west game troop ratio

We will write a separate article about beginners's force up tips. It should have the option to buy more spaces with gold when you scroll down to locked spaces. Much faster this way and you have a solid t2 wall to protect t4s when you get them! SCOTTY, yeswait for hot saleorgane from events or use event points to buy, Some tasks on carnival event have tasks with tele port items. If you use a mix of materials with different quality levels the outcome is not guaranteed and it might prove costly if you gamble wrong. All these tasks can seem a little overwhelming, especially for those who are new to the genre. You can win prizes by completing various stages of Events. This can be useful if you are regularly attacked and don't know yet where you want to permanently relocate to. All members of the alliance can help with these projects, reducing their timers by a certain amount. In battle, the Troop Ratio Bar displays the amount of troops remaining for each participating side in battle (green for your troops, blue for allied troops, and red for enemy troops. This is particularly the case with those settlements who look like theyre focused on generating resources. Specifically, you should always be training new troops to ensure your continued safety in the Wild West. Windows 10 is recommended. . Unlock all the t4 before artillery. the strength of your troops and training speed, the lower track gives economic boosts, improving e.g. And if youre worried about equipment becoming obsolete, you can upgrade them to the next tier, at the cost of some silver and materials. Keep all silver there when not in use. - Unite with your allies. West Game is a war game, but it is much more than just building some troops and selecting an opponent to fight with. Typically alliances will set certain Force requirements for their players which increases over time. How do you star up your heros with medals you recieve. Build t2s every 3 hours for inferno so you get the gold and speedups, then save the 24-hour speedups for researches. You must have Windows 7 or higher. To do that, tap the VIP button beside your portrait in the upper left, then tap the plus button by the bar. What is the purpose of these departments? How can I move my town near other towns in the same alliance? How do you send your sheriff and troops to encampment? Is this restricted to a level and if so what level does this feature start? 1) Send at least 20k level 2 Range to match his level 2 Range. There're different Tiers of Troops in West Game. However in early stages it might make quite a difference. What actually happens when you run out of food? If you take a look at your heros stats, youll notice they also have a force and march size stat. If youre a West Game veteran, dont hesitate to tell us more about your experience within the great, mobile American frontier in the comments section below. My sheriff It will be executed. Oh, what is rss? The Barracks are the buildings you can use for training troops. (In some cases BlueStacks uses affiliate links when linking to Google Play). Leave us your comments in the section below! Granted Atlas is a new and different space than the main game and with recent discussion would like to see the breakdown of how a broader set of Atlas players currently feel. When told to teleport out I didnt know what to do. And all you lost was a few traps, resources and some silver. For instance, if you fight a lot (and you should IMO) you should go for skills that boost your troops ATK, march speed, DEF, or anything else that you think your troops lack. A player's KDR does not confirm that one hacks, as some people in the game state.Usually a KDR between 3.5 and 5 or higher shouldn't arouse much suspicion,but if their headshot/nutshot record is high, suspicion may be aroused easily. The ones you should focus on at the start is the Economics -> Construction because any little help towards speeding up the construction is good. Much faster this way and you have a solid t2 wall to protect t4s when you get them! It is advisable to send more, to overwhelm the enemy. The tutorial does a good job of explaining the absolute basics. Only withdraw it when you need it (for research, building upgrades, etc). Brief run through on the troop combat triangle for Mobile game West GameJoin the unofficial West Game discord community https://discord.gg/qk8gVQ4 Keep up to this limit of each rss (food, wood, stone, and iron) in your inventory, and it wont get stolen. For some reason, dead isnt dead in the wild west, and the Monument is proof positive of this. A high level told me food can go to zero and it doesnt matter. Well get to more detailed aspects of West Game battles in a little while. Is there a scenario where I could potentially lose them? Heal and resurrect your troops (at the hospital and memorial) and repair your traps (at the Defense factory). Cavalrymen, on the other hand, are great against archer and mortar type, but suffer immensely against infantry and traps, while mortars are just useful when attacking other towns, since they are weak against all other troop types. Learning the basics are a bit much so it becomes a challenge from the start. In this sense, once youve trained a decent number of other units, feel free to dump excess resources on Mortars as theyre more than worth the investment in the resources theyll bring back from expeditions. If you dont have the fortune to build an all-star, high-tier battalion, split your troops into two, maybe three marches that are predominantly pistoleers (something in the lines of 40%), while the remainder is a balance between the other three types. Your next priority should be to upgrade your Town Center as this building will set the pace for all your other structures in your town. As the Sheriff gains levels, they also get skill points, which are used to buy powerful passive boosts in the Sheriffs skill tree. Available on both iOS and Android, West Game demands much from players. This begins with an alliance fortress, which marks an area as belonging to you and your alliance. West Games world is filled with ranch empires and outlaw gangs looking to make a quick buck off beginners or a handsome profit from controlling the state government. Check your Protection level. They are also fast and cheap to heal. In particular, you'll need plenty of farms to sustain the troops you'll be training. To access the maps search function, tap the telescope in the upper right panel. Make sure that youre always researching something! It is also recommended to always have an active building upgrade, unless you have everything upgraded to a certain level and consciously don't want to increase the town center further yet. If I no longer want to play can I give someone in my alliance all of my resources & items I have? Be warned though this is expensive. How can I recall my troops when attacking, my items say I have 2 recalls but there is no use button when my troops are marching and when I click on the march it only gives me boost options and no recall? You need to upgrade your farms higher. There are also chests with materials that you can purchase in the store. Four variables are available in your formula. Yup, Cabins again, so important that they were mentioned twice. I tried that and discovered it the hard way. Unfortunately, West Game doesnt have actual numbers in its unit stats page. Click recall to use one of your recall items on whichever resource or marches youre wanting back. The speed-ups will help you upgrade the buildings by reducing the time quite a lot! Low KDR's can be the result of team-killing or that the player is having a "bad day". Ranged units are armed with rifles, allowing them to fight from a greater distance. In the Quest tab on the bottom side of the screen, you will have a few quests which you can do to obtain other goodies such as Sheriff EXP and resources. the monument is a building that is part of the set up if you havent got one then maybe you have to many resource buildings for it to be built. Last you cannot speak to the other players, everything is typed. Let's check out the content below and find the info needed for your journey. Also when you join an active alliance they will help you learn how to do things. your people don't die without food. What about defending yourself from attacks stealing resources. Or can you. Is there any advantage to forging more than one piece of the same equipment such as Wood cane I have 2 of them but encrusted with different crystels ///, the crystals do different things so you can have one that you boost specifically for fighting and one for Farming, just switch between the two depending on what you are doing. In fact, as we mentioned above, most of your resource production in the late game will come from raiding other players or, at the very least, gathering from resource points on the map. These would be the Mortars. Some skills activate only in combat, and provide a bonus to the armies they lead. Dont worry though once you trained plenty of troops (that require Farms), you can demolish some of the farms and build something else. Later on, when you reach a higher level, you will pay less attention to the Main Quest and progress at your own pace but until then, use it to guide you. While its up to you to spend your Gold however you wish, the best Gold investment you can make as a new player is to upgrade your VIP level. In the bottom left corner you will see a lower case i tap it. The quests will also walk you through all the buildings that you need to construct in order to have a completed town, so I suggest that you follow these quests ASAP. p - current game party t - current troop v - game variables s - game switches. The other thing is you cannot send gifts that I have found unless you purchase them. hunting canoes, scout runners, troop transports, and the occa- This is where Aradil resides and increasingly . Unlocking higher tier units requires the appropriate program to be researched at the Academy. You can use all of your food of course but if you are below the fixed level your food will increase. Aways have some skill researching! For instance, a controlled burn trap may lose 76k T1 troops, to an attacker's 45K T3 troop loss. I suggest that you take this into consideration when you use speed ups so that you wont waste speed ups to go all the way to 0:00 time. If you add them on the details page of that troop, they will be automatically added to the training calculator. Instead, leave just a little bit more than 10 minutes, and at the 10-minute mark, finish the upgrade for free. I'll give 5 stars when some of these issues are addressed . One of the most important things your heroes can do is to lead your armies whenever you attack Butcher Brothers or other players. Later I, along with some other people were reprimanded for not doing our part. Take a good look at your heroes, to determine which class that you will benefit most from when deciding which class to unlock first. The fifth resource that youll need is silver. Super Soldiers is the only server in Combat Arms that does not affect a player's regular KDR (This includes Fireteam. Find one that you feel comfortable with. Example: The enemy has 15k level 2 Infantry and 20k level 2 Range. It provides passive bonuses to transporting resources, increases your reinforcement capacity, and increases your reinforcement march size, reducing how many times you need to send units over. Its possible to beat lvl 1 gob with tier 2s troops. The Church is where you presumably give captured enemy heroes their last rights before executing them. Only when youre transporting to other members. WARNING: A low rank with a KDR higher than 3 does not mean one is a hacker, so try not to kick the person because of this. The best way to do that is to upgrade each building to the maximum, as soon as you can (even if the game doesnt actually require it yet). There are departments inside the alliance: combat, logistics, diplomatic. How do we beat bandits in our area that have a ref oval symbol on them? Also, because the attacker on them keeps getting you won reports, they keep hitting. While West Game doesnt have enough information to make detailed comparisons, it does helpfully list some other things on the unit stat board, such as overall bonuses, upkeep cost, troop load (how many resources each unit of this type can carry), and what resources they can harvest. This time though, we're not fighting in a fantastic world of magic and dragons, but in the untamed frontier of the wild west. Last thing you want to do is have an 8+ minute march to gather silver, Is there anyway to get more construction queues? yes it is, buy a pack that gives a 2nd que. However, he read some guides, talked to people, and made friends. These provide powerful bonuses to your Sheriff. There is almost always a Solo and Inferno Solo Event acitve. As you do stuff to help your alliance, youll gain loyalty points, which can be traded at the alliance store for some nifty things, like VIP points, 8 hour town shields, buffs, or even speed boosts. The object is to send them on a camping trip on the other side of the kingdom. [StrategiesFromPlayers] - 39 docdisons7 on Discord, Btw card trick if you don't know when cards are delt hold finger on the high card till shuffling is done watch as you remove finger the higher card will jump calls for a win every time, [StrategiesFromPlayers] 40 commando(AGENT), Send all armies for gathering, example if only need 200k men to gather a tile you send 400k men. Equipment can give your sheriff all kind of different boosts and further on in the game you will likely have different sets of gear for different activities and your sheriff will wear gear based on what you are doing, e.g. Most of the things in this section we already mentioned, but it might be good to have a reminder of what you should look at as a minimum when you log into the game: The game is far from original, but my first impressions indicates it is done well, and the "Old West" setting is, as far as I know, at least an original angle to a familiar concept. Include artillery in your attack. Trapping is a trade. I want to teleport my city to another place and have 4 enhanced teleport but can not use it, whats wrong? The Defence Factory is where you construct traps to deter attackers. This is done by using insights, which you can find in rewards for quests, killing neutral mobs, or more commonly, the Saloon. Look at a YouTube put out by Jimbobfred he has good info, is there something or a tactic called block shield. I always use speed-ups for the Town Center and the Academy, because I like to research quite a lot. As level 12 I had 3 transport queues, so I could gather resources from 3 places simultaneously. It seems hard to clear out even a level one bandits town in our area. mine is # 10 his is # 11. how do i move to 11 ? Its important to note that these points arent tied to an alliance; even if you get kicked out for whatever reason, youll still have all the loyalty points from your previous efforts. They may have been playing the game for a long time, and may be good at it. That should be your priority because every upgrade you make (or should make) will appear at one point or another in the Main Quest. Ask yourself, are my deaths too many, or my kills to few. Aim high! How do I rescue my sheriff before hes executed? Available on both iOS and Android, West Game demands much from players. As you progress, youll unlock an alliance warehouse, where everyone can deposit and take resources as needed, as well as special alliance resource nodes which are far more effective than the nodes that spawn in the wild. That way even if you cant finish them all before the reset, at least you will finish most of them. If it wasn't for the friends and the community, I would not recommend at all. it will help you occupy fastly, When we upgrade or research., try to wait sometime to get help, after that use gold and other time reductions. There are many types of outlaws out there, so be prepared to engage in a stand-off with all sorts of characters. If you want to thrive in West Game, then you'll have to steel yourself for battle, raise an army of loyal cowboys, and take to the fields to meet your foes.However, before being able to develop your town, train troops, and dominate your foes, you must establish an acceptable production. Foxtrot is the only server that has a maximum required KDR to enter (1.0 or under). Great game of strategy, your always busy. Sorry if I missed it, but is it possible to build two buildings at a time or are you restricted to just one throughout the entire game? By upgrading these buildings, you not only increase each buildings production, but you also raise the cap of how much of those materials you can store. 35 total wins. Also, trade out smaller troops (T1/2) for bigger (T3/4). If i suicide my sheriff then resurrect him to get him back do i lose anything? You need an advance teleport to go to a spacific state you will need to enter the coordinance number in by clicking up top right corner microphone glass. The Embassy is an important building if youre in an alliance. But he took the suicide potion. You never know what manner of cannons can hide under somebodys poncho. In the same vein as the previous tip, youll need to train the right type of troops if you want maximum returns on your gathering trips. In fact, use our BlueStacks tools to streamline this process and save yourself hoursand clicksin the process. To build a resource building, tap one of the plots of land below the railway tracks that split your town in two. These would be all of our West Game tips and tricks that we have for you right now! 2. Most games allow you to buy a second or 3rd and I cant find any such thing is this game. Windows 10 is recommended. As a rule of thumb, higher tier units can carry more resources, so theyll be able to gather and deplete a node much faster. Each 6 hours you get a number of Daily, Alliance (if you are part of an Alliance) and VIP Quests. If their accolade count is suspiciously high, THEN you may be suspicious. Not bad! The remaining category stems from boosts within your alliance, base, and completing . Option 1: Mount an attack against the town, if the attack is strong enough, your sheriff will be released. Also, events can give out ports as well. Note that silver is not protected. Can only recall if you have recall items or otherwise pay with gold. You also get 1 free roll per day on the advanced chest (24 hour cooldown) and 5 free ones on the common chest (5 minute cooldown). This shield also expires when your Town Hall hits level 6. A player's Fireteam combo does not appear in their KDR page). But fear not weve put together this West Game beginners guide to help new players find their footing in the sand, and maybe survive long enough to become a force to be reckoned with. Ive been in an alliance for some time now and have not participated in the AVA. In particular, youll need plenty of farms to sustain the troops youll be training. 4, the gear will also have quality level 4 and the corresponding boosts. This game is at its core quite similar to games like Game of War and Mobile Strike. Everything south is for the exclusive use of resource buildings, so build away. Can also be purchased through loyalty shop or given at rewards/gifts. alliances that do not require accepting) by clicking on the More button under the alliance list, and selecting 'No Verifying'. Did he succeed? Without no doubt, higher Tiers of Troops are more powerful in the battles, and of course, they cost more to train. The skills you learn in Research are basically your towns core since they will help you in every battle. Specifically, since youll be mostly raiding other players and gathering spots to maintain your dwindling food supplies, youll be able to remove most of your farms and replace them with other buildings. Note that these numbers are the MINIMUM. If possible work together with alliance members so that you don't only get the goodies from the hits, but also get to kill the outlaw. 2023 BlueStacks name and logo are registered trademarks of Bluestack Systems, Inc. In West Game, like in many other conquest games, there is a grace period in which you are unable to attackor be attacked, which you can use for developing your town, shoring up your defenses, and readying your troops for future battles. West Game Tips From Discord - (39-40) Btw card trick if you don't know when cards are delt hold finger on the high card till shuffling is done watch as you remove finger the higher card will jump calls for a win every time. Option 3: Some players have no intention of executing the sheriff, and hell just be released automatically after 6 hours I think. It costs you absolutely nothing to help others just a tap of a button and presto. Theyre good against infantry and artillery, but suffer against cavalry and traps. Giving and receiving fast Helps will be an important part in growing fast as a player and as an alliance, especially early on when timers are not that long yet. Nexon gave everyone who logged in a free KDR reset prompting many players to reset their KDRs in January 2011. The Wild West theme SLG game. what is it and how does it work. By the time your troops get home the attack is over. Click your market then choose transport, it shows you the alliance members list, choose the member you want to send it to. Badge Earning Opportunities (pre-game activity and post-game activity on the court) Denver Nuggets Patch for attending one of the badge-earning opportunities . If the game had one or an auto use it would make ease of access immensely better. For now, its important to remember that there are four kinds of troops you can fit in your army, and that the outcome of a battle is decided by the latters level and number. Is that possible? Privacy Policy. I hope this helps clear a few things up. Take test hits. Cavalry use horses and superior mobility to overcome their lack of range. As the for the town burning, logging back in as well as healing your troops, traps etc should do the trick. Instead, you get to play three card monte youll be shown 3 cards, and after theyre shuffled around a bit, you need to pick the card with the highest value, with 2 as the lowest, and the joker as the highest. That do not require accepting ) by clicking on west game troop ratio more button under the alliance list, hell. Cant finish them all before the reset, at least you will see a case! Save the 24-hour speedups for researches resources & items I have found unless you purchase them program to researched...: the enemy in every battle up your heros stats, youll notice also... Logistics, diplomatic buildings, so build away I no longer want to teleport my city to another and... If you have a solid t2 wall to protect t4s when you join an active they. Potentially lose them the upper right panel, base, and the community, I would not recommend at.... Object is to send them on the details page of that troop, cost. 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