13/12u (Pool CC-FF) Division Championship. Diamond Nation is dedicated to providing top level instruction and facilities for serious players looking to take their game to the next level. 410.252.5642, Copyright 2023, 3STEP Sports. Your highlight reel can be made from any film you own. It feels so good!" says Keys. Premier Baseball of Texas. Tri-County Sports . *Diamond Classic Summer Showcase*. We've all heard the stories about how recruiters and scouts sometimes "stumble" upon a great young baseball talent - or don't find them at all. After the event you will get an email notification when the film is ready prompting you to log in. The officials will enforce this rule using their timing devices. Now Playing in Picture Show at Berlin. The Diamond Summer Invitational is a great way for high school players to play competitive lacrosse later in the summer season. These clips are 100% editable and can be used with any editing software. Having the ability to compare notes with actual game footage, or better yet, a highlight reel, is crucial in the recruiting process. Diamond Sports group also conducts national combines and camps for various sports to include Football, Baseball . If a game is in progress: Subsequent games will begin immediately after the preceding games (teams will warm up on the sideline prior to the game). Wentworth Institute of Technology Send it to us below. This sideline evaluation tool will allow college coaches to access the most up to date athlete information, build a strategic recruiting schedule onsite, and focus their recruiting efforts on the players they are most interested in. Before you submit this roster, you must verify that all players have been sent and have accepted their invitation to join this team for this particular event. If you have twins on your roster, you will need to re-send an invitation to the same parent again after they have registered their first child. After the event, we will notify you when the film is processed and when the footage is ready. 2006 (24) $0.00 +$0.00 processing fee, Team Captain: At tournaments, there are only so many athletes a coach can see and often the coachs assistants are sent to help with scouting. June 17-19, 2022. No grills, generators, noisemakers, or air horns are allowed. No refunds will be issued for games cancelled for forfeits, no shows, etc. Lander University VA-BWSL Richmond 17 Coats: 52: TX-TeamXpress 17 Black : 44: USJN/Nike 17U National Championships. Click on EDIT under the players name and enter jersey number. At Aloha Recruiting Events, we hire many College Coaches as sideline coaches, instructional clinic coaches and coaches to present seminars to players and parents. INVITATIONALS 15u-17u Created for those elite high-school-aged teams. Deposits are non-refundable for all Aloha TournamentsLacrosse team events. RPI CCBC Essex. In the event severe weather or other scenarios present a dangerous situation for our videographers or nearby spectators to be around the elevated equipment, NLV will move to the best grounded vantage point a facility allows. All rules will be in accordance with Current NCAA standards unless otherwise noted. All film is being provided AT NO COST to all participants. Also, there will be no refund of entry fees due to uncontrollable circumstances or not complying with tournament rules. Design and crafted to showcase the beautiful characteristics of oak, It features dovetailed drawers, solid panelling and diamond dowel detail to give stylish traditional look. Anderson University Our team is available to help answer any and every question that you can think of. The Columbus Day Showdown is a two-game guarantee and a free event for the teams that qualify. Here you can browse our inventory of jewelry, from engagement rings to diamond pendants to men's cuff links. . The Diamond Summer Lacrosse Showcase is an educational and showcase event for Male High School Lacrosse players. First Name * Last Name * Why do you NEED video? Tournament will consist of pool play games and a championship game. . If you want us to use film that is located on Hudl or Krossover, you must download it in order to send it to us through our file uploader that can be accessed from your customer dashboard. Box 485 Last year over 65 college coaches from across the country attended to observe, coach and instruct players throughout the weekend. Between the boys and girls combined, Chase Fieldhouse in Wilmington, Del., hosted 13 five-star players in the 2023 and 2024 classes. Showcases offer athletes a chance to get evaluated by a large group of college coaches. Teams attending an Aloha TournamentsLacrosse team event must pay an initial deposit with the full balance due in full 60 days prior to the event. Highlight reels may still be purchased. Medical documentation will be required for individuals who cannot attend due to injury or illness. Credits and refunds will be processed a minimum of 60 days after the event. 14A - 16u - 18u. If they step out of the box, this will result in a turnover, Timeouts must be called on your offensive end in accordance with NCAA rules. Hours. All teams must check in please see updated rules. It will feature 150+ of the top Male High School players in the Classes of 2023, 2024,2025 and 2026. Stockton University Players should start compiling a library of game footage in preparation to create a highlight reel. Age Group: 14U, 16U, 18U. Concordia University Chicago TravelSports.com, Hockey Parker is a senior at West High School and has played on Diamond summer Showcase teams. Want to skip the long lines at the counter and earn free rental days? January 16 Monday. 22350 South Diamond Lake Road. On the left column click on ROSTER. BLACK = SIGNED PLAYER Welcome to the Battle of the Borders PGF College Showcase Tournament! If your team does forfeit a game, your team will not be allowed into another USA Elite Showcase event. No credit or refund requests of any kind will be granted if a cancelation is made less than 60 days prior to the scheduled event date. Players and fans must go to the tournaments designated safe shelter. The Super 16 Top 25 will be a three-game event. All footage will be sent within 14 days or less from the ENDING point of the event. No refunds will be issued for playoff or championship games canceled due to weather. Players wristband will be provided in the team packets. Why do you NEED video? A leader in showcasing dedicated youth and high school players from 3rd-12th grade. Girls Summer Slam Lacrosse Tournament | Victory Event Series Girls Summer Slam 2023 - Stay and Play #GirlsSummerSlam Important Information DATES | June 24-25, 2023 LOCATION Westtown School (West Chester, PA) PRICING 1-3 Teams: High School Teams (2024, 2025, 2026, 2027): $1,550/team Youth Teams (2028, 2029, 2030): $1,450/team It will also publish online rankings, key stats and social media recognition. 2019 Warrior Diamond Summer Showcase - Baltimore, Maryland. Diamond Direction Invitational All entries must be submitted thorught the PGF webiste. Wednesday, July 24, 2019- Thursday, July 25, 2019. No disputes will be heard after the game. For every strike observed, the 30-minute timer is reset. Aloha has ALSO secured reduced rates for highlight reels from this event. Sign up for Hertz Gold Reward by clicking here. We cannot guarantee the attendance of any coaches. La Roche University JERSEY# Name Grad Year - HS School State City Primary Pos College Commited To H/T Other Pos . These clips are 100% editable and can be used with any editing software. Individuals who have not paid in full (deposit only or partial balance) will receive a 50% credit of the balance paid. 5 Game Guarantee. . You must watch and submit a time index of up to 15 plays you would like used in your highlight film to NLV. If an individual that has registered and paid in full wishes to withdraw and submits a request at least 60 days prior to the scheduled event date, Aloha/Diamond Lacrosse will issue a full credit less the initial deposit amount a or a full refund less the initial deposit amount. All Rights Reserved. Quincy University Sticks must meet either NCAA or NFHS standards. Every attempt will be made to begin subsequent games on time. League management software by LeagueApps. All Rights Reserved, Regular Price - $250, save when ordered with this event, *This is an add-on, must add film package to cart first, Regular Price - $400, save when ordered with this event. NLV Premier Highlights are an individual highlight reel for a player made using our full line of graphics. From there, log into your account and follow the prompts to choose your team and which game(s) you want! Those teams not paid in full (deposit only or partial balance) will receive a 50% credit of the balance paid. Tournament will consist of pool play games and playoffs. St. Marys College of Maryland Our team is available to help answer any and every question that you can think of. Diamond Summer Lacrosse Showcase Diamond Lacrosse Showcase July 15, 2022 300 Garrison Forest Rd, Owings Mills, MD 21117 Claim your business Overview Details Specialties Facilities Hotels Reviews Overview Diamond Summer Lacrosse Showcase is a lacrosse clinic that takes place in Owings Mills, MD Levels Boys High School Ages 2005 (23) 2006 (24) Every attempt will be made to begin subsequent games on time. If you play on two teams, you will need to order a second video package to get access to a second teams worth of footage. If an event is involuntarily cancelled, teams paid in full will be offered a 90% credit or a 50% refund of their paid in full balance. NFHS/USA Lacrosse/Modified NCAA rules with the following modifications and/or points of emphasis. No player may compete, or be rostered, on more than one team during the tournament. We will not login to access your Hudl or Krossover accounts. JavaScript is not enabled in your browser. Tomball, TX. Failure to do so will result in aturnover, and the ball will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of theviolation. After the event you will get an email notification when the film is ready prompting you to log in. North Greenville University We had over 50 schools in attendance last year. The level of detail and dedication that Class has with every athlete at the event was something special. Individual Events: Involuntary Cancellation Policy ????? Diamond Exposure College Showcase #4: 16u & 18u: metal: 3: College Fields: $1275: Click Here: JOIN OUR MAILING LIST. MAY 27-28, 2023 FALL 2021 SCHEDULE FL PGF SUMMER STATE CHAMPIONSHIP - NEWBERRY, FL JUNE 3-4, 2023 FALL 2021 SCHEDULE USSSA CF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP - SEMINOLE CO/APOPKA/KISSIMMEE, FL JUNE 17-18, 2023 FALL 2021 SCHEDULE PGF BATTLE ON THE DIAMOND SUMMER SHOWCASE - NEWBERRY, FL JULY 7-9, 2023 FALL 2021 SCHEDULE TIER ONE SUMMER SHOWCASE - PLANT CITY, FL In order to submit entry you must be sanctioned first. Learn more here if you are a college coach and want to learn more about recruiting or coaching and offerings at Aloha Recruiting Events. What this means is only you will have rights to access and download the footage, you CANNOT share with others who did not purchase the game(s). It will also publish online rankings, key stats and social media recognition. College coaches will be on the sidelines throughout the weekend coaching players during their games. As long as you own the rights to the film, we can use it. It is possible that we will film over 1000 games including multiple events in once weekend. January 15 Sunday. HOT WEATHER SAFETY: Tournament Director will monitor the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature. Substitution Box will be 10 yards in accordance with the 2019 NCAA rules. It will also publish online rankings, key stats and social media recognition. "This weekend is going to be a sports tourism. BLUE = JUNIORS (2025) Plays will appear in your video in the order you list them on the index. The coachs assistant will take notes on players and report back to the coach. 8. It will feature 150+ of the top Male High School players in the Classes of 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. 280 Schoolhouse Rd Unit D Using SportsRecruits, we will put the student-athletes in control of what information is provided to college coaches. This event is hosted at the incredible Dell Diamond Stadium in Austin, TX, and will be the premier recruiting event for high school . Decisions on the field will be the final ruling. DeSales University Northern Exposure Summer Showcase July 14-16, 2023 | 18 Gold, 18U, 16, and 14U | $1150.00 per team Register Now Countdown To Summer Showcase: 1 8 9 Days 1 8 Hrs 1 2 Min 0 0 Sec Download Tournament Packet July Team Schedule Event Info Weather Alerts In cases of bad weather we may need to revise our event schedules. Off-ball play is just as important as the ball carrier and its crucial to see the play develop. Individuals who have not paid in full (deposit only or partial balance) will receive a 50% credit of the balance paid. At the end of each game the referee will record the official score and sign the scorecard. If a foul is committed, the offending player will be placed 5 yards behind the player with the ball. The list of required sponsor hotels will be posted by December 1, 2022. All games refers to all games for ONE Team (not all games at the event). Teams attending an Aloha TournamentsLacrosse team event must pay an initial deposit with the final balance due in full 60 days prior to the event. $0.00 +$0.00 processing fee, Small Group Member: You must watch and submit a time index of up to 20 plays you would like used in your highlight film to NLV. - Privacy Policy, In an effort to meet all of the recruiting needs for our high school players, Aloha Tournaments has partnered with [. LVLC Lightning (PA) Next Level Video observes strict security measures related to sharing and security of footage. With the addition of our new field and restructured event formats, we are now able to host the majority of our showcase event games on-site at Diamond Nation! 2. You will be able to view the entire game(s) streaming online and download up to twenty 45-second clips of your athlete per game(s). This past summer DP hosted an 'open showcase' for 2023-2026 graduates in June at Lexington High School, and the 15th Annual 'invite-only' Palmetto Games will be back at USC's Fouders Park on August 13-14. . It is each teams responsibility to ensure that a the game will be played. Dartmouth College 4. Methodist University . + Transaction Fee, Free Agent: ALOHA TOURNAMENTS has taken care of the fee and purchased film packages on behalf of all participants. Or, if you dont want to now, you can always find this form at the bottom of the page labeled Contact us / send feedback. It in no way restricts your ability to edit the footage into a recruiting highlight reel for your athlete. The 2022 SHOWCASE took place virtually via a live stream event on Tuesday, Feb. 8 and Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 1:00 PM, PT, 4:00 PM, PT and 7:00 PM, PT. IL. The album was recorded this summer while Alicia was on her sold-out European tour. 2020 Diamond Summer Showcase Jul 22 23, 2020 Baltimore, MD. A diamond combine is a great experience to showcase your speed and agility. Deposits are non-refundable for all Aloha Tournaments Lacrosse team events. 2018 NCAA Clearing Rules Advancing the Ball into the Attack Area:Upon gaining possession of the ball, a team must advancethe ball into its attack area within 30 seconds. With over 15 years of tournament organizing experience and 50 years of baseball experience, we provide competitive tournaments for your young ball players. Teams attending an Aloha TournamentsLacrosse team event must pay an initial deposit with the full balance due in full 60 days prior to the event. $0.00 +$0.00 processing fee per player. Delaware Valley University Delaware Valley University These games will consist of one 25 minute running time period until games are back on schedule. SportsRecruits, the exclusive recruiting tool of Aloha, is providing resources for families & college coaches in attendance at our events! DOLLAR RENT A CAR - click here to take advantage of discounted rates, THRIFTY CAR RENTAL - click here to take advantage of discounted rates, ENTERPRISE/NATIONAL - click here to take advantage of discounted rates. Finish games before inclement weather arrives or to preserve field conditions. We bring in the top college coaches and professional scouts from across the country in order to make sure the players in our events are getting a chance to play at the next level! If a goalie crosses the midfield line his teammate must stay onside. Off-ball play is just as important as the ball carrier and its crucial to see the play develop. Diamond Elite. Hood College If a game is in the first half of running time when play resumes it will be the start of the second half of the running time period. $0.00 per player +$0.00 processing fee per player, Team Player: Games will begin promptly. If the stick is not legal, the appropriate penalty will be assessed. After offensive team touches ball in offensive zone, ball cannot cross midline. Click Here For Schedule Updates Lees-McRae College Box 485 02/04. True state championship!!! If you're playing in one of those noted divisions, your team's matches are going to be filmed and we don't need to know in advance - so you are all set even if you didn't tell us. During these periods they watch footage - more specifically, highlight reels of players, a compilation of their best overall plays from multiple games only a couple of minutes in length, approximately 15-20 plays total. Diamond/Aloha Lacrosse will not be responsible for any ancillary or related expenses incurred by any individual, family, club or organization if the individual wishes to withdraw. Please review Section D of our Terms and Conditions for further information on whats included. Tournament Packet click here, 6 Game Showcase (Game Balls Included. An Aloha Tournaments representative will then pick up the scorecard and return it to the registration tent. Phone: 623-764-2639. Please read the event product description to see what is being auto covered at your event. Birmingham, AL 35243 Contact Us 205.201.7400 infoBhm@diamondsdirect.com Hours Placement in grade based divisions will be determined by the highest grade of any player on the team. One (1) 45 second timeoutwill be permittedin every game. Plain and simple it increases exposure during the recruiting process. The Summer Invitational will be held at McDonogh School in Owings Mills, MD. No credit or refund requests of any kind will be granted if a cancelation is made less than 60 days prior to the scheduled event date. All scores and point totals will be recorded on the scoreboard in front of the registration tent. P.O. Please Note: This package comes with a SINGLE USER LICENSE. All games refers to all games for ONE Team (not all games at the event). Those teams not paid in full (deposit only or partial balance) will receive a 50% credit of the balance paid. There will be no stick checks unless requested by the opposing coach. The Diamond Lacrosse Showcase is open to any and all entrants. Diamond Summer Showcase: 07/15/2022: Owings Mills, MD----High. To do this, please visit your Aloha Dashboard and under . Weather, Facility Closure, COVID-19, Injury, etc. Other benefits of having film are to review your game play, show friends and family, and share on social media. Cheshire CT 06410. If the start of the second half of the suspended game delays the onset of the subsequent game the following actions will occur: The suspended game will play a 20 minute running time second half. Each team will receive 1 point. OH-Dayton Lady Hoopstars 13 Black Allen: 51: IN-JBF Midwest Finest 13: 47: . 90 College Coaches in Attendance in 2021. Lincoln Memorial University Follow the detailed instructions below to book your discounted airfare: Questions about the booking process? EVENT DETAILS The top 5 teams from the Father's Day Classic, 15u World Series, Super 15 Invitational, Beat the Heat and Boys of Summer will qualify to compete at the end of the summer in the Super 15 Top 25. Our showroom may be the only place in the South where Auburn and Alabama fans can coexist since we love supporting both teams! Send Your Feedback All teams must submit their team roster by March 1, 2023. VOLUNTARY CANCELLATION POLICY TEAM CHOOSES TO WITHDRAW. Summer Showcase Rosters: 2022 30 May 2022 08:02 -Diamond Prospects Summer Showcase- June 7-8, 2022 @ Lexington HS -Schedule & Player Notes- Tweet DP Central dp Fall Showcase dp Fall League Central dp Watch List Club 90 Commitments - Class of 2023 Commitments - Class of 2024 Commitments - Class of 2025 College Directory Palmetto Pros MLB.com 10. All fields are required. Credits or refunds will be processed a minimum of 60 days after the date of the request to withdraw. And that's why we created Diamond Exposure Showcases. Additional Information. Order of Finish: 1)Win/Loss records,2)Run-Allowed and3)Head to Head 4) Coin Toss- will be used to determine first place finishers in each bracket. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc). Each team will be awarded one time out and the clock will stop. Deposits are non-refundable for all Aloha Tournaments Lacrosse team events. As a service we take requests from players who would like to participate but do not have a team if your team is in need of an extra player please contact jen@usaelitetraining.com for names. Dates: 06/17/2022 - 06/19/2022. All Rights Reserved, Regular Price - $250, save when ordered with this event, *This is an add-on, must add film package to cart first, Regular Price - $400, save when ordered with this event. Parker's hard work over the last year and a half is paying off. Alderson Broaddus University We will also be adding a few Summer Showcase events for the 15/16U & 17/18U age groups. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc). The Diamond Summer Invitational is a great way for high school players to play competitive lacrosse later in the summer season. Individuals attending a Diamond/Aloha Lacrosse individual event must pay an initial deposit with the final balance due 60 days prior to the event. Accolades: Summer Showcase 2021 : Register to read more . It in no way restricts your ability to edit the footage into a recruiting highlight reel for your athlete. It made for an incredible weekend for players to showcase everything they have earned in their young careers. 6. The number of games filmed in a weekend could dictate the turnaround time, footage will be made available within 14 days from the conclusion of the event. We can simplify the whole process and point you in the right direction. Championship Overtime Championship game will consist of unlimited 4-minute periods until a goal is scored. Premier Baseball of Texas Tomball, TX. 2023 Canadian College & University Showcase. The purpose of purchasing film is to use it for the college recruiting process. Canisius College In the event of a 3+ team tie, the tiebreaker process starts at step 2. Fusion Canada West (CAN) If a team that has paid in full wishes to withdraw and submits a request at least 60 days prior to the scheduled event date, Aloha Tournaments Lacrosse will issue a full credit less the initial deposit amount or a full refund less the initial deposit amount. Deposits are non-refundable for all Aloha/Diamond Lacrosse individual events. You will be able to view the entire game(s) streaming online and download up to twenty 45-second clips of your athlete per game(s). Diamond Showcase has partnered with Southwest Airlines and 3Step Sports to offer discounted airfare to families attending our events (must be enrolled in Southwest Rapid Rewards to participate). If time expires before the inning is completed, the batter is finished and the game is over immediately (Drop Dead) and the score will revert to the last complete inning, unless the home team is up to bat and are ahead in the score or have tied the score. The ability to download an entire full game file not in clip form is restricted with a Single User License and is only available with a Team Package order containing a Multi-User License. The team roster is a online editable PDF form that can be found on the website tab Team roster. Follow this link to reserve a room Diamond Summer Invitational Hotel Link, McDonogh School 8600 McDonogh Road, Owings Mills, MD 21117, Garrison Forest School 300 Garrison Forest Road, Owings Mills, Maryland 21117. When contacting a college coach, one of the first things they'll ask for is to see your highlights. The Best in the South II Showcase, held August 14th and 15th of 2021, will be one of the most popular events Texas will ever see! Mount St. Marys University Aloha TournamentsLacrosse will not be responsible for any ancillary or related expenses incurred by any individual, team, club or organization if the tournament is canceled in whole or in part. Teams will have one 30 second timeout per game not to be used in the last two minutes of the game (the clock will not stop during these timeouts). ALOHA TOURNAMENTS has taken care of the fee and purchased film packages on behalf of all participants. Credits or refunds will be processed a minimum of 60 days after the date of the request to withdraw. LaGrange College See below for additional information. Playing time will consist of 2 twenty minute running time halves with a 3 minute halftime. Having the ability to compare notes with actual game footage, or better yet, a highlight reel, is crucial in the recruiting process. , 2019- Thursday, July 25, 2019 every question that you think! Return it to us below Primary Pos college Commited to H/T Other Pos, show friends family! Event ) that you can browse our inventory of jewelry, from rings! 16 top 25 will be a three-game event be provided in the Summer.. Notification when the film is processed and when the film, we will over... Made using our full line of graphics, team player: games will begin promptly game to the is... Will appear in your highlight reel for your young ball players December,. Compiling a library of game footage in preparation to create a highlight reel your. 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