(108) 1The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is commendable. security agencies have done very, Even the Hindu right-wing leaders had hailed it as a, Figuring out how to develop your business isn't only a, Our soldiers, our security forces, security agencies have done very, The way Sushma Swaraj has worked and sentences. (239) Industry insiders say Apples approach to data collection and user privacy, while commendable from an idealogical standpoint, hamper its ability to keep pace with other Silicon Valley heavyweights. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. This, they felt, was symptomatic of the paper's, 20. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; These efforts, while commendable, have failed to do anything for the individuals facing the consequences. (279) "commendable" meaning in english, "commendable" definitions. Synonyms for Commendable effort. (43) We will see what happens, President Trump tweeted, with commendable caution. (164) He told journalists: The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia. The final draft of Simon's book was commendable, and deserving of special . None of these are bad things, in fact, striving for recognition and a promotion is quite commendable. (30) Your advice to Congress and the causes you list are all commendable . back in the fields - back in the fields usage in a sentence. No one else can match your performance. (217) A: Im impressed with your compassion toward someone you dislike, and I think your inclination to care for her kids despite how difficult their mother may be is commendable . (95) But Sue Grayson Ford has an impressive and commendable history and says she thrives on challenges. (88) However commendable prudence may be as an accounting concept, decline will put it under pressure. Linguazza.com website aggregates word and phrase usages for educational and informational purposes (81) I think thats commendable, and I think that speaks to his true level of remorse, Bruno said. Your commitment to the cause is highly commendable. Lukas says Commendable also is a likely starter in the Haskell. (17) The approach taken by this program is especially commendable . (243) Whats even more commendable about the centers recognition is that over 96 percent of its patients are considered rural or highly rural, making it the most rural facility in the VA health care system. Additionally, . (241) Rather than insisting on introducing himself officially to Washington with his own music, Noseda showed a commendable willingness to immerse himself in something a little different and pull it off. (77) The decision doubtless sought to correct a historical wrong, which is highly commendable . Cautious; 61. (254) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "commendable" can get slippery. 3. With commendable promptitude, he caught Harrison by the collar and held him firmly, while Agnes and Dotty recovered their balance. While its commendable that more of the worlds biggest consumer brand companies have committed to reducing plastic, it doesnt come without skepticism, given that some have not fulfilled their promises in the past. It is a reasonable fear: dragons possess a number of qualities that make being afraid of them a very, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". see more. . The effect, rather than a commendable attempt to resist offering facile explanations, is to glorify the crimes and make them seem acceptable. (129) Considering the restrictions under which she filmed,(MakeSentenceWith.com/filmed) I think she did a commendable job. What type of word is commendable? In planting, the tops of the bulbs should be kept a little above ground, and it is a commendable plan to draw away the soil surrounding the bulbs when they have got root-hold. . About Us; View Products; Contact; Blog; Cranberry Chicken Salad With Pecans, Appetite For Learning Synonym, 5 Letter Words From Statue, Pullman Apartments Dubai, Hopper Company Profile, San Jose, Costa Rica Nightlife, Weekends Only Bridgeton, Coffee Cake Birthday Cake, Huffy Nel Lusso Beach . 8. (64) There is a great interest in the swimming competition, which is highly commendable . Detailed Definition and Meaning. The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is, 29. (78) With commendable ambition, Mathews attempts to combine a serious story with a great lark . The government's action here is highly, 7. The government's action here is highly commendable. Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. (63) I see it as commendable effort especially when the last time I ran was like in 2002. Yes! are tagged as a regulator, but it is. The scientists hope to try again today, which shows, 22. Commitment of experimental method is in itself entirely commendable. Very little was done for education in the French and Spanish period, although the Spanish governors made commendable efforts in this regard; the first American Territorial legislature began the incorporation of feeble " colleges " and " academies.". The actors do a commendable job with what they're given, but the delivery on occasion is fairly rigid. Fourteen words that helped define the year. (132) Title rival Lewis Hamilton clawed his Mercedes through the field to finish a commendable seventh from 13th on the grid. related terms and expressions, topic (7) The team's recent record is highly commendable. Under the " new regime " the Turkish government displayed commendable energy in reconstructing and reorganizing the seapower of the empire. (60) CS: Your sincere effort to do right by your free-spirited daughter is commendable. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. Top 50. Baldwin answered with commendable honesty. These sentences come from . distribution and much more. Please, follow the link placed under each quote to get to the original website. May the success that has come your way today lead you to a bigger achievement in the years to come. (240) Rather than insisting on introducing himself officially to Washington with his own music, Noseda showed a commendable willingness to immerse himself in something a little different and pull it off. (24) Which of the following would most likely be considered commendable ? Thank you all. exact ( 28 ) Despite commendable efforts by the Governments of Papua New Guinea and Nauru, arrangements in both countries have proved completely untenable. (188) In his kindness selfless, commendable actions to party a one after another love oath, ring of hymns, was of social all circles reputably and praise. How to use Commendable in a Sentence. "Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.". (167) He told journalists: The laws of mathematics are very commendable , but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia. (180) That is reasonable and Metrucks efforts to improve public faith in port management by maintaining a high bar of accountability are commendable. (37) She finds it difficult, but there are very commendable qualities with her. (146) An state Court of Appeals ruling says its commendable that Schilder is volunteering but that there needs to be accountability. She showed commendable loyalty to the family firm. (86) Still, he always does a commendable job of putting a lot of good facts together in a small space. (274) What is another word for "commendable"? . It tells your students to keep up the good work. worthy of praise: She did a commendable job of informing all the interested parties. (136) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself. (134) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself. (285) Define "commendable" in one sentence, define "commendable" in one word. (202) He and his mates subjected the commendable Mexican goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa, who plays for Standard Liege in Belgium, to an early evening of unwanted exertion. The intention behind this device seems more commendable than its execution. (210) At face value, President Trumps second bombing in Syria because of Bashar al-Assads suspected horrific use of chemical weapons against his own people seems commendable . 2. commendable effort, with significant benefits for the global economy. (201) Whether or not thats the case, lets hope Kennedy stays on the court for long enough to ensure that his commendable legacy is not steamrolled by his successor. 5. (231) Our Blood Is Wine boasts a fascinating subject, and a commendable desire to redefine the romance of winemaking away from European-bred elitism; unfortunately, it's a haphazard tasting. "That's commendable, " he added. Here are some examples. (31) Behavior is to be commended only if it is more than merely commendable. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Commendable | Commendable Sentence. A struggling student making commendable effort deserves this word too. (109) He wants to be judged by the content of his work and his ability as a student, and I find that commendable. (58) The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable. 2. Examples of 'commendable' in a sentence commendable The most commendable job, well done. owners. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. (264) "commendable" in a sentence (esp. Commendable to see such robust energy at work. I really appreciate which I'm receiving early response from I Source, also, As I previously mentioned, Nintendo's dedication to local multiplayer on the Switch has been, Sure, it may not sound all that exciting to you if you're not a fan of truly wireless earbuds, entry-level audiophile gear, or esoteric home theater solutions, but Sony put forth, There are two salient ways in which Christians who engage in interfaith dialogue have-often quite inadvertently-neglected the hub in their, The CTS loves hugging the road - just try to peel the tires from the asphalt and it maintains, Synonyms for COMMENDABLE EFFORT (related words and expressions). I have been the lead programmer of an India based travel search engine, so understand the value of this data. colleague's motivation is certainly, Fork holders and toothpicks made out of bread work are, I can assure the Council that this list of, However, on account of the system effect, these, This is an E-mail from the first nurse practitioner to graduate from UNB, a very, Determined to set things right, the brave and, Its record is not unblemished, but it is one that is generally, Here was a whole other person, doing something everyone could agree was lovely and, The Committee found that Switzerland has made particularly, The Management thanks Urs Gerhard for his, I therefore think that it is courageous and, It talks about long term efforts, which are, This Polish-Thai gastronomic centaur signals either overinventiveness or a, But some acts may be required, or at least, Many of the emails said that while all of their other actions are abhorrent, the burning of Korans is, She finds it difficult, but there are very, Oddbins on Allerton Road turned up with the, Some of the rapporteurs, MrPresident, may feel they have to make the best of a bad job, having hoped to achieve far more, but I think the result we have is, The Mouvement is still able to announce surplus earnings before taxes, dividends and other items of nearly 21 million dollars, which is, The Commission concluded that, although not, Cyma Azyz made an impressive speech and mentioned that the role of UN in keeping book reading alive was a, There can be no doubt though, that the isolation and demonisation of the drink-driver has been a, He's selected offensive teams and I think that's really, In this sense, Canadians can take justifiable pride in the efficient manner in which the rather prosaic service of earmarking of gold was turned to, Regional activities, however important and, In countries where alcoholism dominates, a tax on inebriant liquors would be, It really comes alive when the right foot drops, sending the XC90 bounding forward with, The unified response that was necessary and, Lastly, Malaysia viewed Israel's insistence that an UNRWA ambulance had been recently used to transport a Qassam rocket as utterly uncalled for and aimed at discrediting UNRWA's, It is boosting trade with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and sticking, with, The actions for which these employees were honoured are all, The dedication of the resource persons and conference officials as well as the warmness and cordiality of the secretariat staff remain, The traditional system of governance and management through chieftainship is, The Committee was of the view that while the proposal is, The proposal to help countries hit by the tsunami by giving them vessels from the EU is therefore morally, He wrote and ordeyned lawes moste egal and iust He edityed vnto the Grekes a comon welthe stable, quyet and, Border guards on the southern border of the Kingdom with Yemen are doing a, The TMC assessed that TV 21 presenters approached the story in a calm manner and made, The Managing Director strongly appreciated BOK Silver Jubilee Committee for their, This guiding principle lies at the heart of a country's progress and The Government Summit revealed its alignment with this principle with, Handing control of public spending back to 'the spivs in London' does not seem to be a, The range of work illustrated, from Ukrainian pysanky to Japanese ikebana, along with many obscure art forms from lesser-known cultures, is, He had to recall that ironside was a very fine young fellow, with a, Your peers will probably be of the opinion that you display a, Its arrangement for four hands, however, is excellently done, with, The interlacement and flourishing, too, are handled with, It was all plain that he had proceeded according to very correct and, He criticised the whole place with a most, His decision to hang back and congratulate newly-crowned Open champion Zach Johnson at St Andrews was, He allowed your crimes to be great, but that still there was room for mercy, the most. She needs to be more focused in school. (186) As a ruler he showed legislative capacity, and a very commendable wish to provide his kingdoms with a code of laws and a consistent judicial system. He is the author of some commendable verses. Your speed in reporting, printing and distribution is highly, 26. (121) It is commendable and desirable, but not essential to the public need, that our aesthetic desires be gratified . And if the police hadn't acted with commendable restraint. Things like their terrible size, their ability to spout fire, or to crack boulders into splinters with their massive talons. Copyright 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. But there are some very commendable things about these brethren. In things that are not seen at once, and have no respect one to another, great variety is, The rule seemed to be that a great woman must either die unwed or find a still greater man to marry her. . (65) CS: Your sincere effort to do right by your free-spirited daughter is commendable . (141) In line with its free-speech credo, the organization tolerates and even fosters a commendable amount of dissent in its ranks. Examples . Search phrases with a word or a set of words, find usages in context, see (219) While Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents did a commendable job in arresting a wanted man, they failed miserably in discharging their basic moral and humanitarian duty. (227) There is an important difference between commendable, tea-drinking stoicism in the face of terror and being so numbly resigned to it that we become desensitised to its consequences. Commendable definition: Worthy of commendation ; deserving praise ; admirable , creditable or meritorious . The effort, while commendable, was not wholly successful. (61) For a company that looks to be struggling to survive, this is pretty commendable . commendable - 8 adjectives with the meaning of commendable (sentence examples) 29 related questions found. Dictionary.com Unabridged The device is used for 30 consecutive days to prove its commendable long-term cycling stability. (32) Your extensive knowledge of and experience with deafness is commendable. only in accordance with fair use principle. Examples of Commendable in a sentence. (178) One is the sabotaging of separate, commendable efforts by Moon Jae-in, South Koreas president, to restore bilateral trust and cooperation. The protector about this time gave a commendable earnest of his resolution to assert rigorous justice against offenders. I find it commendable that the department store would agree to accept returned merchandise, 3 months after it was purchased. (100) The solar system model was commendable and the visitors were amazed by the creativity of the children. 61+1 sentence examples: 1. Learn how to use commendable in a sentence and make better sentences with `commendable` by reading commendable sentence examples.. Mousseau's attention to detail is commendable. (47) Bringing cheer to the faces of the underprivileged is always a commendable job. (203) Its commendable that the company is supporting its older phones like this, though OG Pixel users wont get quite the same quality as owners of the later models. That was a commendable effort by England given the true pitch, absence of swing and fast outfield. 1. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. and (29) He called the federal effort to centralize such efforts commendable . slaw.ca . WILL YOU SAIL OR STUMBLE ON THESE GRAMMAR QUESTIONS? come down on - come down on usage in a sentence. . Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Commendable effort meaning and usage. 7. (216) There is a commendable variety of entertainment - local bands play on Mondays, there's reggae and dub on Tuesdays, funk on Fridays and an acoustic open-mic session on Sundays. adjective. (218) While Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents did a commendable job in arresting a wanted man, they failed miserably in discharging their basic moral and humanitarian duty. What is commendable? (204) Perhaps Elie avoided this approach in order to give priority to his subjects' biographies and avoid any taint of academicism , both of which are commendable aims. 0. In fact, the only terrifying quality that dragons do not possess is that of existence. (104) 1. St. Petersburg city officials are exploring how to cut down on single-use plastic straws, The twist is telegraphed fairly early on, however, and while it's, Compared to many of our other alcohol feedstocks, such as barley or grapes, this growth cycle is considerably longer, and requires a bit more long-term planning, so finding a way to repurpose some of the byproducts into new materials is, This is the best 100 % free website I have ever been on and I am grateful to God and the Administrative team for their, In The Virtue of Hate Meir Soloveichik makes, Like Kirito's expedition, it's a preposterous undertaking, but for the most part, previous Sword Art Online games have offered, From the above description, Soul Food may sound like a drag, but director George Tillman Jr.'s script is as warm and funny as it is dramatic and emotionally involving, with fully-fleshed characters brought to life by the strong ensemble acting; to single any single actor out is to discount the equally, A review in the May edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry calls the book by Dr. Christian Thurstone of the University of Colorado and journalist Christine Tatum , Although the closeness of the game was partly due to Southampton not having the belief to press home their advantage it was also, Estevez may not achieve greatness with Bobby, but the fact that he dared complete failure in order to strive for it is the most, In the following decades, the deployment of ECOMIB in Guinea Bissau, by ECOWAS, was again, A devstating result after such an exhausting but, As far as Android skins go, Xiaomi's MIUI 8 is, The domiciliation of the universities in this ministry is, The roles of Forest Whitaker and Salanda were so secondary that they were merely serviceable despite their. , and deserving of special used to make sentences understand the value of this data the undergraduate thus. 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