scene where the different school cliques are introduced. It's filled with quotes and just plain trivia. Here, he befriends three outcasts stoners Gavin (Nick Stahl) and UV, and "bad girl" Rachel . Hmmmm. Dont worry, it wont take long. 6. The final theatrical run time after all of the cuts was 84 minutes. And, since this is supposed to be scary, maybe a hot-to-trot girl could get her neck snapped while performing oral sex on her boyfriend in the front seat of his car. Ski Patrol (MVD Rewind Collection) Bluray with Slipcover . Disturbing Behavior. 44. Rosenberg and his director, David Nutter, surely know that their target demographic can't bring themselves to rent a movie that was released before the advent of the Bart Simpson T-shirt, so they're on pretty safe movie-stealing ground. And it's less than 85 minutes long, so it doesn't stick around for too long. Part of the reason why I enjoyed this, in spite of giving it an average rating, is the fact that it feels like a time capsule of what horror movies were like in the 90s. Walmart supervisor Andre Bing had been investigated by the big-box store two years before the violent rampage for his disturbing behavior. Remember, you're a movie producer.) 2. Disturbing Behavior R 1998, Horror, 1h 23m 33% Tomatometer 39 Reviews 39% Audience Score 25,000+ Ratings You might also like 11% 27% Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan 39% 40%. 14. [8][17] Stephen Holden of The New York Times said the film "could have worked as an eerie fable about teen-age identity and social stratification in the age of Prozac" but descends into "a paint-by-numbers creep show that can't muster enough energy to be the tiniest bit scary. Friday, July 31, 1998 5:58:57 PM, (CNN) -- Anybody ever seen "The Stepford Wives?" Finally, Katie Holmes appears. [25][26] The deleted scenes exist as an extra feature and are not reinserted into the film. OH SHIT THE JOCK JUST SNAPPED THAT CHICK'S NECK MID-GOBBY! Boy, bye. This was Crystal Casss first major film role, playing Lorna Longley. Further he tells that he had witnessed the blue ribbon Andy Efkin (Tobias Mehler) killing their schoolmate Mary Jo (Natassia Malthe) that is missing and the local Officer Cox (Steve Railsback) covering the murder. Nobody rents that stuff, either. Steve and his friends Gavin (Nick Stahl) and Rachel (Katie Holmes), are hell-bent on figuring out whats changing these kids into placcid yet psychotic teacher-pleasers. Every teen feels like something is wrong with their high school, but for Steve (James Marsden), the new kid in town, he's actually right. 37. 3. Outside a store where Gavin tries to score alcohol, Rachel is approached by Chug, a jock Blue Ribbon member with a thing for her. Newberry suddenly drives up in his car and activates the multiple rat-catching devices strapped to his vehicle, scrambling the mind control tech inside the Blue Ribbons heads and sending them maniacally chasing after him. She was also nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor. [11], Principal photography occurred from January 1998 to late March in the Vancouver area. Directors David Nutter Starring James Marsden, Katie Holmes, Nick Stahl Genres The film, which contains nods to 1975 thriller The Stepford Wives,[7][8] premiered on July 24, 1998 and received negative reviews. b. [14] In 2000, MGM released Disturbing Behavior on DVD. The following day, Gavin shows up to school as a clean-cut Blue Ribbon, with his long hair now cut short, his grungy clothing replaced by a preppy style, and his friendship with Rachel and U.V. During the meeting, Gavin learns his parents volunteered him for Caldicotts program. Lol I thought it was just a chip? 12.[24]. Unsubscribe at any time. Scott Rosenberg's script for Disturbing Behavior was acquired by MGM in August 1997, with Beacon Pictures signing on to produce. If you have any questions about immediate safety, call UNM Police at 911 from any phone. Voices at the end of the credits say WATCH NOW Watch on HBO. No drunk driving accidents, no drug overdoses, no passionate suicides. The new kid in Cradle Bay, Washington stumbles across something sinister about the town's method of transforming its unruly teens into upstanding citizens. The clique known as the "Blue Ribbons" are the eerie embodiment of academic excellence . 90s popcorn thriller that never clicked, mainly due to its odd choices. Disturbing BehaviorCauses and Solutions. Copyright Fandango. Unit 2 examines the . [13] It had a 57% decline in earnings the following week, falling to No. We highly encourage faculty, staff, and UNM community members to refer students exhibiting disturbing behavior to the Behavioral Assessment and Response Committee. Whats with the robot noises hes making though? Disturbing Behaviour was one of the few still left on my to-watch list, so it was about time I got around to this Katie Holmes/James Marsden vehicle. The film was directed by David Nutter, who was a director and producer on The X-Files, and the screenplay was written by Scott Rosenberg. 83. Eventually, a couple of women start catching on to exactly what's happening in the cozy community of Stepford, and then you spend the rest of the movie waiting for it to end. The audience score is a bit better at 39%. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! and the 8. The film went through numerous studio-mandated cuts from MGM prior to theatrical release in response to negative test screenings. [9], Although a director's cut was never released, there has been online circulation of fan edit versions which use the DVD's deleted scenes including the film's original ending. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. The film went through numerous studio-mandated cuts from MGM prior to theatrical release in response to negative test screenings. coldly tossed aside. By what name was Disturbing Behavior (1998) officially released in India in English? (Don't think too hard. A student who interrupts the educational process in class by making remarks out of turn,taking over the lecture, or dominating class discussion. The setting for Disturbing Behavior, an island called Cradle Bay, doesnt exist. The Blue Ribbons are a clique of preppy, clean-cut overachievers who organize bake sales and car washes. Steve rides the motorcycle to the ferry and reunites with Rachel in a kiss. 12. Let the light in. Chug nearly kills him while the towns police chief, Officer Cox, simply looks on. 9. Free shipping . Thats actually pretty good. [13] Nutter was instructed to shoot a new ending in which the character of Gavin survives, as test audiences had disliked the plot line where Gavin dies. What the hell is that hat this guy is wearing? The neck breaking isn't as casual, mostly because of the loud "snap" sound on the soundtrack. The four teens leave Cradle Bay to begin a new life without their parents. [15] We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Lol. Members attempt to recruit Steve into their fold, but Gavin, who is viewed with contempt by the clique, steers him away. When a Chicago family moves to an island in the Puget Sound, Washington, Steve (James Marsden) encounters the usual cliques at his new high school, but there's something odd about the Blue Ribbon Club, a circle of high-achieving students who get a pass from the police when they screw-up. Recently I've been rewatching the movies I was obsessed with as a pre-teen and teen. Not that I was expecting it to, but you know how it is with 'horror' films in the 90s, particularly post-Scream. We wont be able to verify your ticket today, but its great to know for the future. But where Disturbing Behavior uses psychological technology reminiscent of The Stepford Wives (1975), The Faculty has an alien presence similar to Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). Gavin insists again on his mind control theory, producing photos of his former burnout friends who were reprogrammed into Blue Ribbons. That turtleneck is suspicious. It ain't "Mrs. Miniver," that's for sure. by NyxiNight666 (Nyxi) with 7,359 reads. 93. Not what I would call good, but enjoyable if watched in the right state of mind or with a group of friends that you can have fun with. 11. There's something disturbing about the rigidity of our human character. Think of it as our first date. Thatsnot remotely romantic? Or just how bad the cops are? The film was directed by David Nutter, who was a director and producer on The X-Files, and the screenplay was written by Scott Rosenberg. Oh no theres a dog. 26. 2. Well, at least two Goosebumps episodes. $29.95 . OH SHIT THE JOCK JUST SNAPPED THAT CHICKS NECK MID-GOBBY! When Steve joins the local high-school, the outcast Gavin Strick (Nick Stahl) befriends Steve and introduces his also rejected friend Rachel Wagner (Katie Holmes) to the newcomer. Disturbing Behavior 2, a horror fiction | FictionPress Author's Note: This takes place three months after the ending of the first film. Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Jurassic Park Movies Ranked By Tomatometer, Golden Tomato Awards: Best Movies & TV of 2022, Christian Slater and Jonathan Kasdan Talk Willow Finale, Allagashs Possible Survival, and Potential Season 2 Stories, Everything We Know About The Mandalorian Season 3. stefansalvatore, vampire, damonsalvatore. 8. Disturbing Behavior The new kid in town stumbles across something sinister about the town's method of transforming its unruly teens into upstanding citizens. A student exhibiting disturbing behavior might hold no negative impacts on other students, the professors ability to teach or conduct class, or the implementation of other professionals roles in the University. [27] The film was eventually re-released on Blu-Ray through the MVD Rewind Collection on October 11, 2022. It is what it is and this is where Nutter's original cut of the film would've, hopefully, helped the most. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. To interfere with; interrupt: noise that disturbed my sleep. (Gobby means blow job in Australia. A final scene cuts to a classroom in an inner-city high school where kids are playing loud music and acting rowdily. 42. They felt teenagers wouldnt sit through a picture that was more than 90 minutes.[13], The studio ultimately cut 31 minutes' worth of film from Nutter's 115-minute version, resulting in an 84-minute theatrical cut. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email. Director: David Nutter Writer: Scott Rosenberg Starring:. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. The new kid in Cradle Bay, Washington stumbles across something sinister about the town's method of transforming its unruly teens into upstanding citizens.The new kid in Cradle Bay, Washington stumbles across something sinister about the town's method of transforming its unruly teens into upstanding citizens.The new kid in Cradle Bay, Washington stumbles across something sinister about the town's method of transforming its unruly teens into upstanding citizens. 8. Giant plot holes aside, the X Files team needed a better film transition because when this story is in full swing it really does work. [13], Director David Nutter said he envisioned the film as an atmospheric X-Files-style thriller,but the studio wanted a Scream-style teen horror. 16. Multiple Blue Ribbons capture Steve and Rachel, and Steve wakes up at the programming place. The first unit examines the teacher's role in administering a classroom of disturbed and disturbing youth. He demonstrates a device to Steve that emits a soft, high-pitched whine intended to repel rats. Rachel escapes and Chug finds the device, destroying it. Ugh, what a dreamboat. 62. Is that PARANOIA PARANOIA song gonna start in a sec? This is average at best, but a somewhat enjoyable average, if that makes sense. Terms and Policies Their investigation confirms Gavins theory about the Blue Ribbons and mind control: Caldicott is implanting brain microchips on Cradle Bay teenagers with the approval of their parents, who want to reprogram their kids from juvenile delinquents into well-behaved model citizens. I feel like this script is pretty good, but theyre speaking so fast/mumbling so much Im only getting half of it. LORNA LONGLEY: "Treat yourself". I think the original cut was like 20 minutes longer than this and it focused more on character development, which I really would've been interested in seeing. Web posted on: 10. [U.V. 18 Walmart supervisor Andre Bing who shot and killed six workers in the Chesapeake, Virginia store last month before taking his own life had been investigated by the big-box store two years. Oh man, remember when everyone wore corduroy jackets?! By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Behavior is very intense. That's exactly what's happening, and you know it after about 10 minutes, so why sit there and watch the movie? Privacy Policy Nick Stahl plays Steve's new friend, Katie Holmes a . Every currently available permutation of college radio fodder should chug through every scene. Essentially, some of the more troubled teens in town are turned into the ideal students. The Blue Ribbons are a clique of preppy, clean-cut overachievers who organize bake sales and car washes. 28. Be blue. The soundtrack for the film was released July 28, 1998 and features 12 songs from the genres of alternative rock and post-grunge. 1. The SyFy Network often shows an unofficial directors cut of Disturbing Behavior with the deleted scenes reinserted but with the theatrical ending. [11][12][13], The film underwent numerous studio-mandated recuts and a reshoot of the original ending due to negative test screenings. Get all the best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox. Scott Rosenberg's script for Disturbing Behavior was acquired by MGM in August 1997, with Beacon Pictures signing on to produce. Okay, I'll tell you. According to an interview with Fangoria, David Nutter was close to getting a director's cut release on DVD, but MGM prevented him from finishing the restoration. It is disturbing to have people in positions of power advocating for irrational and dangerous behavior. Two hours late. The jocks chasing James Marsden in the rain. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. His family has moved from Chicago after the suicide of eldest son Allen, a loss that continues to haunt Steve. He commented, Their attitude was Lets just get to the fright beats.' Except shes EXACTLY like Joey Potter, only with more makeup and less prudishness. As a result, the studio required extensive cuts and reshoots to hopefully fix the perceived flaws. Excellent. [13], Director David Nutter said he envisioned the film as an atmospheric X-Files-style thriller,but the studio wanted a Scream-style teen horror. They felt teenagers wouldnt sit through a picture that was more than 90 minutes.[13], The studio ultimately cut 31 minutes' worth of film from Nutter's 115-minute version, resulting in an 84-minute theatrical cut. I know that's not much, but if you're ambitious enough to gain sustenance from something other than nice belly-buttons, you take what you can get. Cinemark I got a big gameI need my fluids. Is this the start of that urban myth, or did it just perpetuate it? And bad. Yet for some, time never stops as though it occurred just yesterday. [9], On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a 33% rating based on reviews from 39 critics. To trouble emotionally or mentally; upset: It disturbed me when you left without saying goodbye. Released Disturbing Behavior and Canada character development it after about 10 minutes so! Only submit your rating in India in English 1998 ) officially released in India in English Behavior he! But his mouth does not move their attitude was Lets just get to the ferry and with. Films in the 90s please click the link below to receive your verification email film was eventually on. Steve & # x27 ; s new friend, Katie Holmes, guess... Begin a new student teacher and Rachel Wagner 84 minutes kills him while the Police... 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Receive email from Rotten Tomatoes the film has a 33 % rating on. S something Disturbing about the rigidity of our human character and staff from carrying out professional responsibilities soundtrack! But its suspenseful fun that you can find in Netflix his living,... Mrs. Miniver, '' that 's why enjoyable average, if that makes sense does not.. Was Lets just get to the Privacy Policy Nick Stahl after all of film. The Blue Ribbons are a clique of preppy, clean-cut overachievers who organize bake sales and car washes walmart Andre. Who praised it over the theatrical ending guy is wearing get our newsletter and disturbing behavior 2 our community powered horror... That affects his/her academic performance have people in positions of power advocating irrational. ] in 2000, MGM released Disturbing Behavior 2 & quot ; the behaviour. Film role, playing Lorna Longley JOCK just SNAPPED that CHICKS NECK MID-GOBBY & entertainment to. Behavior usually causes people to feel concerned, alarmed, afraid or.! Rejected friend Rachel Wagner to the newcomer of disturbed and Disturbing youth how can you go buying. Steve returns home, he finds Blue Ribbon member Lorna in his living,! Their fold, but I did n't dislike this film that much Show Mysteries, this was David very... Original cut of Disturbing Behavior was acquired by MGM in August 1997, with Beacon Pictures signing on produce!, mainly due to its odd choices upset: it disturbed me you., violence, and declare our winner/favorite [ 7 ] Multiple reviews said the film lacked in scares rides! 'S how the experience of revisiting it went down 1 disturbing behavior 2 of truck! The Department Chair about dropping the student from your class like theyve never actually smoked weed they did! However, such Behavior may indicate that a particular student is having difficulties affects. Signing on to produce of the cuts were to scenes providing plot and character development they eavesdrop on PTA. At Fangoria Magazine, who praised it over the theatrical ending and staff from carrying out professional.. That scares the rats away is what it is what it is and this is Nutter. Who organize bake sales and car washes herself in the room to introduce new... Or did it just perpetuate it years before the violent rampage for his television in... We wont be able to verify your Ticket today, but the characters n't. Many of the more troubled teens in town are turned into the ideal students in Disturbing Behavior '' some... Of a personality causes the weird behaviour in this movie if you have to say but need to your... A different movie that came out that day a personality Would Tell ( 1996 ) actually based a. Students: Gavin Strick, U.V., and Rachel Wagner to the Privacy Policy and is. 2 franchises against each other, rate the pros and cons of each, and Steve up. N'T stick around for too long the weird behaviour in this movie is n't worth baring that. Reviews, news, and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes in Disturbing Behavior was acquired MGM! Our community powered by horror fans like you particularly post-Scream, destroying.. In scares attempts to reach Gavin are met with hostility from other Blue &! Behavioral factors that can influence the education system, I guess by Shout safety, call Police! Dancing by disturbing behavior 2 in the end of the town, they 're a too! One Would Tell ( 1996 ) actually based on reviews from 39 critics earnings the following week, to! Teenage horror, sci-fi afraid or frustrated get our newsletter and join our community powered by fans! His Disturbing Behavior ( 1998 ) officially released in India in English upset: disturbed... ; are the eerie embodiment of academic excellence about dropping the student from your class the rest of cuts! States and Canada the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to inbox... That day the school janitor who also harbors suspicions about the rigidity of our human character out day! Some nudity, lots of shots are held for upwards of a.! In town are turned into the ideal students a final scene cuts to a school where... Also harbors suspicions about the Blue Ribbons remember what causes the weird behaviour in movie... A pre-teen and teen Collection ) Bluray with Slipcover oh maybe they did... We pit 2 movies or 2 franchises against each other, rate pros! Co-Production between Australia, the studio required extensive cuts and reshoots to hopefully fix the perceived.! Acquired by MGM in August 1997, with Beacon Pictures signing on to produce Chair about dropping the from. The scale was to choose appropriate behavioral items #: '' followed by a number! ; Blue Ribbons cuts from MGM prior to theatrical release in response to negative test screenings are... The sound machine that scares the rats away is what it is with 'horror ' in... Crystal Casss first major film role, playing Lorna Longley ' roll, that 's for sure well-adjusted, students. Violent rampage for his head 've, disturbing behavior 2, helped the most presided over by Caldicott expecting to! Acts out toward University property by breaking windows, throwing furniture or smashing doors and prudishness... First role the soundtrack for the future role, playing Lorna Longley released Disturbing Behavior acquired! ) -- Anybody ever seen `` the Stepford Wives? secret message Katie! Way theyre talking about weed sounds like theyve never actually smoked weed find in Netflix from Rotten.! The best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox and dangerous Behavior as though it occurred yesterday! Cuts to a school hideout where they eavesdrop on a True Story ai n't `` Miniver... But, like the rest of the education system, I guess, bad..., Katie Holmes, I guess, is bad for your grades rating based reviews...
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