smith and wesson serial number prefix
Another way to tell the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol is by looking at the markings on the gun. With that said, was the information provided of help? For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50, and pre-model number varieties, here is when your gun was manufactured according to the serial code range. Feel free to reach out to us or read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy. Will prob post a separate thread with details. I don't have my book handy but the serial number is found on the butt and the lettering prefix is in line with J frames of a later than 1982 date. Oct 1982 AAF9000
Mar. Indiana Gun Owners is the most active and largest Indiana gun community online. On some revolvers, however, the serial number may be found on the cylinder or on the crank. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As a service to our shoppers and the Guns America community, here are our notes on production dates for Smith & Wesson Revolvers with 3 Letter Serial Number Prefixes. Smith & Wesson started using the "N" prefix to identify the N frame revolvers. Nov. 1989 BEN
CDT 12/99 RSR
Thanks everyone, got exactly what I needed with the approx. The answer is yes, the Smith & Wesson Model is still being made. Some got overstamps some didn't. Oct. 2003 JNM 500 PC
The serial number can be found on the frame, under the barrel, or on the grip. There may be an SN on the butt underneath the grips. It was produced for a short time in the early 20th century and only about 700 were made. The 28-1 was made 1961-62. Once you have the serial number, you can use it to look up the make, model, and caliber of your gun. However, you can contact the police department in the jurisdiction where the gun was last registered to see if it has been reported as stolen. So if youre curious about what kind of gun you have, dont hesitate to look up its serial number. important safety recall notice for smith & wesson m&p 12 shotguns manufactured prior to october 15, 2021 learn more.. For example, if a gun has the serial number ABC123, this means that it was the 123rd firearm manufactured by ABC Corporation. You can find the serial number on the barrel of most guns. Having said that, I just got my first lettered Smith! Smiths have been a 'hole 'nother story, ime. Thanks! Ralph Orlowski/Getty Images News/Getty Images. The serial number on a Smith and Wesson revolver is typically located on the frame, under the yoke (the metal piece that connects the barrel to the cylinder). It's N436XXX. Nov. 2003 CHB 11-907-03 332-1
Dec. 1986 AYW 9023
Jul. These listings inform you of the pistol's date of manufacture, based on the serial number. Discuss your favorite California handgun technical and related questions here. Jul. AAA, AAB, AAC, etc. Once youve determined the model,go on the manufacturers website to find which year the gun was made, from the digits following the dash. Jul. Aug. 1991 BKN 533 =- BKN 6905
This was the Third series K-22 and S&W released it after the war Effort in The Summer of 1946 with a new series of serial numbers starting with the K-Prefix in front of the actual serial number. Sept 1996 CBA; CBB; CBD
1981 AAD 2120
On the frame of the gun, there should be a small metal plate with the serial number stamped on it. Mar. They might be able to help you identify your gun based on its serial number. The assembly numbers helped the people at the factory keep track of what parts went to what gun. A quick Google search for gun serial number lookup will bring up a few options. He has professional training in hunting. As a service to our shoppers and the Guns America community, here are our notes on production dates for Smith & Wesson Revolvers with 3 Letter Serial Number Prefixes. You are using an out of date browser. And what you believe doesn't change what is true in real life in the real world. Don't let your buddies use your account. Once you have found the serial number, write it down or take a picture of it for reference. If your serial number is 546xxx then it was made before WWII; I'm guessing close to 1940. Contact Smith Wesson support center if you have any problems during aserial number lookup. Dec. 1993 BPK
2004 CHM 432 7-9-04 642 6-23-04
They might have a database that can tell you what kind of gun you have based on its serial number. The Model is constructed of carbon steel and has a blued finish. The dash 1 came out in 1972. Serial Number: C 153055 Year of Manufacture: The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson puts "C" prefix serial numbers from 1948 to 1951 from C1 to C223998, putting the DOM around 1950, the 2nd year of production. You must log in or register to reply here. Compound that with the issue that in most of it's years up to 1990 S&W did not ship sequentially. This should be located on the frame, near the cylinder release latch. Your gun is too new to have them anyway. He has written for regional newspapers such as "The Metro Forum" and the "West Tennessee Examiner." Is there a good website I can look up information on these? Smith & Wesson Revolver Serialization 3 Smith Wesson Revolver Serialization Letter Prefixes AAA VAR | 802 | 0 | Lc | 109.4236ms, Smith & Wesson Revolver Serialization 3 Letter Prefixes AAA - VAR. 629 BFY (2) 2/91 Ashland
Locate the serial number on the left side of the pistol's frame. You can easily locate the plate on the firearm's side, next to the trigger guard. Jan. 1992 BHT 6706 BHT 7337
If it is a newer gun, the serial might be elsewhere on the gun as well. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Exceptions: on 5/8/10, had a 57-1 SN Prefix AUL, grips dated Jan 1984. Sold For: $858.00. A model 10. Jun. Your Smith Wesson revolvers serial number can show you its manufacturing date and year; all you have to do is visit the Smith Wesson website. serial numbers range.2009-12-2 Is there anywhere. Boxes and stamped frames might sit on a shelf for a year or more before being shipped or barreled. I'm assuming the diamond grips refers to the shape of the checkering, if so then I think I do have those because it looks like little diamonds. With 3 1/2 Inch Barrel. If it has grips that cover that section of the frame, you may have to remove them. Smith & Wesson revolvers are some of the most popular handguns in the world. . Finally, if all else fails, you can contact a licensed firearms dealer. BFV 3/91 Roper
This allows manufacturers to quickly locate and fix any problems with their products. Smith & Wesson has a long history of innovation in the firearms industry. Aug. 2002 CFD 8-21-02
Apr. Remember that these dates are approximate, and your gun may have been produced before or after the date listed due to factors like production delays or changes in inventory. If you still cant find the information, you can try contacting the manufacturer of the gun. The first step is to find the serial number on your gun. Jan. 1996 CAN
Those revolvers were shipped starting in about 1969, after the existing inventory of "S" prefixed frames were exhausted. 1987 AWW 7874
Normally the first part of the serial code is composed of the factorys/manufacturers initials. 1992 BHP
Thanks for reading! Smith & Wesson has been a leader in the development of new firearms technologies for over 150 years. Oct. 2003 VAR (647-1)
Always have. If you have a gun and want to find out what kind it is, you can use the serial number to look it up. The Model is popular with law enforcement and gun collectors alike. Letter of Authenticity from Smith & Wesson. Some serial numbers are located underneath the frame in front of the trigger guard. 1985 AHS-AHT
.22 Hand Ejector Ladysmith 22 Long M. .22/32 Target 22 Long Rifle I. Dec. 1982 ABL3 3999
1989 BCY
The purpose of gunserial numbers is to track firearms and ensure that they are not used in crime. The numbers in the Smith & Wesson serial numbers are random numbers. Thanks guys. Dec. 1983 ADT 2999
Feb. 1995 CLS
2001 SCA0523 Scand. Powered by GunsAmerica Dealer Services. Also, serial numbers are utilized for quality control reasons. Please keep in mind that the serial number might not tell you all there is about your gun. They were dscontinued in about 1968. Before handling a firearm, double check that it is unloaded, no bullet is in the chamber and that the safety is on. Jul. I don't really care, I just like to argue. To find your Smith & Wesson's serial number, first locate the gun. Thats all we had on Smith and Wesson serial numbers. 2000 CEA
1997 ULT/LGT Airlite 317. It is illegal to possess a stolen firearm, even if you didnt know it was stolen when you bought it. Jun. With a little bit of effort, you should be able to figure out what kind of gun you have by its serial number. You can visit the Smith and Wesson site if youre curious about your gun. 1988 BBF
Oct. 1988 BBT 2293
), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns. If you try to recover a stolen gun yourself, you could be charged with a crime. Remington you can get month and year from the barrel codes. Jan. 1985 AHA 0667
2003 CFT; CFW 2 lines 37-2
It wasn't until the 1980's that serial numbers became unique across the entire company. Reading the serial number is appealing for gun owners because the letters and numbers can reveal the year of manufacture and the rarity of the weapon. Originally Posted by LeftHand-Fu The Model 10 was called the ".38 Military & Police" (".38 M&P") until 1957. Mar. The N frames with an N-prefaced serial number cover all the N frame pistols and not just one particular model and having the serials unique . There are two springs to change - the rebound spring and the mainspring. 1991 BHJ 8613 BHJ 9628
signNow has paid close attention to iOS users and developed an application just for them. 1980 AAA 000-2100
So its always best to let the police handle it. For many years he hunts regularly. Name Caliber Frame. Jan 1984 ADT 3000
Often guys would loosen the strain screw to get a lighter trigger feel. Apr. The company's first offering was a lever-action repeating pistol. I also have a question regarding the date of shipping/make for my 10-6. The Smith is in good condition. The gun is sold as is. Feb. 1993 BMB
When contacting Smith and Wesson customer service, be sure to have the following information handy: -The serial number of your revolver (if known). The "alphanumeric" - letters followed by numbers - serial numbers began in 1980. These models can begin with the prefix S, N, C, D or K. Consulting the Standard Catalog is the only accurate way to find the exact year of manufacture. The company makes a wide variety of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Apr. You should also make sure that you are buying from a reputable source, as there are many counterfeit firearms on the market. Another option is to contact a local gun store or gunsmith. Knowing what kind of gun you have can also be helpful if you ever need to sell it or get it repaired. Obtain a copy of the 3rd Edition of "The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson," which lists all of the different gun models and the corresponding years of their serial numbers. 1990 BFL 1101 BFL 1535
You can contact customer support or utilize online sources for the serial number lookup. S&W dating is kept intentionally vague, in order to sustain the S&W Collector's Association with proceeds from "Factory Letter" requests. Smith & Wesson is one of the largest gun manufacturers in the United States. Joined: Jul . Vortex PST Vs HST: Which Is The Better Option? Discuss your favorite California handgun technical and related questions here. To find it, go to the App Store and type signNow in the search field. Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images News/Getty Images. Different entities helping people know more about their guns use it as the primary search point. Jul. Feb 2002 SCA9923
2001 CEV 7-6-01 317
Feel free to reach out to us or read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy. Can someone with one of the S&W books help me out? It will be a 6-digit number preceded by a "C" or a "D". This identification proves that the handgun is an authentic Smith & Wesson pistol. Nov. 1984 AEV-ARJ
First, check the manufacturers website. 2004 CHJ 4-8-04
Jan. 1994 BDY
Aug. 1990 BFN 4343 BFN 4668
Smith & Wesson will issue a letter for a $50 fee. This will help to prevent rust and corrosion, and it will also keep your gun functioning properly. It is simple to operate and easy to maintain, making it a great choice for both novice shooters and experienced gun enthusiasts alike. Smith & Wesson used overlapping serial number ranges until the 1950's and 1960's, when serial numbers started to include letters. Jan 2003 CFF 1-15-03
I'm sure there are many experts who can narrow this down even further, but your best bet is to request an official. The first part of the gun serial number is usually composed of the manufacturers initials. Post the 3-alpha sequence and I'll take a stab at it. The Model 10 was called the ".38 Military & Police" (".38 M&P") until 1957. May. I hope this article helped satisfy your curiosity about the rarest Smith and Wesson revolver. If you dont get help from the above parties, you can contact a firearm expert to trace guns and other firearm-related issues. AET prefix 66-2 Grips dated 5/13/83 HG7568 from 2012
Nov. 1999 CDR
See the diamonds around the screw holes. Reading the serial number is appealing for gun owners because the letters and numbers can reveal the year of manufacture and the rarity of the weapon. If you follow these simple tips, then you can be sure that your Smith and Wesson Model revolver will last for many years to come. With articles appearing in various online publications, he has also contributed blogs for companies such as Granite Transformations and Blue Mile Cloud. The standard location for the serial number is above the trigger guard. It is reliable, accurate, and easy to use, making it a great choice for both novice shooters and experienced gun enthusiasts alike. 686 (CDS) 12/99 RSR
References. In these cases, the serial number will only be able to tell you the make and model of the gun. Sep 2003 SCC (625-10_
Nov. 1993 BPE
CDM, CDN 08/99 RSR
For instance, the unique code analyzes most guns manufactured with the same batch if a firearm is recalled. Some of this is from Supica's and Nahas's Appendices, and some from our own records. The Rampant Colt Magazine Collectable (1 Trades Accepted: We Buy, Sell, or Trade. Today, it is highly sought after by collectors and can sell for tens of thousands of dollars. Posts: 7,523. Unlike Colt, I can get a year. The Model 28 was made 1957 to 1960. CER 02/01 RSR
. May 2002 CFE 5-10-02
Aug. 1997 CBN
If interested, push me! The standard catalog listings inform on your guns details, like the pistols date of manufacture. 1994 BDY
May 2004 CHK 431 342PD 2 lines
year. With the serial number, you can look up the following features and aspects of your gun: Moreover, a standard catalog of Smith and Wesson is currently in its 4th edition. There are a few databases that keep track of firearms information, so someone might have already posted information about your particular gun. Aug. 1989 BEA BED
In this instance, 331-12345 was manufactured in the year 2007. Do note that in some cases, the serial number may not be able to tell you everything about your gun. The S&W L frames, your Mod 586, were the first S&W's produced with this type of serial number. We do not have time to answer questions about serialization. (though fewer is possible). If the gun is listed as stolen in any of these databases, do not attempt to recover it yourself; contact law enforcement instead. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of finding your guns date of manufacture using the serial number. Oct 2004 CTA 342 CTA6329
JavaScript is disabled. This article shall take you through the important aspects regarding theserial numberson Smith and Wesson guns. However, keep in mind that even experts may not be able to give you an exact answer, as there are many factors that can affect a guns age. Scopes, guns, boots and other tactical stuff in-between. Then, simply search for the date your firearm was created by typing its serial number in the box. Mar. Thanks! Smith and Wesson Serial Number Date of Manufacture J Frame Revolver Lookup. Jan. 1996 CAM
Jul. (but not as quick as CALGUNS!). All you need is the guns serial number. 1991 BHE
They replaced the S with an N. This happened in 1969 during the 28-2 production run. Others are on the rear of the frame, above the gun's grip. JavaScript is disabled. This makes it easy for police to find the serial number if a gun is lost or stolen. One way is to contact the manufacturer of your gun. They may be able to help you locate the serial number or provide other information that will help you determine if the gun is stolen. Our Sitemap. As matters regarding firearms are sensitive, always involve the relevant entities when faced with any of the discussed misfortunes. The Smith & Wesson company was formed in 1852, in Norwich, Connecticut. Jan. 1988 AYE-AYM
National Gun Forum.The only.38 spl Smith and Wessons in that serial number range were produced in 1903 and 1904 as the Smith and Wesson.38spl Hand Ejector M&P.Smith and Wesson Model 10 date of manufacture.. number range were produced in 1903 and 1904 as the Smith and Wesson.38spl Hand. Here are the key topics we shall cover: Smith and Wesson have produced various gun versions for over 150 years. As with any firearm, there are a few ways to tell how old it is. It at least one case a gun has a 5-screw serial and was built as a 4-screw gun. It's possible that a large block of serial numbers that appear to be from 1954-55 were not actually used until 1957-58. You can get a fair estimate/rough date from "Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson", but be aware that the 3-letter/4-numeral sequencing skips around among frame sizes, models and calibers now. Once you have found the serial number, you will need to consult a reference chart to determine the date of manufacture. The Smith & Wesson Model is a simple, yet effective revolver that has been in production for over 100 years. Oct. 1989 BEK
637 CDZ 03/00 RSR
If you are looking to buy a Smith and Wesson pistol, or any other firearm, it is important that you do your research beforehand. Jan. 1988 AYY 1139
Yours then was produced in 1980-81 with some of that serial number as late as Oct of 1982. Aug. 2002 CFJ 8-2-02
by Bob R Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:29 am The serial numbers for the 19-5 were : 1982 125K000 - 269K999 1983 270K000 - 311K273 Beginning in the transition years of 1980 to 1983 S&W started using a 3 letter serial prefix and a 4 digit number. Smith and Wesson serial numbers can be found on the bottom of the front of your revolvers grip, while some gun codes are located on the metal link between the barrel and the cylinder. These started with AAA and, for the most part, ran in order. Can anyone tell me when s/n R2667xx was made? Every time a gun is sold, its serial number is recorded so that law enforcement can trace its ownership history. Basically the rebound spring controls the trigger and the mainspring controls the hammer but you should change both to be on the safe side. There are a few ways to look up this information. The serial of a model 10 will have AT LEAST one letter in it, and will almost certainly be 7 characters total. Locate either "Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts" or "Smith & Wesson; Houlton, ME" stamped on the barrel. Several ways, as discussed, can help you analyze and determine the kind of gun you have purchased or own. Oct. 1993 BPD
The company made a variety of rifles over the years, but it is best known for its revolvers. If youre lucky enough to own one of these rare revolvers, you have a true piece of history in your hands. Another way is to use an online database. N Series N Frames: N1 - N60,0001970-72 N60,001 - N 190,000.1972-74 N190,001 - N430,000.1975 - 77 N430.001 - N 550,000..1978 Never have checked it either serial is BHC-06XX. If you have a gun, its important to know where its serial number is located. Be sure to check out our gun classifieds where you can buy, sell or trade your gear. May 1989 BDY BDZ
It just depends on who answers. Christopher John has been a freelance journalist since 2003. 2002 CFH 6-17-02
Moving forward from those beginnings, Smith & Wesson shaped innovations in the manufacturing of modern handguns. Aug. 1994 BRF
It is best to do this immediately on the ship date. You must log in or register to reply here. Is the strain screw all the way screwed in? I vow to own one some day! When the serial code or other details are unavailable, reach the police or the manufacturer to get the information. Numerous entities like police forces and military groups would mark armory or rack numeric values on weapons, which can easily be mistaken for the industrial serial number. Sep. 1992 BFV
Sep 1996 SWC (29-4)
The gun has some light scratches and some light blue loss as seen in the pictures. Aug. 1996 CBC
2000 RDA (646)
They may be able to help you locate the serial number or provide other information that will help you determine if the gun is stolen. Scopes, guns, boots and other tactical stuff in-between. Jan. 1987 AYC5788 Grips dated 1/28/87
Mar. Leave a comment below with the answer and any additional data on our topic. Some of this is from Supica's and Nahas's Appendices, and some from our own records. So again the K-22 went under constructive changes and a Barrel rib was added to it to make it the exact same weight as the K-32 & K-38. One is a 10-5 serial D7461XX. Mar. Post-War K-Frame Serial Number Sequence - SMITH SHOOTERS FORUM Post-War K-Frame Serial Number Sequence Moderators: Mob Of Crows, jimg11, Top Break, HotToyz44Mag 1 post hammerdown7 7,486 Smith Shooter Guru Mar 16, 2008 #1 Hello I thought that someone may like this Reference of K-Frame serial number's. H.D. 642 BFY (2) 2/91 Ashland
In such cases, the code only reveals the guns make/model, which is still better than nothing.
On the other hand, the second part states the order in which a particular gun is made. For example, pre-World War Two models have only numbers, while later models can include letters. Can you recover your gun using the unique code. One of the best ways to do this is by regularly cleaning and lubricating your gun. Nov 14, 2012. LSB#: 170130JH03 Make: Smith & Wesson Model: 'The .38 Military & Police', Pre-Model 10, Square-Butt K-Frame. These guns are popular for their durability and accuracy, but determining the age of your weapon can be tricky. Apr. You can also contact Smith & Wesson directly for this info, they are helpful. Feb. 1989 BDC
The S&W Model 10 military revolvers produced from 1942 to 1944 had serial numbers with a "V" prefix, and were known as the Smith & Wesson Victory Model.It is noteworthy that early Victory Models did not always have the V prefix. The Model 60 no dash began production in 1965, the M60-1 was introduced in 1972possibility she's c&r. They are listed in year-sequential order, and "A dog's breakfast" is a true definition of the scrambled info. The second part of the gun serial number is typically a sequence of numbers that represent the order in which the gun was made. The Standard Catalog of S&W doesn't show that serial number prefix as being used. There are a few different charts available online, but we recommend using this one from the Standard Catalog of Firearms. You'll find a small metal plate on the pistol's frame with the unique code imprinted.,, Make sure to provide the following information when contacting customer care regarding the serial number: Your gun probably has additional letters or numbers imprinted on it. I have one in jail and it does not have a letter in it. Oct. 1997 CCD
When a gun is used in a crime, police can use its serial number to track down the person who sold it to the criminal. as CZ says, ONLY "nail" is the Smith Letter - and $! Jul. the serial number is at the bottom of the butt, The 4 digit number you've posted is an assembly number. The guns, which were basically an updated version of the .38 Military & Police revolver, were eventually given a V prefix on their serial number and called Victory Models. 2004 CSR (327) 7-22-04
This way, you will know what to look for in terms of age and condition. First, call your local police department and explain the situation. Feb. 1991 BFW
Oct. 1983 ADE 6700
Jul. Barbarosa - Alright so the number on the bottom of the butt is "ACT75xx". Now that you know how to find your guns date of manufacture, its time to start thinking about preserving its condition! Jul. There are uniqueserial numbersfor each, emphasizing the importance of knowing yours, especially its location. smith and wesson serial number databasene or iPad, easily create electronic signatures for signing a standard catalog of smith and wesson serial numbers pdf in PDF format. Step 1 Identifying features: This is where to look for the model number (not used until around 1957). Not all of the prefixes were used to completion. If your serial number is 546xxx then it was made before WWII; I'm guessing close to 1940. Around 1980ish (maybe 1981?) As of March 2011, Smith & Wesson offers approximately 110 different pistols of varied designs and features. The pinned barrel was eliminated in 1982 so I'd expect your gun was made later. Today, Smith & Wesson is a subsidiary of American Outdoor Brands Corporation. Once youve found the serial number, note it down or take a picture for future reference. Smith & Wesson also manufactures ammunition and other firearm-related products. Apr. Despite its age, the Model continues to be a reliable and accurate firearm. 1986 TWT 544
Support Indiana Gun Owners and get: Custom Title, Increased PM Storage, Instant Access to Classifieds, Increased Picture Storage, Increased Avatar Limits, Increased Attachment Limits. Smith & Wesson will modify your L-frame revolver free of charge to eliminate the possibility of cylinder binding with .357 Magnum ammunition. Oct. 2003 BVA (329-1); CAF
Oct. 2003 RGN0001
The serial number of a Model 10 is found on the bottom of the grip frame. It at least one case a gun has a 5-screw serial and was built as a 4-screw gun. Feb. 1992 BKZ 1014 BKZ 2310
Gun serial numbers are a combination of letters and numbers that identify a specific firearm. If you own a Smith & Wesson firearm, then you may be wondering how to lookup the guns model and history. You can easily locate the plate on the firearms side, next to thetrigger guard. However, this is still better than nothing. So, how do these codes work? 399), If anyone is willing, can you date the revolver my grandpa left me please. If you cannot find the serial number on your revolver, contact Smith and Wesson customer service for assistance. A wartime version of the original Model 10, the Smith & Wesson Victory model is a class WWII collectible. Side-by-side photo showing different spots to get a pistols serial number. It's possible that a large block of serial numbers that appear to be from 1954-55 were not actually used until 1957-58. Jan. 1986 AHC1687
The "alphanumeric" - letters followed by numbers - serial numbers began in 1980. Nov. 1997 CCE
The other is a model 10-6 serial D5801XX. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You can also check national databases of stolen guns, such as LeadsOnline and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. Copyright, All rights Reserved. Jun. Barbarosa - Alright so the number on the bottom of the butt is "ACT75xx". 1987 AVB 8654
The company produces a wide range of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. They may be able to help you find the serial number or other information. 2004 CHL 6-23-04
Jan. 2004 CHD 1-29-04
On the frame of the gun, there should be a small metal plate with the serial number stamped on it. , 50 and pre Model number versions sold, its time to answer about... Up information on these signNow has paid close attention to iOS users and developed an application just smith and wesson serial number prefix. As being used to operate and easy to maintain, making it a great choice for both shooters... Of 1982 3-alpha sequence and I & # x27 ; d expect your gun based on serial. Cleaning and lubricating your gun thetrigger guard not used until around 1957 ) stolen gun yourself you... Problems with their products thats all we had on Smith and Wesson site youre! Serial code is composed of the discussed misfortunes assembly numbers helped the people at the factory keep track of information... //Www.Midwayusa.Com/Product/84-And-W-J-Frame, https: // we shall cover: Smith and Wesson pistol by. A pistols serial number, you can Buy, sell or Trade your gear 1991 BHJ BHJ. In terms of age and condition CLS 2001 SCA0523 Scand different entities helping people know more about their guns it... Is true in real life in the development of new firearms technologies for over 150 years gun for! Always involve the relevant entities when faced with any of the original 10... Sca0523 Scand is highly sought after by collectors and can sell for tens of thousands of dollars Wesson customer for! And lubricating your gun get a pistols serial number prefix as being used ; &! For over 150 years I needed with the approx, yet effective revolver has! Jail and it will also keep your gun using the unique code from Supica 's and Nahas 's Appendices and. Check the manufacturers website your guns date of manufacture using the & quot ; - letters followed by -... ; m guessing close to 1940 are popular for their durability and accuracy, but it is best do. Lines year in order helped the people at the bottom of the frame, you may have remove. 331-12345 was manufactured in the Smith letter - and $ the trigger and national! As matters regarding firearms are sensitive, always involve the relevant entities when with... Date of manufacture J frame revolver lookup smith and wesson serial number prefix was made 2310 gun serial number if gun! From the barrel codes then, simply search for the serial number on your revolver, Smith! This should be located on the firearms industry you can contact a local gun or... Your Smith & Wesson will modify your L-frame revolver free of charge to eliminate the possibility of binding! Contact customer support or utilize online sources for the serial number on the grip 1990 S & amp Wesson. - serial numbers are random numbers prefix to identify the N frame revolvers began 1980. The key topics we shall cover: Smith and Wesson site if curious! Center ( NCIC ) the United States 3000 Often guys would loosen the strain screw get! Side-By-Side photo showing smith and wesson serial number prefix spots to get a lighter trigger feel and type signNow in the early century... And determine the date of manufacture J frame revolver lookup 38, 49 50. 10-6 serial D5801XX regarding firearms are sensitive, always involve the relevant entities when faced with any,! Are some of this is from Supica 's and Nahas 's Appendices, and it does have... Or take a stab at it 'nother story, ime utilized for quality reasons. Tens of thousands of dollars can contact a firearm expert to trace guns and other tactical stuff in-between is of! Us or read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy law enforcement can trace its ownership history if interested, me. Trade your gear read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy AHC1687 the & quot ; - letters by. The people at the factory keep track of what parts went to what gun sit on shelf. Before proceeding: which is the strain screw all the way screwed in the. If all else fails, you can find the serial number on cylinder. By regularly cleaning and lubricating your gun using the unique code gun enthusiasts.! Various gun versions for over 150 years publications, he has written for regional newspapers as... An SN on the safe side remington you can not find the information front the! A firearm, then you may have to remove them production in 1965, the serial number located. Wesson Victory Model is popular with law enforcement and gun collectors alike disclosure and privacy policy be 7 total... Barrel, or on the gun to contact a local gun store or gunsmith said that, just! The kind of gun you have a letter for a year or more before being shipped or.... Close to 1940 pistols serial number oct. 1993 BPD the company 's offering! The date of manufacture S & W did not ship sequentially 4668 Smith & Wesson directly for this,. What you believe does n't change what is true in real life in chamber. Is in the Smith & Wesson company was formed in 1852, in Norwich, Connecticut they might be to! May not be able to tell you the make and Model of the butt is `` ACT75xx '',. The largest gun manufacturers in the world gun community online ( 1 Trades:! And history but determining the age of your weapon can be tricky Military & ''! Model 60 no dash began production in 1965, the Smith & Wesson is one of the S an! When s/n R2667xx was made before WWII ; I & # x27 ; S side, to! Was introduced in 1972possibility she 's c & r ) 7-22-04 this way, you will know what look... ), if all else fails, you may be able to figure out what of... And, for the serial number is typically a sequence of numbers that a! Rebound spring and the `` alphanumeric '' - letters followed by numbers - serial numbers are located underneath the,. Way to tell the age of a Smith & Wesson company was formed in 1852, in Norwich Connecticut! The kind of gun you have found the serial number will only be able help. Which the gun serial number can be tricky note that in most of it for reference is constructed of steel. At the markings on the frame, you will know what to look up the and... Way is to contact a licensed firearms dealer shipping/make for my 10-6 firearms on the of! 7874 Normally the first part of the largest gun manufacturers in the box could be charged with a bit... Locate the gun 's grip a newer gun, the 4 digit number 've! Firearm expert to trace guns and other firearm-related products is still being made 327 ) 7-22-04 this,... Found on the market ( not used until around 1957 ) manufacturer to get the information provided of help revolver... Can anyone tell me when smith and wesson serial number prefix R2667xx was made later this blog post, we will walk you through important... Ways to tell you the make and Model of the serial number the pistols date of manufacture information provided help! Over 150 years should also make sure that you know how to find serial! Model 10, the second part of the prefixes were used to completion revolver that has been a in... Ashland locate the plate on the ship date your curiosity about the rarest Smith and Wesson pistol by! It does not have time to answer questions about serialization not be able tell. You can contact a firearm, double check that it is AVB 8654 the company made a variety of over. Best known for its revolvers 5-screw serial and was built as a gun! Was called the `` West Tennessee Examiner. 8654 the company made a variety firearms! 49, 50 and smith and wesson serial number prefix Model number ( not used until around 1957.... Will bring up a few different charts available online, but determining the age your. Barrel was eliminated in 1982 so I & # x27 ; m guessing to! 1990 S & W did not ship sequentially if you ever need to consult a reference to... Experience, please enable JavaScript in your hands BDZ it just depends on who answers other are... You analyze and determine the date your firearm smith and wesson serial number prefix created by typing its number. In 1980-81 with some of the original Model 10 will have at least case... 'S c & r they are helpful numbers helped the people at the factory keep track of information! Wesson guns to have them anyway with that said, was the information Tennessee Examiner. was produced in with... Theserial numberson Smith and Wesson guns dash began production in 1965, the is! Trigger feel firearm, even if you have can also contact Smith & amp ; Wesson #... Firearm, there are a combination of letters and numbers that identify a specific firearm side, next the. By typing its serial number on the other hand, the Smith & amp ; Wesson serial began! Can be found on the left side of the gun serial number the! Diamonds around the screw holes be charged with a crime found the serial might be elsewhere on firearms! S & W did smith and wesson serial number prefix ship sequentially the manufacturer to get a pistols serial number 546xxx... Our gun classifieds where you can Buy, sell, or Trade barbarosa - Alright so the on! The way screwed in police to find the serial number may be found on the grip before... 1997 CCE the other is a subsidiary of American Outdoor Brands Corporation gun Owners is the Smith and Wesson...., no bullet is in the firearms industry: on 5/8/10, had a SN! Look up this information a 5-screw serial and was built as a 4-screw gun that with the and., its time to answer questions about serialization number if a gun, the serial number might...