seapiper 35 forum

I can see it being nice for a couple when traveling from town to town with lots of opportunities to tie up to a dock or pier and get off the boat. There is something about it . 10 under construction right now, somewhere south of the Gobi Desert in China! Sounds like the Gyro is a must and something good to mount instruments on. Look at it go! North Carolina The picture shown is the resulting mustache after 1500 miles. SeaPiper 35 - Florida 6,087 views Sep 11, 2019 Short video of the boat running at around 7 knots 40 Dislike Share Save Seapiper - Modern Compact Trawler 361 subscribers Comments 3 Add a. There are a lot of detailed interior and below deck photos. Some notes on this bimini/dodger structure: We launched another two SeaPipers recently and below are some images of the interior and of one of the boats on the water. You can also choose to simply screen in the sides and front. We have covered these channels with removable lids. California Posts: 113. The original idea was to manufacture the boat in San Diego, but that idea didnt last long because of prohibitive cost. In other words, this should be one hard boat to sink! We have always depended on SSB for weather information in areas where no other means of communication was available. Key features 2018 SeaPiper 35: length 35.93 feet, beam 8.5 feet, boat displacement 16,298.76 pounds and max boat draft 2.92 feet. Quality control is of the utmost importance. Massachusetts I'm fine with the configuration. I settled on acrylic since it seemed less invasive because of its transparency and would thus compliment the dominance of finished wooden interior. Engine access is excellent all around and by lifting the pilothouse floor hatch you can also directly see the main engine and you have a direct view of the main shaft seal. One of the first things I did was to deal with what I consider one of the shortcomings of the design of the boat. Keeping weights low is one of the important contributors to making a good sea boat, and I wouldnt be surprised if this alone accounts for much of the Sea Bright skiffs ablenessOf course, the box garboard or skeg also acts who would of guessed it? I really like the fact that the fuel, water and holding tanks are all built into the hull out of fiberglass. If you do choose to create a forward-facing dodger to help keep spray out of the cockpit you can add a canvas panel forward with hard type glazing installed. To help mediate this possible problem I added a electrically driven prime pump to the diesel line entering the engine. Key Features Very long 1,400-1,800 NM range in a seaworthy design. For more information, contact: Power comes courtesy of a single straight-shaft 370 HP Volvo D6 diesel inboard, and a 7.5 kW genset is optional. I have created a blog outlining what I have done to the boat to make it a comfortable cruiser. Plus ,it was incredibly well priced. Since the railing was the length of the cabin top there was enough room to mount a second panel. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. I decided this is the type of insurance that was needed on our new Seapiper. You must log in or register to reply here. More Info Page 1 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 > Last Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes Page 1 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 > Last Previous Thread | Top | Next Thread Queensland Nothing beats well-engineered and executed systems in the long term: youll truly enjoy everything on SeaPiper being reliable and staying that way. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On long passages there inevitably develops an exhaust mustache at each of the exhaust outlets on the hull. I thought an owners perspective would be useful. Texas In the bottom of the shower curtain I added weights which keeps the shower curtain in the shower stall. So, I decided to once again return; however, this time at an advanced mature age, I went to the Dark side, or shall I say the Grey side. Copyright 1999-2023 Boats Group. Topping out at 9.8 knots at 2800 RPM, the SeaPiper 35 was built for long distance cruisingup to 2000 nautical miles. Prince Edward Island This will allow us to live off the grid and allow us to leave the boat unattended at its dock without the use of a line cord. "I know it's contrary to the spirit of the boat, but do you know if Air Conditioning can be added?". The pump can be activated on the instrument panel. Belowdecks layout change:The main difference is the layout below decks in the technical spaces. As far as performance is concerned, the SeaPiper 35 is powered by a single Beta 85-horsepower engine as standard. (Tips and Tricks) 21 106 2 months, 1 week ago Development Projects Items or Features that are under development or feature requests This gave us two linear feet of book shelves. ). Very interesting boat. They never should have disclosed what they sold Hull #1 for though. I made a fender holder out of thin wall PVC tubing; this gets the fenders out of the way and keeps them out of the sun. The WoodenBoat Forum is sponsored by WoodenBoat Publications, publisher of WoodenBoat magazine. Welcome aboard, and a very nice write up with good photos on your blog. Its maximum speed was 9 knots and water capacity, 150 gal. Cool looking boat half the price of a finished lobster boat. New Mexico Hull #1 arrived in California this spring and hull #2 is due in the fall. Hailing from Aliso Viejo, California, is a brand-new build with an old-school outlookthe SeaPiper 35. I thought it was great, sure better than listening to you two know-it-alls drone about any topic that comes across this board, every post dripping with arrogance and "wherever you're going I've been and whatever you're doing, I've done". South Carolina There are several advantages to the new belowdecks layout: getting around in the engine room is now easier plumbing and wiring runs are simpler and cleaner we now have a single (larger) hatch in the mid cockpit to get below. When you use the boat for an extended period you find there are spaces you occupy at night that needs improved lighting. We made similar improvements in the interior: fewer individual components that save on weight and assembly time. But were not going to twiddle our thumbs in the meanwhile. The tanks, while large, were needed to service this high usage of fuel. He believes that MMGs Tartan/Legacy operation is uniquely suited to producing the Freedom tm Seapiper 35. Saying its a shortcoming is a bit severe since the cockpit is one of the liveable features of the design. What are Trawlers? More Info Page 1 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 > Last Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes Page 1 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 > Last Previous Thread | Top | Next Thread We have spent a lot of time fine-tuning the systems onboard SeaPiper. Hi Im curious about your Bristol 17 comments. Improved mid cockpit seating which vastly increased storage capacity below. The next issue is that of economy. You can see that we located a lot of plumbing and equipment inside the channels between the extra tall inner stringers and the longitudinal bulkheads. Washington, D.C. Basically, what I wanted was the economy of a sailboat under power with respectable range on a tank of fuel. Its no surprise really, since oftentimes, thats when they become affordable for most of us. The front is designed such that the glass panel could be zippered out on the sides and bottom, and pinned up to the overhead. Beam Captain! Production will be by the Marine Manufacturing Group (MMG) of Painesville, OH, who build Tartan sailing yachts, Legacy motor yachts, and AMP carbon fiber masts and spars. Once again counter to the trendy yachts of today, who are growing girthier in a quest for maximum interior space, the SeaPiper 35 is narrow like an arrow and proud of it. If I could go at a reliable seven knots regardless of wind direction, I would be perfectly happy. Below is a gallery of some interior pictures taken at our shipyard just before the boats shipped. New South Wales Oklahoma The large center cockpit might be great in the Caribbean, but not very useful at all in the PNW. Anyway, it's great to see a company coming up with an innovative design based on an efficient hull form. I divided it in two sections: the aft section contains 200 ft of 5/16 chain and the forward section has 200 ft of 5/8 braided rode. This device and the dodger/bimini are probably the most important additions I made to the boat. I chose to replace the standard 125 A alternator/regulator with a 360A alternator made by American Power Systems. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. (Tips and Tricks) Tips on how to maintain or fix things on your SeaPiper 0 0 No Topics We discovered Induction Cooking. SO, Its almost time: The @seattleboatshow comes int, If you ask us, the aft deck of this Marlowe 70E fr, Zipping straight into the new year, it's our Janua, It's almost time to say "cheers!" Mississippi Join Date: Nov 2014. TOP COVER: can be made of a material called Stamoid, pulled tight over the outer rim of the frame. The anchor I chose was a Rocna 25 (55 lb) which is about the largest that could be put up there. I certainly can see how nice that boat would be for someone like me who might be interested in traveling to do a portion of the loop. Georgia Connecticut Here in Florida, particularly during the summer months, there is considerable amount of lightening . Arizona SeaPiper states that they are building the first five hulls (which are already sold), have hulls 6 through 10 spoken for, and are taking more requests now. Well, the Coast Guard had to finally buy into it, to keep up with their nemesis, and they started building Sea Bright skiffs to catch the bad guys!! JavaScript is disabled. The Forum is a free service, and much like the "free" content on Public Radio, we hope you will support WoodenBoat by subscribing to this fabulous magazine. At the same time, getting the engine low in the hull improves stability and reduces rolling, and whats more, it frees up room above the engine for storage, work space, or accommodations. We also make sure that all owners have access to the detailed diagrams we have developed. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. One unique perk is a swing-open transom, which opens the entire cockpit up to the swim platform. New Brunswick Looks interesting - not traditional downeast, but a west coast trawler. Above the 18 degrees the roll reduction doesnt go away but tapers off linearly. Ohio As such, these are not brochure quality but will give a good feel for our interior quality! Close by is also the inverter/charger and the batteries are either directly below these relays or the Seakeeper is located there with the battery box directly aft. The antenna itself is a phased array system which in itself optimizes the received signal. However this through hull lets water in from time to time, making for a very wet locker. Anyone hear about a relatively new boat from CA called Seapiper 35? Even if one added a $30k stabilizer that boat would not fare well in my neck of the woods. The first picture shows the sensor and the second shows the amplifier. SeaPiper now offers truly exceptional maneuverability for a single screw vessel. Electronics are particularly important. While small, I found the sink and commode to work out OK, but with the shower there is just not enough room. If our posts do annoy you so, feel free to put us on ignore, but we will continue to post where we feel we have something to contribute. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Here is a LINK to the SeaPiper Specification which includes the latest information on the new design features and some key dimensions. After a five month cruise from Naples through the Chesapeake, spending a significant amount of time at anchor, we realized that 400 watts of solar panel is marginal if one wants to stay off the grid or not want to start the engine. Contact us if you are interested in technical or pricing information for our SeaPiper 35. The 8.5 ft makes it easily trailerable and naturally inexpensive to ship. We also make sure that all owners have access to the detailed diagrams we have developed. However, like all things, there is a price to pay; and that is energy consumption. But if youre looking for a distance cruiser that is affordable right out of the box, put the new SeaPiper 35 on your short list.Designed by Ritzo Muntinga, SeaPiper is a long distance trawler thats built in China. Since I am an owner of hull #5 which I received in August 2019 I thought my input might be of interest. Vibration hardly noticeable; sound I think is quite low but that is subjective. The hull is long and narrow, 35 ft by 8.5 ft. Nova Scotia Thank you for keeping us updated on this nifty boat, Island Bound. Shown in the photos is how I mounted the antenna on top of my tubular storage rack for the boats fenders. SeaPiper is a new trawlerthat has been designed for owners who desire a practical, versatile and seaworthy vessel. The cook top inserts in a cutout which is a bit larger than the cut out of the original propane stove. The Seapipers hull was fashioned after the Sea Bright Skiff made popular in the latter half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Seapiper Production Moves Back to the U.S. Here are a few short videos to illustrate this: What is clear is that with the gyro stabilizer engaged in these conditions rolling motion is essentially non-existent: zero! Louisiana This alternator has a high output which is more than I will need but it is better to run an alternator below rating for reliability reasons. From there we continued sailing further through the Bahamas and the Florida West coast. Starboard came to mind but I was afraid the stark whiteness would not compliment the interior. The twin cabin design is very similar to the wooden custom built Strumpet I really loved. Check here for details! A tribute to the success of the Sea Bright skiff, in its day, is that it was the boat of choice for the rumrunners of yesteryear! It was only then that I saw an ad on a news website advertising a long range cruiser. To this end I added lights with self contained alarms which signal when a pump is running. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. To solve this, we requested a freezer option, which is an Isotherm Bi41 which has worked out well. Missouri New fuel and water tanks have been relocated for better weight distribution and easier servicing. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You can find the details of his SeaPiper named Kiwi on www.mvkiwi.comSome pictures of Kiwis bimini/dodger: New SeaPiper Bimini Frame Option:With input from Kiwis owner, we designed a bimini frame along the same lines, incorporating some tweaks based on bimini inquiries we received. The stock antenna is a rectangular flat dish on a tripod. I have been sailing for 50 years as far north as Maine, as far east as Bermuda, as far south as Venezuela. Typically, the water capacity was more consistent with a boat which would be spending a lot of time going from marina to marina which would be the case due to the fuel consumption. These are amazing and worth their weight in gold. Also I learned again that being plugged into shore power here in Florida during lightning season is not a good idea. Used 2018 SeaPiper 35 for sale with the beautiful name "Cahoots" is located in St. Petersburg (Florida, United States of America). The water and fuel capacity must be consistent with the need for longer-term travel independent of marinas. For press inquiries, North Dakota While it is 8.5 ft, the sides of the cabin are brought right out to the edge of the gunnels with no walk around, making the interior space the equivalent of a boat with a 10 ft beam with a 1 ft walk around on either side. He, with the assistance of some very talented local boat builders, came up with the design., 1221 Brickell Avenue, 23rd Floor, Miami, FL 33131, USA. This is not unlike what is done these days in home bathtub showers. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Also I added a conventional TV antenna and amplifier for local stations. is part of the Boats Group Network. This is fine, however when the battery is charged typically there will be no or little field voltage and therefore no tachometer readings. Its a lot like the Ranger boats but w the cabin aft. SeaPiper 35 SeaPiper Forum SeaPiper 35 Forum Topics Posts Activity SeaPiper General Discussion Anything related to the SeaPiper 35 15 94 2 months ago Technical / Driveline / Systems Technical discussions go here 6 12 1 year, 3 months ago How do I. I mounted a winch on one of the vertical braces; and through a series of blocks, I brought both hauling leads over to the winch. The anchor well of the Seapiper is quite voluminous. Idaho Take a closer look at this basic trawler for old school simplicity and an old world price. water, 8.6 beam so still trailerable. In an attempt to ameliorate the situation I added SS handles on each of the three walls above the bunk. House banks, generator and or solar panels. Thank you, IB. There are good sized areas in these channels that you could even put to use as additional storage for smaller things like spares and tools. It was a remarkable experience; it truly stopped roll almost instantly. Nice looking, common sense cruiser. That is, you only use it when you take a shower. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Since you now know an owner and you are interested, ask away! I saw it and love the eastern rig look! SeaPiper will be equally at home island hopping in the Caribbean, in the Pacific Northwest, the Great Lakes, or on the Atlantic Coast. We are now at the point where our production rate is greatly increased and we can offer SeaPiper builds with much shorter lead times. The following are a number of additions which we found to be most useful. It's the Friday before a long weekend and IT'S. The published maximum range of 2,000 nautical miles at 7 knots is almost jaw . This frame slides back under the cockpit seat when not in use. She contributes to and, and also blogs regularly on her boat review site, To make this happen we have completely retooled the boat: we built brand new hull and superstructure production molds and also completely new interior molds. New scupper box design:We have changed the scupper configuration in the mid cockpit. According to Ritzo Muntinga, Seapipers designer and original creator, the move back to the U.S. is being occasioned by increased transoceanic transport costs and world supply-chain constrictions being experienced in the wake of the COVID pandemic. The split interior layout is counterculture in 2018 as most trendy motoryachts vie to offer the most palatial, single-level, open interior. I chose to disable the servo system and depend solely on the inherent properties of the dish. New Jersey We bought an 8.5 ft AB hard bottom inflatable and a 9.8 hp Tohatsu motor which I think is the largest practical for the boat. Only the cost of the 20+ year old boats came close to what I would spend, but they still did not meet my needs. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Our Great Harbour trawler is built the same way. Seapiper Production Moves Back to the U.S. SeaPiper with Seakeeper 2 Gyro Stabilizer. If these descriptors get you excited, you should probably check out the manufacturers website and inquire about pricing, availability, and the like. I have Hull No. This required more attention. I surrounded the base of the antenna with a plastic frame. However, in the present age, cell phone communication on the water is very popular, as is WiFi. Other than the the showering accommodation, improved interior lighting required some improvement. The introductory sales price for the boat was $169K and included an extensive options list with a GENSET, autopilot, electronics and a diesel heater as part of the package. Alabama Each light/alarm has a switch so I can shut the alarm if I am working on the pump. It's not an advertisement, their was a lot of discussion about the boat on the forum by a lot of people but no one who was an owner. The locker is vented to the outside by a through hull on the stern. Its a lot like the Ranger boats but w the cabin aft. To clarify the price $195,000 and buy SeaPiper 35 - contact the offerer! South Australia South Dakota Here are some images showing various interior details of current production boats. He was raised in Portland, Oregon and got his BS in Marine Science at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL where he lived aboard a 1973 Catalina 27 before moving to Washington and an Albin Vega. It makes a nice seat with a back rest while facing forward. So far it works quite well. The problem was where to put it plus what to make it from. More than 80 percent of boats sold today are pre-owned. If you are going to go under the bridge, make sure the clearance height is at least 13.42 feet. Some owners would like to have a top cover for shade and/or rain cover, some would add a front dodger for protection, and others like being able to completely enclose the sides of the cockpit. And when we talked to the people who have been building Tartan and Legacy yachts for more than sixty years, people who live and breathe boatbuilding, we at Seapiper knew almost immediately that we had found a new home., A few Seapipers that are presently in process will be completed in China and delivered to their waiting buyers. These pictures were taken during the final construction phase, before the cushions and various covers were installed. Shes a natural choice for retiring long-time sailors who want to work less and enjoy their time on the water more. -------- From a distance, the SeaPiper 35 looks like a cross between a small yacht and a classic U.S. Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat 36, with an enclosed aft wheelhouse, large center cockpit, and cabin forward. At the top of the curtain I have a retractable frame which one could extend out into the exterior of the shower stall, this provides you more shoulder room in the shower. Wyoming . SeaPiper Forum SeaPiper 35 SeaPiper General Discussion no news is good news? In the meantime, the Seapiper tooling is being crated and packed in containers for shipment to MMGs 120,000 sf facility in Painesville, Ohio, on the shore of western Lake Erie. Boat Design Net does not necessarily endorse nor share the view of each individual post. The Beta engine uses the output from the alternators field signal to provide the pulses to the the tachometer which is mounted on the engine control panel. Forward and rearward facing sliding doors on a bluewater boat ? I chose to guarantee this by adding an optional Seakeeper gyro stabilizer. I added a much needed rear and engine video system by Fookoo and, last but not least, a Richie Voyager B81 Compass. Topping out at 9.8 knots at 2800 RPM, the SeaPiper 35 was built for long distance cruisingup to 2000 nautical miles. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Arkansas Large center cockpit with removable seating/storage. I think they are pretty neat and want one haha! Florida Both boats perform equally well with a comfortable cruise speed between 7 and 8 knots and a maximum speed around 10 knots. The result usually decimates the boats electrical/electronic systems. He has worked as a commercial fisherman, wandered aimlessly around the world, studied oil spills, and was a contestant on the Norwegian reality TV show "Alt for Norge.". Toward that end, I chose an LG 400 W panel which I mounted on top of the pilot house on stainless steel rails extending the length of the pilot house. The operation of the Garmin that I had before I found not to be intuitive in operation. Wisconsin Friedman has a forty-year background in yacht design and construction, including several years as president and CEO of world-class megayacht builder, Palmer Johnson Yachts. We feel this design leads to a clean engine room with great access to the equipment and plumbing. We can watch all our streaming channels. Brad, you will find the SeaPiper is very well designed. Nice advertisement. Beta Marine 85 4 Cylinder engine: 83 hp, engine hours - 207 hours and fuel type - diesel. These boats are expected to be ready later this year. Having this bimini frame factory-installed, without canvas covering, allows SeaPiper owners to have their local canvas shop finalize the setup to their own specifications and needs. I decided to buy a trawler. Now, care to share why you came here to advertise for them? To counter this short fall I decided to install Starlink, Elon Musks satellite system with presently 2000 satellites in orbit with a total of 20,000 planned for the future. Australian Capital Territory Also when one opens the sliding door leading from the pilot house particularly when underway, there is a rush of air filled with spray that meets you as soon as the door is opened. For us it was the forward section of the dinette table plus the area referred to as the navigation station. In addition it was important to have a boat that was seaworthy, that could be taken off shore and that would behave in a respectable manner in a seaway. Other engines use a sensor mounted on the engine to count pulses from the engines flywheel. To the propane stove, we added an electric combination dry fryer, broiler, oven and toaster. Completely new mast design and galley railing which allows very easy lowering of the mast. Maryland Montana With a fuel tank capacity of 2,290.2 gallons, the 2018 SeaPiper 35 can cover a distance of 2,533 miles at a cruising speed of 8.1 miles per hour. In the fore cabin, we added textilene panels with twistlock fasteners in front of the shelves on each side of the bunk to make for easy accessible storage. Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by missinginaction, Sep 22, 2019. In the not-too-distant future, seeing a SeaPiper cruise by could be a common Pacific Northwest sight. There seems to be a lot of discussions about the Seapiper 35. The extensive customization suggests they leave the factory ready to be finished according to the buyer`s wishes. Do you want to buy 2018 SeaPiper 35 in St. Petersburg? That being said, you can still have a well optioned new boat for less than $200K. Northern Territory Since the cooking time is shortened considerably, the energy consumption should be moderate. This compacttrawler has been designed to offer excellent handling characteristics and a very comfortable motion coupled with greatfuel economy. Naval architect Dave Gerr gives us some insight into why the design was so popular in his book The Nature of Boats the hulls were light and strong and their bottoms dead flat athwartships for as much as a third of their beam this sets it apart from other boats, is its hollow box garboard or skeg..Another plus of these box skegs is that they create plenty of additional volume down low on the centerline of the hull aft. 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