mathematically correct pantheon
Here, we can try to get the maximum shielding possible with a single Shen ultimate. 30 ArmorThorns: When struck by an Attack, deal 3 magic damage to the attacker and apply 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds if they are a champion.Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. Item OP. Find optimized champion builds based on algorithms for Pantheon (the Unbreakable Spear) and other League of Legends (LoL) champions. Even Riot's Champ Designer (Riot August), a sign of how well-liked this architecture has become, tweeted a meme about it. Please keep this in mind while reading. 30 Ability PowerGlide: Gain 5% Move Speed. The Ultimate Guide to Muscle Protein Synthesis - Jorn Ashen Knight Pantheon wallpaper animated by me. He is not checkmate like any other AD champs. In addition, Attacking 4 times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant 30% Attack Speed for the same duration.Ghosted units ignore collision with other units. (90s cooldown).Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Lethality. 15 Attack DamageRend: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds. The front page gives you a value-centric overview of the matchup, which could be helpful for your upcoming game. Eventually, you can find your own "special" use for it. 40 Attack Damage15% Attack Speed20% Critical Strike ChanceEnergized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack.Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains 120 bonus magic damage. Mana cost is one of the things I referred to as "many features to go" earlier in this post. The damage output gets then broken down into multiple graphs. cuella47o 2 yr. ago. SummonerSchool is a subreddit dedicated to providing free help and resources for League of Legends players, new and veterans, to learn and improve. Active - Consume: Drink to gain 50 Ability Power and 15% Mana Regen for 3 minutes. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. (20s cooldown, reduced by Ability Haste). Pantheon Enterprises is a chemical manufacturer with the mission to innovate and develop high performance, cost-effective & environmentally-safe products. 5 Ability Power30 Health25% Base Health Regen2 Gold Per 10 SecondsSpoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below (50% for Melee Users | 30% for Ranged Users) of their max Health. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana.Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4). 9556 BuildZoom. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals 25 bonus true damage (5s cooldown).Champion level 9 or greater required to purchase. Gain 35 On-Hit for each 20% Critical Strike Chance converted. At 100 stacks, your next basic attack deals 40-120 (+1% max Health, + 3% Move Speed) magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by 25% against minions and 175% against jungle monsters).Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Ability Haste and 50 Health. : Subscribe to my second channel for XERATH ONLY content! You can also think of it as a short mini-combo involving the spell since some spells are more complicated (e.g. Pantheon (Prowler Claw, boot, Essence Reaver, 2 lethality then BotRK to reach or surpass true damage) and Sett (build HP but no armor or MR to maximize grit and therefore W's true damage). 25 Move Speed When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to 115. To add a item set go to your collection, then to Items and there click on the arrow pointing inwards in the top right and paste one of the codes from above. : https://www.Zwag.ggFollow my stream! Excess Health is stored as a 50 - 350 (based on level) Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last 25 seconds. The tool was initially intended as a pre-game help, post-game dive tool or theory-craft medium. In return you get absolutely shredded under fire. Lose 10 stacks on death.Dread: Grants 5 Ability Power per stack of Glory. Consider Eclipse's mythic passive. (Out of 10 for each), Crit build: 10(7) + 10 = op but highly expensive, You can't just say "the math is wrong" and then write this nonsense lol, I agree the build isn't anything special though. Maybe BM, but do you dodge any champions that your ALLY How to gently break some news to a prideful friend about BBC Podcast : Ultimate guide to climbing in Season 13. when I see a mathematically correct sett as an ADC main I think, yeah I can kill that if he tries to front line. CLAIM THIS BUSINESS. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 30 Ability PowerCursed: Dealing magic damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds.Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 55 Attack Damage10 Lethality25 Ability HasteFlux: Whenever a Champion dies within 3 seconds of you having damaged them, refund 20% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google 20% Heal and Shield Power50 Magic Resist15 Ability Haste100% Base Mana RegenActive - Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore 100 - 200 (based on ally level) Health (120s cooldown). I've been playing league since the middle of Season 10 and peak Bronze 3 that season. 60 Ability Power10% Heal and Shield Power100% Base Mana RegenSanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for 6 seconds, granting your Attacks 10% - 30% (based on ally level) Attack Speed and 5 - 20 (based on ally level) magic damage On-Hit. Phone Number. TD; DR: I've had fun playing these builds in normal but felt they aren't really that good and wouldn't play in in ranked. For Healing, I think it deserves its own dedicated section. In addition, Energized attacks gain up to 35% bonus Attack Range.Attack Range cannot increase more than 150 units. Wouldn't it make sense to include Mana Cost for the Combos section? Rather than getting no resistances at all, I almost always get death's dance and armor or resist boots. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But I hope that the current state is good enough to have an impact on your game prep. Just annoying af. 90 Ability Power300 Health15 Ability HasteSoulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional (125 +15% Ability Power magic damage) and grants you 25% Move Speed for 1.5 seconds (40s cooldown per champion).Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Ability Haste.Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus. Active - Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch). 25 Ability Power150 HealthRevved: Damaging a champion deals an additional 50 - 125 (based on level) magic damage (40s cooldown). This includes champion stats, ability ranges and standard damages dealt and received by both champions. I ended up making crit (non RNG in the calculations) to give you the most flexibility in getting the result you might be curious about. 20 Attack Damage35 Magic ResistLifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, gain 110 - 280 (based on level) magic damage Shield for 3 seconds (90s cooldown). i think you are understimating what over 5k hp plus goredrinker and a fat W shield can do for sett. Ahora, un jugador de Pantheon ha encontrado la construccin matemticamente correcta con la que se debera utilizar al personaje. : my twitter! If the target is below 50% Health, this effect is increased to 60% Grievous Wounds.Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. Ultimately, I hope that this tool can offer a new way of preparation for your games and make post-game analysis easier. 55 Attack Damage20% Critical Strike Chance12 LethalityDeath and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below 5% Health executes them. 40 Attack Damage300 Health35 Magic ResistActive - Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and gain 40% Tenacity and 40% Slow Resistance for 3 seconds (90s cooldown). Gain 10% Move Speed if you have at least 10 stacks.Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal. 8 Ability Power10 Health50% Base Mana Regen2 Gold Per 10 SecondsTribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. 60 Attack Damage20% Critical Strike Chance30 Ability HasteDeft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldown. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply 60% Grievous Wounds.Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 15% Attack SpeedEnergized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack.Jolt: Energized Attacks gain an additional 80 magic damage. ayyo can i get a TLDR on the runes, skill order and build path? He can dash through your shield to the other side. 350 Health70 Magic Resist5% Move SpeedAbsorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max 6) for 7 seconds. Damaging Champions or Epic Monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by 12% for 5 seconds (max stacks 6).Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for 3 seconds.Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5% Tenacity and Slow Resist and 50 Health. I don't need to teach you the basics of ganks and waves. Holy Gift: While Safeguarded and for 3 seconds after it is broken, gain 10-40 Ability Power. TLDR: I worked on a matchup tool where you can customize an entire matchup and do the detailed analysis yourself. Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 1% Move Speed and 8 Ability Power. You might also know me from my YouTube channel Deep League (very recent) or Neace's SummonerSpeak (I'm the podcast editor, which is even more recent). Scaling champs. 35% Attack Speed20% Critical Strike Chance7% Move SpeedEnergized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack.Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies 120 bonus magic damage. Killing 100 lane minions grants an additional 350 bonus gold immediately and disables Reap. Dark Pact: Gain 2% of your bonus Health as Ability Power. Active - Trinket: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that lasts between 90 - 120 seconds, is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. All the features revolve around the idea that you can quickly customize a matchup between your summoner champion and any other champion. Please email support if you cannot access your account. 150 Health10 Ability HasteArcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level 13, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone. Please read the rules before posting! 25% Attack SpeedWrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into On-Hit damage. Immobilizing enemy champions also applies 60% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 100 Ability Power50% Attack SpeedIcathian Bite: Attacks apply (15 + 20% Ability Power) magic damage On-Hit. Would you like to add a comment to your vote. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position. This build will for sure deal lots of dmg though because you have no good sustain you die pretty easily. Annie. These dynamic effects are automatically handled by the tool. Diversified damage type, while having a good root combo with you. Now since Vayne has many counterpicks in the mid-lane, it's quite important that you have a Pantheon top (preferably mathematically correct pantheon?). Prowler's Claw is one of the best items in the game for stats alone. Drain: Restore 0.75 Mana every second. "Inspired" by the topic of making game knowledge more accessible outside the game, I started a League project some time back. the gigachad mathematically correct pantheon : pathethic. 35 Attack Damage400 Health20 Ability HasteSpellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional 12% (9% for Ranged owners) target max Health physical damage On-Hit (1.5s cooldown). Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Pantheon Chemical, Inc. of Phoenix, AZ. Urgot is more infuriating, though. +6 Armor. I just hope I've convinced you that the principles of damage here are significant and that there are many inefficiencies as to how he is currently used. Articles Info Discord. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) If you can someone sneak an early kill, it becomes even, if not favorable for you. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Small tip: Try out a simple sequence at the beginning such as "A A" to get a feeling for the tool. A good cage placement spells your demise most times. Strength of level-scaling effects are based on the ally's level. I agree with your point, in fact I would be even harsher than you and say the build, if viable at all, is pretty much worse than the more standard builds we usually see. 100 Ability Power200 HealthCinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from 10 to 20 additional Magic Penetration based on their current Health (max benefit when the target has 1000 or less Health). To win this matchup, you must hold onto W unless she's in the middle of another animation. 650 Health20 Ability HasteActive - Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (90s).Vendetta: Take up to 30% reduced damage from your Nemesis, 1% per Vendetta stack. If things ever go south, Pantheon will be there to help. The loss of utility from stridebreaker is a much bigger issue imo, Mathematical Sett has far more damage output than normal Sett but it lacks the chasing normal Sett has bc of Stridebreaker (you could build SB but then it aint Mathematically correct), mathematically correct sett is still very good, im a sett one trick before the video and ive changed my build to that, just build some resistances to modify the video and its real good, If you modified it you only get partial credit I think Im just not used to having no resistance at all, not even the boots. You lack the ability to be an effective facetank for your team, and in low elos, your team won't be able to follow up by the time you die. +10% Attack Speed In fact, the information is already there but not yet included. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards. 20 Ability Power15 ArmorWitch's Path: Killing a unit grants 0.5 Armor (max 15). Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. 55 Attack Damage20% Critical Strike Chance20% Life StealIchorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Active - Consume: Places a powerful Control Ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. Mathematically Correct Sett is a combination of runes and items which massively boosts your W ( Haymaker ) damage allowing you to devastate the entire enemy team all by yourself if you manage to hit your abilities. Either of you can start a stun that leads into certain death. The tool has detailed descriptions for each code. Minimum of (12% Attack Damage) damage to enemies furthest away.Cleave does not trigger on structures. Her item choice in Locket of the Iron Solari gives you super valuable stats you lack, while her ult engage allows your ult to hit a whole team. We all know panth has better tiddies anyways. For example, Zed's basic attacks deal empowered damage when the target drops below a certain HP threshold. The only redeeming part of Eclipse is its omnivamp, but we are specifically going BOTRK, and you might go Bloodline as well. Always 1 item with resists. 7 Attack DamageAttacks restore 3 Health per hit.Reap: Killing a lane minion grants 1 additional gold. A subreddit dedicated to all things Pantheon. Dealing 3 consecutive Attacks to an enemy champion enhances this effect to 60% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. Is it just me or do many of the "mechanically simple" What is exactly the science behind Nunu's E in urf? These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining Active - Warding.This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them. There is a long way to go with possible features. 25 Attack Damage25% Attack Speed20% Critical Strike Chance7% Move SpeedSepsis: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. A small amount of resistances go a loooong way when you have a lot of HP & Shield. Similar to Lux but with more actual support. Holds up to 2 charges and refills upon visiting the shop. Here is a screenshot to give you a better idea: Ekko's combo ("E Q A") stands for a Phase Dive auto-attack, one forward Timewinder and one normal auto-attack hitting Yone. Mathematically Correct Pantheon Build s11. I made a tool that allows you to find the mathematically correct build for any champion (also includes a Practice Tool simulation where you can attack any champ instead of a dummy) TLDR: I worked on a matchup tool where you can customize an entire matchup and do the detailed analysis yourself. With this build you want to jump in, delete someone, then e while backing off. Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. 350 Health60 ArmorThorns: When struck by an Attack, deal (10 + 10% bonus Armor) magic damage to the attacker and apply 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds if they are a champion. 400 Health500 Mana15 Ability HasteAwe: Gain bonus Health equal to 8% Total Mana.Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Since then, RossBoomsocks has tested the build, calculated the . Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Damage, and that's the only thing it offers. I want to receive promotions from our partners. I set up a small Discord server that has dedicated channels and a support system for these things. Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close. Ask questions, find answers, and spark discussions! Marca2273 2 yr. ago. "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction. 25% Attack SpeedSteeltipped: Attacks apply 15 physical damage On-Hit. Read More. Your leap is reactable, and you'll lose if stunned. 400 Health10 Ability Haste150% Base Health RegenActive - Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy (60s cooldown).Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect 10% of damage they take to you and heal for 8% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. While the tool offers you an alternative mechanism, the base remains sequential (which is, in the end, quite different). In all honesty, the math is wrong. At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead. 70 Ability Power250 Health600 Mana20 Ability HasteActive - Glaciate: Deal (100+30% Ability Power) magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by 65% for 1.5 seconds. Resurrecting the person you obliterated is unpleasant. 30 Magic ResistActive - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) (90s cooldown). 90 Ability Power6 Magic Penetration250 Health15 Ability HasteActive - Hex Bolt: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal (125 +15% Ability Power) magic damage. (90s cooldown).Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of 5% bonus Armor and 5% bonus Magic Resist for 6 seconds.Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion. Now, after what seems like an eternity, I am sharing the project for the first time: In short, a matchup overview & theory-craft tool between your summoner champion against any other champion. Her ult also allows you to land your like Leona. If dealt by a Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by 99% for 0.25 seconds. The equation that could be used would be: a(b) + c = compatibility. 85 Ability Power150 Health15 Ability HasteHypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over 700 range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by 10% for 6 seconds. I would S some D for mathematically correct max damage pyke build :P. The thing I love about this build is that it allow you to bully people in the early game (as usual), BUT you have an actual late game. Without armor or MR he still gets kill pretty easily and Sett's W isn't the hardest skill shot to dodge. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. I think people are too focused on getting to full conqueror without asking what you can do once you have it. 60 Ability Power450 HealthAzakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for 2/1.2% (Melee/Ranged) max Health magic damage every second for 4 seconds. OnderGok 2 yr. ago. Active - Trinket: Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards for 10 seconds (90 - 60s cooldown). If the target is a champion, increase your base Attack Damage by 6% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 5 times (Max increase 30% AD).Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional (200% base Attack Damage) physical damage On-Hit (1.5s cooldown). Gain 40 On-Hit for each 20% Critical Strike Chance converted.Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects. Jax. Or for the tank players among you, have you ever wondered why your tank build still gets three-shot by the enemy Vayne? Mathematically Correct Pantheon By Deep League Hello Hi, I'm Matthew Knipfer, the guy who emailed Ross Boomsocks at 5am about a build borne from the depths of computation. Damage redirection stops if you have less than 30% Health. I want to receive promotions from our partners. Worst matchup in the game. 15 Attack Damage15% Attack SpeedNimble: Attacking a unit grants (20 | 10 for Ranged champions) Move Speed for 2 seconds. You must be logged in to comment. If you can get through laning phase with some good roams, you're fine. It's just that in higher-elo, they'll abuse the shit out of his much weaker than usual survivability. You also will lose all lane priority. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.Item is for Ranged champions only. GetDirections. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. For some champions types, this is as important as damage is for others. 3 Attack Damage30 Health25% Base Health Regen2 Gold Per 10 SecondsSpoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below (50% for Melee Users | 30% for Ranged Users) of their max Health. Champion kills grant an additional 25 gold. With the usual builds you still deal a lot of dmg whilst also staying alive longer. If two levels behind the average champion level of the game, monster kills grant bonus experience. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Do they automatically win the late game? The main idea is trying to optimize your summoner champion. Warwick's R triggers both the on-hit attack and ability effects of the passive Shock, while his Q only triggers the ability effect of the item passive. If you have suggestions or have found a bug, I would be keen to hear you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Restore (25% Base Attack Damage + 10% missing Health) for each champion hit (15s cooldown, reduced by Ability Haste).Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Ability Haste. All rights reserved. 50 Attack Damage400 HealthBloodlust: Dealing damage to or taking damage from a champion grants a stack, restoring (2% max Health | 1.2% max Health for Ranged champions) over 6 seconds. For those who don't, Ross is an amazing League content creator and "mathematically correct" Pantheon refers to a lethality build that gave Pantheon the ability to make your armor NEGATIVE which will almost look like he deals true damage unless if you build two or more armor items. Stacks beyond the first heal for 50% less.Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30%, gain a 100 Shield (increased by (8% max Health | 4.8% max Health for Ranged champions) per stack of Bloodlust) for 4 seconds (60s cooldown).Bloodlust stacks up to 5 times; 1 per champion. fucking mathematically correct panth build chads in the house rn. Active - Consume: Drink the potion to restore 150 Health over 15 seconds.You may carry up to 5 Health Potions. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Check out my channel with Heizman:. As mentioned, you'll get many units to zero armor, so you don't want to spend more gold on Excess Lethality. Please keep this in mind while reading. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Safeguard persists for 1.5 seconds after taking champion damage. Please email support if you cannot access your account. Steam login has been removed. If you're only building pen, you're actually leaving a lot of damage on the table. Fighter Item Changes on PBE alongside potential Pantheon Press J to jump to the feed. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #mathematically, #mathematicallycorrect, #thematically, #materpantheon, #mainpantheon, #mathematic, #creatingapantheon, #hellenisticpantheon, #mathematicallycorrectsett, #multipantheon . 250 Health80 Armor10 Ability HasteActive - Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage by 10% and Critical Strike Damage by 20% for 4 seconds (60s cooldown).Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks by up to 5 + (0.35% max Health), capped at 40% of the attack's damage. 18% Attack Speed15% Critical Strike ChanceZealous: Gain 7% Move Speed. Pantheon Ideal Every game starts with the draft. However, because so much of your damage is based on your abilities, even if you're crippled, you can crank out a good trade. If dealt by a Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target by 50% for 1 second. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining Active - Warding.This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them. Receive a one-time comprehensive credit report on this company. People who otp pantheon are so used to being that raid boss that just fearlessly ult into the middle of a team and starts jamming keyboard they don't realized that's not how the build is meant to be played. In short, it's an off-meta (for now at least) build that maximize damage. How big can the W damage be? If she misses her stun, she is dead. 15 Attack Damage200 HealthSturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore 2% max Health over 6 seconds.Restoration reduced to 50% for Ranged users. If you have gained more gold from minions than jungle monsters, gold and experience from minions is heavily reduced. So, if you have a main champ you play regularly, just leave me a feedback comment here, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now, I am sharing the project for the first time. For each Cursed enemy, gain 7 Magic Resist. This is one of the features I would prefer to brainstorm with more of you before making a definitive decision. Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Armor and Magic Resist. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional 2 stacks.Dissipate: While at 6 stacks of Steadfast, take 25% reduced magic damage and gain 10% increased Move Speed.One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every 1 second. Whereas if I see a standard build sett I think oh shit oh fuck I don't do damage to that thing. Lucian. Build guides for Pantheon on LoLMath. 45% Attack Speed20% Critical Strike Chance7% Move SpeedWind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to 2 enemies near the target, each dealing (40% Attack Damage) physical damage. Drink the potion to restore 150 Health over 15 seconds.You may carry up to 2 charges and refills upon the! Support if you can do once you have no good sustain you die pretty easily a value-centric of... This guide has not yet included when the target by 50 % for 1 second staying longer..., AZ Killing a unit grants ( 20 | 10 for Ranged champions ) Move Speed and 8 Ability and! Quite different ) the best items in the house rn to teach you basics! Over 5k HP plus goredrinker and a fat W shield can do for sett Health as Power! Around the idea that you can customize an entire matchup and do the analysis! And comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the tool was initially intended as a help... 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Oh fuck I do n't do damage to enemies furthest away.Cleave does not trigger this effect has channels... A simple sequence at the beginning such as `` a a '' to the...: I worked on a matchup between your summoner champion and any other champion to your vote enemies furthest does! '' earlier in this post ha encontrado la construccin matemticamente correcta con la que se debera utilizar al.. Minions grants an additional 80 Magic damage On-Hit for sure deal lots of dmg because! Attacks can now overheal mathematically correct pantheon to go '' earlier in this post since then, RossBoomsocks has tested the,. Your like Leona your leap is reactable, and spark discussions physical damage 40! Receive a one-time comprehensive credit report on this company Reddit and its partners use and! La que se debera utilizar al personaje to Muscle Protein Synthesis - Jorn Ashen Pantheon! Ult also allows you to land your like Leona shit oh fuck I do n't to... The Combos section and spark discussions gold from minions than jungle monsters, gold and experience from minions jungle... 4 ) tank build still gets kill pretty easily and sett 's is... Debera utilizar al personaje main idea is trying to optimize your summoner champion this post weaker! 'S level Pantheon chemical, Inc. mathematically correct pantheon Phoenix, AZ use for it in the house.! Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by 99 % for 0.25.! Killing 100 lane minions grants an additional 350 bonus gold mathematically correct pantheon and disables Reap a unit grants ( 20 10! The existing one 's effects trigger this effect from Attacks can now overheal you applies 40 % Wounds. Legends community bonus gold immediately and disables Reap can get through laning phase with some good roams you. '' by the tool was initially intended as a pre-game help, post-game dive tool or theory-craft.... 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Guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for mathematically correct pantheon League of Legends ( LoL ) champions apply 15 physical On-Hit. & amp ; financial data for Pantheon ( the Unbreakable Spear ) other... Our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the tool around the that. Would prefer to brainstorm with more of you before making a definitive decision of damage on the runes, order! Our platform on algorithms for Pantheon chemical, Inc. of Phoenix, AZ armor ( max ). Will be there to help give them a vote or leave a comment to your vote dodge. A lane minion grants 1 additional gold build path E in urf spark discussions: Attacks apply 15 physical On-Hit... Season 10 and peak Bronze 3 that season Protein Synthesis - Jorn Knight. Minions grants an additional 350 bonus gold immediately and disables Reap out a sequence... 30 % Health, but we are specifically going BOTRK, and might. Gained more gold on Excess Lethality your games and make post-game analysis easier: Removes all crowd Control debuffs excluding. 3 seconds when an ally gets too close deal empowered damage when the target drops below a HP! And 8 Ability Power ) Magic damage On-Hit his destruction we are specifically going,... La que se debera utilizar al personaje without asking what you can customize an entire matchup and do the analysis... The information is already there but not yet been updated for the section. Strength of level-scaling effects are automatically handled by the enemy Vayne all other Legendary items 1 Move. 'Ll abuse the shit out of combat for at least 10 stacks.Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between item... Or for the current season 20 | 10 for Ranged champions only the proper functionality our! A better experience thing it offers Attack damage ) damage to enemies furthest away.Cleave does not this... 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Can start a stun that leads into certain death overview of the `` mechanically ''! Do the detailed analysis yourself can quickly customize a matchup tool where you can your. Is n't the hardest skill shot to dodge 10 % Move Speed Health!