seeing red spots when waking up
A sub-par thyroid can affect your pituitary system, which has a cascade of effects on hormones and can, in some cases, lead to bleeding. He looked up in time to see the craft depart like the first, and should i just let it pass. Here are very important facts about diabetic retinopathy, how it affects your eyes, and what you can do to treat it. No bumps or indents, I have also been attacked by a demon, it started with the red dots then moved into other things. I'd like to think I was specially selected by some alien life form for research purposes. It went away wheni got out of bed. This is going to sound unreal but weird things happen to me sometimes at night. Seeing halos around lights can be a sign cataracts are developing. Cant find anything. Other experiencers describe sleeping unusually hard or deep or dreamless the night the mark appeared. When I abruptly wake up, my entire vision is bathed in red for just a few moments. It sounds really scary and creepy. There two rows and looks very odd. If you are able to purchase our dossier detailing our data analyses and conclusions, pay close attention to the sections Location on the Body Analysis, and Dreams Around Time of Occurrence. I dont remember anything after that. Here is the photo, Actually I made a photo bucket. ), ( Featuring exclusive content, such as photo selections, statistical analyses of survey data, and long-awaited conclusions on the cause of the grid marks, this dossier is meant to provide all the relevant information experiencers and curious readers would want in one organized, and clear ebook style work. It is not itchy or grazed, it does not hurt, and it is merely more of an aesthetic issue at this stage. I've been waking up seeing grids all my life. They will fade in a few days so if you could take more until they do that would be great, Also, if you could take just a few minutes and fill out the brief questionnaire on our website that would help a lot too. It suddenly appeared we do not know exactly when. blisters, or hickey-like bruises in two others; mark begins to fade within hours of occurrence; pain, discomfort, aching are rare (one case); sensation of heat or minor burning felt at site prior to or during appearance of marks in at least 2 cases; no recollection of pressure, tingling, pinching, or anything at all that would have drawn their attention to the site while it was produced; no reports of itchiness or swelling at or around site to suggest skin reaction, allergy, disease; a few recall bizarre vivid dreams around the time of the marks' appearance; less than 20% (3/17) damp from having severely sweated while they slept, Every once in a while we experience seeing bright spots in vision at any time of the day. Find out more here! I awoke to see a perfect grid pattern, dead straight lines. wookie101 Well-Known Member Messages 108 Type of diabetes My GF found my rash on my back as we were going to bed on 09/09/2012. I woke up three days ago with a circle made out of evenly placed dots on my chest. If you have find out email me please knightunderground at gmail. I have had a pounding headache and felt really nauseous all morning. Otherwise, see your optician. Sometimes . I just found a pattern of diagonal dots that form s rectangle on my husband's mid back. felt a rush of air as it Somehow, that makes me wake up in the middle of the night and see all red for a minute. This has been happening to me for a while please contact me for pics they like like hickies in a pattern, Mines is above my belly button. I would advise you to rest well, adults require upto 8 hours of sleep per day. Please check in regularly and follow us. Other causes of red dots or spots on the skin, says Dr. Lauring: "Pinpoint red dots: causes include leukocyclastic vasculitis (usually benign inflammation of the capillaries that can be associated with infections, medications, autoimmune processes), Schamberg's disease (benign disorder presenting as cayenne pepper like red dots on the lower . After having a Kindalini awakening a hexagon shape about the size of a nickel appeared in my forehead. Check for reflections and distortions on the walls, on the floors and even on the furniture since they could all contribute greatly to one having some visual hallucinations. 12 I know she won't talk to strangers about this because it's only something she's shared with me. ), ( It took about 10-15 minutes to get him to kind of respond. I just changed and saw a rectangular shape on my chest it almost looks like a stain that fake blood would leave on the skin.. My son (now aged 20), woke up aged 9 months with this on his head. They. Wow, I can't believe that so many people have experienced the same thing, it's so scary! These rashes can appear anywhere on the body, but are most often found on the elbows, knees, and scalp. Darren, could you please get in touch with us at and send a picture of your marks? We believe this phenomenon to have a natural cause. I have 3 uniform dots between my thumb and pointer finger ( left hand) making a perfect triangle shape. It was so symetric, we could not beleive this was a skin rash. I don't remember having an OBE but maybe I did? But this time I was wide awake and could still see it. I can't find anything relating to the perfect placement of these dots. Seeing 6-20 stagnant flashes of greenish light in central vision. Depression Contact me at . However, just because you have diabetes doesn't mean that you have to suffer from eye and vision problems. You are still welcome to report your occurrence to our survey system, also accessible in the right hand column; this survey data was used in large portion to inform our conclusions.I hope you all get a read through the dossier, it is the only work on the subject and should answer all your questions. I have been extremely interested in aliens and have been looking for evidence of their existence and seeing this makes me very happy. You will likely find others with your same questions and concerns already addressed. December 15, 2016. and a possible one on september 11 2017. i have the picture of the first one and only that one. Sometimes they last a day, sometimes a week. I feel no pain and no itching. I get these pin pricks on my hands and feet bexcuse of my psoriasis but never in a pattern like this. But they're in just such an unordinary pattern That it couldn't be. I have an odd story regarding this particular rash and relating to the 1967 aliens article pictures too. Rebecca, thank you for reporting. She is 14, we always joked it was the aliens. Providing evidence of the investigative potential of dreams. Oh, and just curioushow many with this are negative blood types? Then they sent me home with discharge papers that said rash - dermatitis. This happened to me when I was in high school. Not wanting to start a debate..just wanted to mention that. I woke up and as I was changing my husband said I had something weird in the bottom of each of my bottom cheeks and when I looked in mirror I was so confused as to how they got there, did not sit on anything that could have made this and my sheets aren't textured. I wonder what this is, it happened to my husband and it came back 4 times in a year period, we haven't gotten answers, there's nothing in our house with this pattern, it happens at night while he sleeps, he experiences heave sweating bad headache and vivid nightmares, and they last about 4-7 days to go away. I was completely baffled until I realized I was leaning against the suction part of my jacuzzi bathtub and receiving the hickey-like circular patterns from the suction! The tv is on and provides some light in the room. The green and blue pigments are not used up., I've been getting these red dot patterns on my skin for decades. After the surgery I immediately developed large red spots in both eyes (subconjunctival hemorrhage). 3 I am. After blinking a few times, the pattern goes away. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. I noticed its usually when Answered in 4 hours by: Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question No The fact you have narcolepsy and related hallucinations amplifies that, I'm sure. I dont want to believe something is wrong or happened to me, but its just weird so many other people are experiencing the same thing with no clear diagnosis. I find it baffling that there are no medical answers to explain why this happens or what it may be a result of. The ring of visual snow has now converged and covers the outer edge of the dark gray blind spot. He peeked his head in through the opening to find computerized panels and lights. About 1cm in diameter. Are you familiar with those? these just appeared out of nowhere. I saw no lights however . Daniel, yes we'd love to hear more and see some photos. But afterward, a red, itchy spot often appears at the site of the. If you're able, I recommend you read our dossier. Contact Lens-Related Irritation Even just a speck of dust trapped behind your contact lenses can irritate the eye. I have a somewhat diamond shaped grid of tiny pin pricks on my right wrist but mine has stayed there for several months. The link to it is on the right hand column of this site. red and irritated upon waking. Woke up and out of no where there is a huge red spot in the white of my eye. Please email us at: experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks. They're not bumpy, or itchy or painful in anyway and the area of skin is smooth to the touch. But, that more rare. I have been waking to find a series of three pin like dots on my skin for years. The mark lasted over a week and then just disappeared. The lines are straight but curve as I try to move around. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. ), ( perfect shapes, not always circular or dot-like; skin of After taking a shower, I took a closer look and noticed that it formed a grid like pattern with different sized dots. Content on HealthTap (including answers) should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and interactions on HealthTap do not create a doctor-patient relationship. I was changing my shirt and my son noticed it. It has been happening now for three days. Myodesopsia often occurs during the aging process and is usually harmless. Ive had this experience twice. To Crystal, is it possible you have a baby monitor in the room that is emitting infrared light, and for a moment after opening eyes, you are sensitive to the night vision light? Just like everyone else I looked for a diagnosis online and found this site. Do we have something in common other than the markings. Look around the website for the Out of Body Experience Research Foundation's listings and information. Now that I'm up my headache has subsided and I don't feel like I'm gonna vomit my stomach just feels really bruised as if I did. Black circle in vision (left eye) - OCT image included. ), ( It's happened a couple times already. She has encountered dozens of non-terrestrial species in her dream walking, and considers herself an advocate for integration.Check out more in Jennifer's Profile, Paranormal experiencer and dream investigator Jordon met Jennifer after a strange grid pattern appeared on his back in 2012. As you settle into bed at night, close your eyes and begin to doze off, you may notice the colorful light show happening inside your eyelids. It happened to me too since I am sitting in pc alot. However, as a starter, you must know that seeing flashes of light spiritual is a sign that you have seen an angel. The pattern is more frequent and has increased in size over the past year. My dad had the same marks off & on while i was growing up. He had an accident and wet himself which isn't like him at all and finally when I got him to respond, I asked him what happened and he was very out of it and tired so I brought him to my bed to sleep with me then we fell asleep. ), ( What you're describing sounds to me like hypnagogic and hypnopompic states of sleep, could that be the case? Without a photo or clinical evaluation, it is impossible to tell you more. I wake up, I am FULLY awake, but my entire field of view is pitch black with a red or green grid. I have pictures where can I send them to or how can I post them? Heres the photo [URL= Experiencers may report sleeping unusually long or hard the night before their appearance. Thank you for your comments. Happens a handful of times over the past few years. They were a little dots even spaced out. Crazy thing is, if I take a baby wipe, they wipe right off. The dots in the centre are more pronounced and fade out towards the edges of the rectangle. Hi Anastasia,We'd love to get some more info and pictures if you could email us at experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks! Eventually I called the advice-nurse who said it was unusual for a 5 year old to complain of seeing spots and to take him to the ER. I wasn't sure if I should admit it to my doctor or not! I woke from a normal sleep about 3am. Did have vivid dream but not nightmare and was very hot when I woke. At the same time we found a small area on the back of his head with no hair on it, and what felt like a lump underneath it. See black stationary spots on walls only when I wake up. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. I have had this same markings last year on my back but in a rectangular pattern shape. Whether we remember them or not, everyone dreams, and everyone is capable of experiencing night terrors once in a while. I wake up in the middle of the night and everything is tinted red, like there is a red light glowing. However, some evidence indicates its link to a viral infection. I noticed its usually when I sleep on my back with something propped under my neck Medical Ask an Expert Medical Questions This answer was rated: I see SMALL spots when I wake up. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. My daughter has had triangle grid marks on her forehead, it seems once a year. A red spot on the eye is often a small blood vessel that burst open. I awoke with a large black circle on my upper/outer thigh that may be unrelated. For my review appointments one day and one week after surgery my doctor ex. Hi man that happens to me and my brother to we have low blood pressure pots like symptoms as well. Yep, sometimes even sex can make you bleed. Red spot in the white area of my eye with very very slight haze in vision - no pain. This morning I woke up and had a line of 5 dots going down my chest under my left pectoral, no pain, not raised, just peculiar. I hope this helps you.Jennifer, I have this strange diamond grid mark on my left bicep that has been there for 3 days I have no idea where it came from. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. He was seen by an ER doctor (really the after hours clinic sine it wasn't a real emergency) and the doctor recommended seeing an opthamologist. Looking forward to connecting with you. 22 So i told him to take a picture. Curious of anyone has any insights or thoughts. ), ( I have very vivid dreams and I dream every night but I did not remember my dreams last night which I was weird. 28 Check out our dossier if you can. 6 rows by 6 rows in perfect geometric shape. 1 This is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. I woke up with a diamond shaped pattern of red dots under my chin about two days ago. I woke up this morning with these pattern like dots right below my shoulder blade. Found this thread and wanted to let others know. is itnormal or recurring staph? Thanks Sharlene. 8 This could possibly be a recurrence of infection especially if you have had an increase in pain, drainage, and/or fevers. Thank you for reporting! This is the clear coating that covers the sclera, the white part of the eye. The vitreous is attached to the retina. I have a picture also. 58 It doesn't hurt and has no bumps. My 4 month old son has small spots ( not milk spots) over one eyelid and under the same eye red and slightly swollen gets very fussy when i touch them? The only exceptional event that occured was a hit of a leg on my hand, but I was heavily dressed, since it's winter. As a partner agent, he contributes valuable information via his entity encounters, shared dreaming, and astral experiences. 36 I am 9 months pregnant, I awoke at about 3 am in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. Aging and macular degradation. Then, just woke up this morning with the same pattern in the same place. ), ( You can find it on the right side in the gray area above.Thanks. That analysis, along with the Theories and Conclusions article (pg 210) discusses the relevance of vivid dreams to this phenomenon. Hi - I have had a dry, flaky, red spot on my eye for about two weeks now. I was having a nap at the time when he woke me to tell me. Seems to happen while I was asleep and there is absolutely no known reason for them. I got up to change my pajamas and found the markings of these diamond shaped, honeycomb, branding on my left butt cheek. shot from these holes onto his chest, setting his shirt and undershirt However, last night my boyfriend took his shirt off and I saw the same pattern across his back. Hey all I too have the same marks on my back.Email me to if you have any info. They can not be explained but are perfectly aligned. Diabetic Retinopathy: How Can Your Out-Of-Control High Blood Sugar Cause It? That night before I went to sleep I was watching a movie on alien abductions. It goes away pretty quickly. No clue what it is, I have 6 dots grid like marks on my outerleft thigh and I had it for 2 or 3 years now and it's not going away it's still there. 19 I noticed the exact same grid dot thing last night on my partners shoulder We googled it because we had been talking about extraterrestrial life forms the night before and I made a joke about him being abducted We weren't expecting to find this! Itchy red dots may be due to allergies. I asked my wife if she saw the light and she said no! Woke up one morning to see 2 black dots upon the white wall which disappeared when blinking. The last two times it appeared on my jaw, and this time it is under my chin. He took a few pictures, and from what we can see some of them have faded but some are still prominently there, but it is 9:30 at night. I would be surprised if regular exact grid patterns were the product of nature. Second time I have had these grid marks on my lower butt cheeks. 2 If you have questions start a new post and give more information. should i be worried? of round holes, each about 1/16 inch in diameter. Feel free to email me at for photos taking this morning. Red eyes and infections can happen if you don't clean your lenses correctly or if you wear them longer than you're supposed to. I've noticed spots of blood on the front of my underwear when I wake up in the morning. I hope this story helps with anything and I hope i can find awnsers to what is happening to my shoulder. But I have this time! I asked them to check his platelete level they did blood work said it's perfect. Each dot had the look that a hicky mark leaves behind. 14 I contacted my gp and have had 2 eye tests including dilated pupil and both say eye health is good. ), ( This, in turn, reduces the amount of moisture in the eyes, causing redness. ), Red Marks in Grid Patterns - Summary of Symptoms and History, Red Grid Marks Phenomenon Case Report #4: Jessie, French Investigator on the Target Symbol/Mark Phenomenon. Any ideas? By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following. Her primary research is in mapping the dreamscape. Apparently it can. When it is large, this crescent shaped blind spot containing this . I also got bit by a spider on my bum last week so maybe it's some sort of reaction to that? Maybe you can uset i for your own good, only if you see red in dark,and if you see it in day time,then contact doctor. If you have more info, please email me. Lol woke up with this same shit today. Mostly on my earlobes, neck, upper arms, shoulders and back - less commonly on my legs. Sometimes the patch is raised and rough or bumpy. Assembling the science of information download from a network/cloud consciousness. No pains, no heat, nothing. About once every few years. Last night when I got out of the shower I noticed a red diamond between my shoulder and my bicep, next to a large tattoo so this is definitely out of place to me. So I have them under my left arm on the left side of my rib cage theres 11 dots some are faded buts its in the perfectly spaced dots I wonder if it could have been my Alien dream I had. 1. Same here, but not red - dark, like mini bruises. ),, Post Comments This may cause some dryness and lead to fluctua After we close our eyes, especially in brightly lit environments, we will see images of what we were looking at for a short period of time. If you are nearsighted, have diabetes, have a family history of the issue, or experience trauma to your eye, you may be at an increased risk for retinal detachments. Many eye problems have similar symptoms, like blurry vision, light sensitivity, and of course, floaters. He said he feels fine. My son has had marks in three rows circles looking like bruises. Can anyone explain what this may be?Thanks Charlene, Hi Charlene, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: Jagged Lines in a Vision: Causes and Symptoms. Hi, is there an email I can send photos to? I have floaters and started seeing a green spot in my left eyes vision and a red one in my right eye. After waking up in the morning from a night's sleep, you may have noticed red, bloodshot eyes staring back at you in the bathroom mirror. My jaw, and of course, floaters it pass like this this helps! 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