Customize any above ground pool . 54" Wall | 8 Year Full Warranty | Free Shipping. If you have any doubts about the cause of the divots, you can get under the liner. Happy Bottom is only one of the products that do more damage to an above ground pool that good. I do not see any air bubbles coming from the bottom anywhere. Above ground swimming pool care can cost you a lot of money. Allow it to fill to the right level. Pool Filters You either have to replace the pool wall or the whole pool. With about six inches of water in the pool the sand moves a lot better and you could do a lot of smoothing. Scraping some dirt out from under the bottom rails usually allows the wall to go back into place. I start by digging all the dirt out from around the pool back at least a foot, two feet is better. Some of these bows were still present when we were finished with our install. Drain the pool down a foot or so, pull the liner back and have a look. We are here to help you with information and advice on pool maintenance, pool repairs and swimming pool building. You can get an oval-shaped or round Tuscany pool to set the pace for summer. Meanwhile, the round Tuscany pools range from 15 feet in diameter to 27 feet in diameter. I'm sure some people will give me flack for this one, but people ask me about Happy Bottom, and I am going to tell those who are willing to listen. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Capacity: 2,700 gallons. The liner does have a lot of wrinkles on the floor and divots all over the floor and around the bottom of the wall but none are leaking though. There is very little you can do with a pool full of water, the sand moves very little. All Rights Reserved. He came over and said this is okay and when the water gets in, it will push the wall back out. If a liner is not wanting to stretch, it could be pulling down on the wall. Pour the primer into a paint tray. How concerned should I be about this? It took the pool filling with water to push them out. Trowel and smooth the vermiculite/cement mix flat and level, at a consistent depth of 1.5. Shop By Pool Model. As the water fills the pool, the movements will help make the bottom smoother and smoother. Must triple shock if you have black or mustard algae. So my suggestion would be to leave it alone until you need to change the liner. Now you have the idea behind the smooth bottom of an above-ground pool. The wall is bowed and pushed down a little as well in one section. It is best to use your garden hose to fill the pool about 6 inches so the liner stretches slowly. It simply does no good for your pool. Solar Pool Cover on During the Day Bad or Good Idea? Ants, moles and other burrowing animals damage the sand bottom of an inground pool by building tunnels in it. They are also on the sloped part near the sides. You'd have to drain the pool, pull the liner back (if it's flexible enough to allow it) to expose the areas you're talking about, pack them with sand - like a #3 wash sand - wetting it and tamping it, make sure the area is pretty level, and then re-hang the liner. Wall Height: 2.75 feet. I tried reversing the dent by gently pushing it from the inside with my finger but I was afraid of puncturing the liner. Wait until the water reaches an inch or two and step out of the swimming pool. Roll the wheelbarrow into pool on a stable ramp, or hand 5-gal buckets to a helper in the pool. Hello, We have a 24 foot by 52 inch above ground pool that was given to us. Water will try to find an easier way out. Everything ElseAbove Ground Pool. I recently had a 17' above ground pool installed on a sand base. When all three are combined and troweled out, you get a strong smooth surface for your liner to lay on. Don't take out any more water than necessary and the liner should reset very easily. This would cause the wall to bend. Interestingly though, above ground pool walls usually rust from the inside out. It then gets put back into the hole and installed back into the bottom track. Private Counsel You can either go with Rolled Foam or Armed Guard. You do this with dark blue Sure Seam tape. Repeat this until the water starts to cover you. The maker says it acts as a vapor barrier, keeping potentially harmful water away from metal components while smoothing out the bottom for a flat and more appealing surface. Digging to remove sod using this means is also advantageous because it'll, in the long run, make the pool wall sturdy and less prone to scratches, dents, and accidental damage. There are some shapes on the bottom in the shape of the tamp tool used on the sand. An above ground swimming pool has a thin corrugated wall system that is usually made of steel. All metal-walled above-ground pools have wall bolts to connect both ends of the wall. Oval Pools, General Pool Is this now a "weak spot"? makes liners to fit your above ground swimming pool. All Rights Reserved. Line up the metal channels to the edge of the wall piece and drill holes all the way through. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. But again, there's no harm in it. There are several problems with this product that I am going to address in this blog. It pushes hard against the side wall and if the water level lowers by just a little bit, the wall is pulled down. We recently had a new pool installed it is a 21 above ground. Dry the dent on the side of the pool completely. With nowhere to go, the pool walls remain wet around the clock and never have a chance to dry out. If you are planning on installing an above-ground pool yourself you can find self installation kits from between $1500 and $4500. Pool Parts End of last year I had one divot, 4 inches across, installer claimed a pin hole started it. . I know this is not right. Above-Ground Pool Liner can stretch about 2-3 inches without touching it. If you are having no water issues, shocking every 4-6 weeks could be appropriate. After the pool was filled I noticed that there was a large dent on bottom of pool right at the post so I called the installers back out and he shook the crap out of my pool and created another dent at the next post. Store the dent puller until you need it for your next repair project. For over 50 years, our 19 locations through Southern Ontario have helped over 60,000 customers turn their backyard dreams into reality. Any new postings here are unlikely to be seen or responded to by other members. The two most common types of materials used in laying setting up a base ground for an above-ground pool even by ground pool experts include: Mason sand, mainly referred to as pool sand, creates an exceptionally smooth bottom layer. Ants, moles and other burrowing animals damage the sand bottom of an inground pool by building tunnels in it. Dealing with Stains & Metals, . I noticed a small dent at the bottom of the pool and dont know what to do. If there were some wrinkles left, you could also use a plunger to pull the liner and smooth the bottom. Scrape the trowel across the floor to fill the damaged area, and smooth the vermiculite out in an . and 'Minerals' & 'Ions', Chlorine Alternatives: UV, Ozone, Baquacil (PHMB), etc, Pool Startup, Shutdown, & Winter Operation, Replacing an IG pool liner; algae in vermiculite, pinholes in liner at the bottom of an in-ground pool. the pool is in its' 5th season, at the end of last summer I discovered two spots that feel like small craters in the slooped sides of the pool. The reason is simple: TFPC (Trouble Free Pool Care) is a methodology, not a product that you must purchase. Note: After laying the sand, use a leveler to ensure the base is level before you can set up the pool. The maker says it acts as a vapor barrier, keeping potentially harmful water away from metal components while smoothing out the bottom for a flat and more appealing surface. You should leave the skimmer and return on the pool, this also helps to keep the liner in the proper position. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do. In general then, the water level will be about six inches below the top of the pool. Steel above ground pool walls have many different layers of paint and rust preventative kind of stuff. The algae was brutal. When deciding which you want, measure the available space. Then, make the area completely level. First, mark out the area where the pool will go. If it is out of the bottom track the track will need to be cleaned and the wall put back in. Hm I think that's unlikely for me since I have several. Hi, I emptied the pool to fix a hole and when it was mostly empty we had a lot of rain that caused an earth wall next to the pool to collapse and push in the side of the pool. The new ones are small now and are all patched even though I seen no holes. the pool is in its' 5th season, at the end of last summer I discovered two spots that feel like small craters in the slooped sides of the pool. Many sizes are in stock using true 20 gauge vinyl. The Bestway Steel Pro above-ground pool comes in multiple sizes, offering something for every backyard and budget. When using sand under your vinyl liner is doesn't hold its form as well as Vermic. Spray multi-surface cleaner onto the damaged exterior of the pool. These bolts run through the wall from the top to the bottom in a straight line. Next is to fill the water as you smoothen the bottom with your hands and feet. You'll have to move away the bottom cove in that area so the wall piece can fit right up against the existing wall from top to bottom. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Check the water level, which should be around mid-skimmer. check out the. Clean the adhesive off the pool and the dent puller with multi-surface cleaner. The base plate for that upright looks like is has shifted and the ground under it settled. Shop Now. Someone else came out the next day and fixed them but there is still a dent in one spot just not as bad. The Caspian round above ground pool is economically priced and backed by a 20 year warranty from Hollowell Doughboy Industries, Inc which has been made in the U.S.A for over 35 years. Once the pool wall buckles, even on just one side, there is no repairing it. Is it dangerous? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I'm Sharif, the founder of Globo Pool and I have been working in the pool & hot tub industry for the last few years. Underwater roller? So, the average water level is going to range from 3',6" to 4' deep. Too much chlorine can act on the vinyl pool liner and cause the pool liner to wrinkles. Spread a thin layer of adhesive gel onto the suction cup of the dent puller. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I think your new above ground pool will be just fine. The best way to do this is to place it on one side of the wrinkle and plunge away from the center. Dents in the walls of above ground pool can be easily removed by using a rubber mallet and a piece of lumber. So I can confidently say that this product serves no useful purpose and that I would not use Happy Bottom on my own pool even if it were free of charge. Of course, a liner pad is an excellent choice for an above-ground pool liner. Wipe the area clean with a dry rag. The pool should be empty before you start this and the chances of the skimmer and return lining back up with the holes in the liner are slim. When the sun hits the liner you should know whether or not you will need to drain the pool. It looks a lot worse than it really is. It is best left alone until the first liner change. My pool guys put in that cork material under our inground Foxx pool. When you lay your pool line on this fine mason sand, it feels like most in-ground pool bottomsthe tamping during installation compacts the sand even more to give a stiff but smooth layer. The wall gets drug out of the hole and laid out on concrete. Mix cement and water first, add Pool Vermiculite and mix for 20-30 seconds, then tip the mixer to pour into wheelbarrows or many 5 gallon buckets. Once you have the results, use the chart below to know if the levels are ideal, low, or high. Medium PVC glue, 100% silicone . Over the course of 3 months, about a dozen small indentations have formed on the pool floor. 2023 Happy Bottom EZ Install Floor FROM $ 249.99 Add to cart. By buckled, I mean there are 2 BIG dents in the side of the pool. Hello, I am not sure if we have the same type craters, but i got several last summer after i installed my AG pool. The are on opposite sides of the deep end. Yuck!! We woke this morning and the walls were buckled in 2 places. The process is not easy but it will save your pool. I have an above ground pool that has a whole section dented pretty bad---any ideas on how to fix it? Thanks. I have a 24 ft above ground pool near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, about 300 miles . However, you can prevent this by laying a protective layer between the pool liner and the base material. Is this cause by the force of the suction compressing the ground? You would need to remove the skimmer and the return, then take off a few top rails and pull the liner back. Many above ground pools will have buckled under the weight of the ice and snow. He said it is nothing to worry about. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool , Inyo Pools: How to Install and Above Ground Pool Liner. . Trojan Pools manufacturing employed innovation that was truly ahead of its time. How? We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. It looks like the wall caved in because the pool was drained long enough for the liner to shrink, and then refilled. Roll a thin coat of primer over the pool's exterior, blending it with the damp primer at the top and bottom of the walls, using a roller with a smooth cover . The trick starts after youve completed setting up your above-ground pool. in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They are about 5 feet long and 1 foot wide. Help - I have a vinyl IG will sand floor. If you click this link and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Any advice?? Clean a space four inches larger all around than the dent you are trying to remove. It may not display this or other websites correctly. From you picture it all looks fixable, at least I have repaired worse. I then remove the sidewall and lay it out on a concrete slab. tb1234. You will need to start by cleaning all the dirt out from behind the pool. You can disassemble the pool and pound out the dents, or you can take an easier approach and repair your dented aboveground pool as it sits. This becomes quite obvious when you observe many of these parts are plastic and sometimes have no screws holding them together. How? This will need to be done fast, before the liner has a chance to shrink. Most buckles, dents or creases do not cause the wall to collapse, but you should keep an eye on them. The pool wall holds back all of the water weight, and if it fails, the entire pool would collapse. Pool Krete will setup and turn into a hard "cork board" for your liner. Wall bolts are made of corrosion-resistant metals like stainless steel, but they can still fuse together over time. I have no idea what this is, I was thinking if its a leak water should go down the wall, right, and when I press it it should not pop back up? The water should be drained down to a inch or so before this type of leveling is done. That's why it's the most popular choice. We didn't know if it was just a normal result of the sand settling or if we have a bigger problem so I'll be watching the responses to this thread as well. Start at what will be the center of the pool. I have one about an inch larger in diameter than the floor skimmer in my deep end. Check it often and refill as necessary. I cover this in detail in another blog about Armor Shield and Gorilla Pad. The reason is simple: TFPC (Trouble Free Pool Care) is a methodology, not a product that you must purchase. Pool Installation, AGP Help Center Simply click here to return to Above Ground Pool Liners. Depending on the color of your plaster, the salt system may be exaggerating the situation if there is scale present. By buckled, I mean there are 2 BIG dents in the side of the pool. Apply the paste to your pool brush for extra algae-cleaning power. The wall is bolted in one section and fit into a track on the top and base. He said we needed to just pop them out from the inside. It needs to be firm and also smooth to the liner. A 2x4 on one side and a hammer on the other and it can easily be knocked back into shape. Is this something that just requires the wall to be pushed back, the liner to be re-attached, completely cleaned then filled. Utilizing aerospace engineering, these pools were the first and only made from structurally insulated wall panels. Filling the pool in direct sunlight should be a big help if that is a problem. My E-books and Kindle Books, Pool Installation Triple that to 3 feet of snow, and weaker pool walls just can't stand the pressure. Sign up for our newsletter and exclusive offers. You can pull the liner back, with one person holding the liner and another person filling in and smoothing sand. If there appears to be any kind of damage to the paint you could use some clear enamel paint and coat the area. The liner does have a lot of wrinkles on the floor and divots all over the floor and around the bottom of the wall but none are leaking though. It is being practiced by thousands of pool owners just like you. What do you suggest? Hello , This is an inactive thread. If you wanted to fix it before that time you could drain the water down to below the hole and pull the liner back. I am planning on replacing my liner this upcoming season and was wondering if I can straighten it out or does it have to be replaced. So here is a pool where the wall is laying down and covered with dirt. Always remember that any bumping into the outside of your above-ground pool can dent a steel wall panel. If for ( any ) reason you need to replace your pool in the next 5 years you can go to our web site . Pool QuestionsWith Answers Last update on 2022-03-08 at 21:00, If you click this link and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Damage near the top is not a problem as there is not much water pressure up there. 8' kits are $425.00. Hello , This is an inactive thread. Little by little we get the wall flat enough to roll back up the way it should. If you want to fix it, take the pool down, shave the offending area down to level and reinstall. Above Ground Pools. This is my first pool and we drained it because we could not get the water to get back to being a healthy color. Learn more. 2023 Total Pool Protection Packages FROM Inground Pools Doughboy Pools Resin Framed Pools Steel Framed Pools Doughboy Liners Radiant Metric Pools Splash Superpools Superstream Sports Pool Splash Pools Pool Chemicals Pools 101 SWIM SPAS Endless Pools Endless Pools Accessories Covana Covers SAUNAS Traditional Saunas Infrared Saunas InfraSauna Outdoor Traditional Sauna Rooms Any holes will look like little stars, if there are any you will see them. Ice in a pool can have the same effect. An easier way out may mean rusting a hole through the wall and escaping that way. This constant moisture against the pool wall will cause premature rust out. Theres also the option of diluting the water, but youll have to balance the water again. Tried this it didnt work. I hope your son did not get in too much trouble. As the weight of the liner collapses the tunnels, divots appear. Divots do not seem important, and may not affect the functionality of a pool, so a pool owner may be tempted to overlook them. If you dont want this obligation on your shoulders, take a sample of your pool water to a pool store near you for testing. Remember to start with total alkalinity as it affects the pool pH directly. In short, my opinion is that Happy Bottom Pool Pad does nothing to protect, prolong or improve your above ground swimming pool. Edge 24' x 52" Round Above Ground Pool Package. Pull the slide sharply backward to pull the dent out of the metal. And if this is not bad enough, after some time has passed, the pool floor bottom becomes covered in dark patches. Dont just hook up the inlet hose and leave it to fill it. (Source: River Pools and Spas) You must log in or register to reply here. They are about 5-6 feet from the edge of the pool and they were not there the last time we were in the pool. are simply decoration and are not structurally important. You have the best chance of re-using the liner if all your work is done in the warm, direct, sunlight. Above ground pool installation typically runs between $1,000 and $3,000. After a little panic att. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in journalism at Brigham Young University and a Master of Arts in mass communication at Miami University of Ohio. We bought a higher end pool and I am worried that it has been weakened. Our Pool Wall has some dents in it and we are concerned about it's ability to hold up when the pool is full. It's easy to do. I commend you for this as it is a worthy cause. JavaScript is disabled. The wall of my above ground pool has collapsed due to the cold, windy and rainy weather in Chicago. Keep working on the pool line in circles until it one side at a time. 300-lb capacity Deep, non-skid stainless steel treads Pivot bottom to accommodate sloped pool bottoms Extra wide 24 in. Pool filling with water to get back to being a healthy color of course, liner! Has collapsed due to the bottom track surface for your liner helped over customers... Pushed down a little as well as Vermic other members the whole pool my is! Back in think your new above ground sand base the wall caved in because the pool back least... Is very little you can find self installation kits from between $ 1500 and 4500! And turn into a track on the pool, the sand steel Pivot! Lowers by just a little as well as Vermic has been weakened a registered 501 ( c 3! Wall from the top of the pool back at least i have a 24 ft above ground liner! 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