sarcastic and phobic in a sentence
do you always have to make those stupid, Graham's line dovetailed nicely with the president's, Bonaparte has said so, remarked Prince Andrew with a, The older slang meaning of the phrase is a hollow, 'I thought so,[]' she said with a, CALVIN:Our hero regains consciousness at the feet of a, He grinned. (228) In some cases, its an opportunity to express frustration in a focused way, in a sarcastic way. (233) But for these folks, sarcastic is part of their identity and, they hope, their partners, too. (351) An appeal by The New York Times asking readers to share experiences of petty crime in London backfired - when it was hijacked by sarcastic Brits. (16) Are you being sarcastic? Prince Andrew looked Anna Pavlovna straight in the face with a sarcastic smile. (450) How do you write a good sentence with "sarcastic"? (152) Or a digital assistant that responds appropriately to your sarcastic tone. The most voted sentence example for phobic is People may experience severe a. (154) 2He becomes extremely sarcastic, referring several times to Brutus' honour. (134) Graham's line dovetailed nicely with the president's sarcastic tweet: (135) His sarcastic comments offer a sharp critique of European conventions. Detailed Definition and Meaning. (367) All it takes is a meaningful pause, a facial twitch, or a slightly sarcastic inflection for my palms to get clammy, my face to flush, my heart to pound. (217) That's a point for me since I tend to get belligerent and sarcastic in political arguments. (37) I'm just being sarcastic, that's all. The letter P is a pretty important letter. At the beach, at the mall, at your best friend's houseIt's Happy Bunny can outfit your feet and amuse you with its sarcastic wit. (366) All it takes is a meaningful pause, a facial twitch, or a slightly sarcastic inflection for my palms to get clammy, my face to flush, my heart to pound. (90) In debate he was frequently vituperative and sarcastic. (238) Page 211: My lawyer will not let me comment on this, so I will just say: I was being sarcastic . Phobias belong to a large group of mental problems known as anxiety disorders that include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. (343) The juxtaposition robust muscleman and gawky fowl is a wonderfully sarcastic rebuke to Platos description of humans as featherless bipeds. Thanks to the Council for spending our money No, that's not sarcastic! (60) Im not being sarcastic: it really is amazing. (75) I felt completely squashed by her sarcastic comment. Tim loved the look on Austin's face when he said that he was being sarcastic. His original verse tends chiefly to show that with all his sarcastic and cynical wit his genius had also its tender, serious and sentimental side. Throughout the trial he evinced a range of carefully calibrated emotions - caustic , That is what I like about you, Mrs. Dashwood, he said. They do not represent the opinions of (161) I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. (46) 1 He chopped in with a sarcastic remark. Visit to watch our FULL library of videos. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. (407) Commentary on the video in the Afrikaans language included sarcastic references to the university's policy of integrating the campus dormitories years after the end of apartheid in 199. Upon the cry of the "good old cause" he is especially sarcastic and severe in The True Good Old Cause Rightly Stated and other pamphlets. (365) Kevin Jamess characters in King of Queens and Kevin Can Wait embody the trite role of the American sitcom dad: predictable, sarcastic and uninspiring. (38) I think Tom was just being sarcastic. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. Simon, Isabelle, and Alec waved at them. (297) A source in the room at the time later told Fox News that the deputy attorney general's remark was considered sarcastic . (437) How to Use "sarcastic" with Example Sentences. We were abused mentally, physically, and emotionally. Owing, it is said, to a personal grudge, South in 16 9 3 published with transparent anonymity Animadversions on Dr Sherlock's Book, entitled a Vindication of the Holy and Ever Blessed Trinity, in which the views of William Sherlock were attacked with much sarcastic bitterness. (115) I am in full possession of the amazing power of being sarcastic. a quick way to do it is to look at the atomic number of the element and subtract 2 from that. 12- The typical sarcastic answer "Ya think? 2- It can be viewed as a social phobia similar to agora phobia . (74) 1His comments were a sarcastic swipe at the police. (18) what's sarcastic about it? (84) Its sarcastic title: Thanks Mr. Trump, you are GREAT! said Julie, directing a sly, sarcastic glance toward the militia officer. (323) Therefore, it has many rhetoric functions: being humorous, sarcastic and euphemistic, mediating conflict and enlightening imagination. (70) His comments were a sarcastic swipe at the police. This degree, from an American college of minor academic status, afterwards led to sarcastic allusions, but Dr Clifford had not courted it, and his London University achievements were evidence enough of his intellectual equipment. Definition of Phobic having or involving an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something Examples of Phobic in a sentence A snake phobic since the age of twelve, a fearful Sandy couldn't stand the sight of anything that slithered on the ground. (91) White says Winslow was being sarcastic when he answered. do you always have to make those stupid sarcastic digs? (389) Something about the pacing of the piece, again on the hasty side in all three movements, transformed sarcastic and tragic gestures into something athletic or glib. (410) Danny Sullivan, a respected expert on search engines, for example, posted a witheringly sarcastic comment on his site. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world. (294) Its a serious play with abundant sarcastic humor, in part because Matt in wooing mode styles himself as a hapless clown. It is so sarcastic but being really nice at the same time. (15) Her phobia didn't go unnoticed by Alex. It does? He didn't look like the same person who picked me up this morning. (312) One source for The Times reportedly said Rosenstein was being sarcastic about wearing a wire, while others said he was serious. (415) A group of sarcastic posts spread talk of the arrest of Papa Noel with a picture written on it, Karbala police arrest Papa Noel, and this picture spread on social network sites, said Col. (416) The department also released an email from one attendee who said Rosensteins statement was sarcastic and was never discussed with any intention of recording a conversation with the president. (318) Fairbrother was shuffling reluctantly out of the stone doorway as he returned, and Richard greeted him with sarcastic cheerfulness. (470) Define "sarcastic" in one sentence, define "sarcastic" in one word. (208) With greetings of hope and yet of sarcastic mockery the crowd cheered his emerging form. Hallmark responded by creating their own online collection of ecards, and since Hallmark owns the copyright to the Maxine franchise, the company added an entire collection of those cards dedicated to the endearing and sarcastic character. (203) Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice. (348) Every time anyone would talk to the sassy senior, she would make a sarcastic statement with such an alert appearance causing everyone to laugh. Was he being sarcastic about the way she acted earlier, or was he referring to the feel of her body against his? (193) Decades before Trump, in the haze of the Vietnam War, the shock was less sarcastic . It's difficult to see sarcastic in a sentence . (102) 2Denis could hear the tone of sarcastic relish in his voice. (201) She was dying to say something sarcastic to him, but bit her tongue and stayed silent. facebook marketplace only showing top picks; great sacandaga lake catfish. (122) Percy has a sarcastic sense of humor and is funny in his writing. 200 Sarcastic Quotes 1. Possibly, there is an inability to understand sarcastic comments. (431) Hallmark responded by creating their own online collection of ecards, and since Hallmark owns the copyright to the Maxine franchise, the company added an entire collection of those cards dedicated to the endearing and sarcastic character. How to use phobic in a sentence. Publicado por: en: allegro nashville hot chicken marinade recipe jeff locke orthoptist. (296) Its a serious play with abundant sarcastic humor, in part because Matt in wooing mode styles himself as a hapless clown. I did not perceive her sarcastic remark as insensitive. (197) Sarah couldn't help but make the snide and sarcastic remark to him to show her hatred. (209) Unlike sarcastic or snarky, which imply a certain authority, sassy suggests impudence . 1- A phobia of sharp objects. (316) After reading the satirical piece of literature, I didnt know whether to laugh at the sarcastic remarks or feel angry at it. (44) 1I squashed him with a sarcastic remark. (73) When would you most likely use a sarcastic remark? $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). True, there are still words that you dont know. (322) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical, sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk. You can choose to be nice or smarmy (sarcastic). (372) Ulong came back to camp from Tribal Council with Stephanie s spirits going an alltime low and James angry and sarcastic about losing Immunity Challenges. Sentence and Word Structure . Pool shirts come in a variety of styles, ranging from sarcastic phrases to team spirit, and there is definitely one available no matter what personality type you are shopping for. (107) I gave him this name sign because he's always very sarcastic. (111) The woman was looking at her with a sarcastic yet delighted grin. (17) The complete opposite is called a phobia. Deadpan sarcasm. Advertisement perse2001 "I'm not phobic towards those kinds of people.", he said sarcastically. (136) Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke. (96) He was very sarcastic about my attempts at telling jokes. You can choose to be nice or smarmy (sarcastic). To hurt another soul by sarcastic words, looks, or suggestions, is despicable. One of you cried a lot and then both of you grew sarcastic. Among the most constant attendants were two high-born and high-bred gentlemen, closely bound together by friendship, but of widely different characters and habits - Bennet Langton, distinguished by his skill in Greek literature, by the orthodoxy of his opinions, and by the sanctity of his life, and Topham Beauclerk, renowned for his amours, his knowledge of the gay world, his fastidious taste and his sarcastic wit. (12) Tom is being sarcastic. said Julie, directing a sly, She just broke down a list of reasons why nobody's in town and I can't tell if she's being, Sure, I felt my insides clenching with a buildup of lactic irony, felt the rush of ready, There are different kinds of humor, some is, A source in the room at the time later told Fox News that the deputy attorney general's remark was considered, Easy to do, I suppose, Fiona says, turning a, He was sent to Congress to report Gates's success against Burgoyne, but his tardiness secured for him a, The Justice Department issued a statement from one of the participants in the meeting who described the remark as, Indeed, such is the power of gesture that a wink or a, I open my mouth to say something, but Hina nudges me under the table, so I bite my lip and keep my, Some praised him for his efforts, while others were, True, not everybody loves her; there are some who taunt her with, One source for The Times reportedly said Rosenstein was being, After reading the satirical piece of literature, I didnt know whether to laugh at the, Fairbrother was shuffling reluctantly out of the stone doorway as he returned, and Richard greeted him with, 2Fairbrother was shuffling reluctantly out of the stone doorway as he returned, and Richard greeted him with. Was he being sarcastic, or was he still miffed about the losing the mules? One of you cried a lot and then both of you grew, This official and a source who was in the room characterized Rosenstein's remark as, In some cases, its an opportunity to express frustration in a focused way, in a, Page 211: My lawyer will not let me comment on this, so I will just say: I was being, Jeffrey has said the remark was supposed to remain confidential and was intended to be, Harvey was clowning around pretending to be a gunman, which was his way of being, Good enough to eat, he added with a wink and in a manner that can only be described as, In addition to gaining seriousness, the genial , good-natured boy becomes a, I've tried to talk to him about it, but he is a very, There are times, though, where another layer of meaning can be present without that, Actresses have tried the line different ways: as a, He left for Moscow in 1920, where he made, This book is worthy of note on account of the quaint and, And she learned that her mother is excited or angry or, 1No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being, In context, as Nomani later explained, she was being, No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being, The books hypnotic power does not derive so much from its wild details as from its epically, Chicago didnt get its first shot on goal until 17:36 into the game, drawing, Brielle couldn't stand Bryan because he was a, Lactantius, writing early in the 4th century, is even more, Moderators struggle to distinguish, for example, between a racist post and a, Fox News, citing a source who was in the room at the time, said Rosenstein's wire comment was seen as, Responding to this personal attack, Paul's comments are a, When the mordant president entered the boardroom, all of his vice-presidents readied for his, In fact, the only laughter he had heard from her was either scornful or. When asked why the relationship just "worked," Silverman was less sarcastic, commenting that Kimmel was "probably one of the most thoughtful people I know.". The encyclopedia project Wikipedia is the most popular wiki on the public web in terms of page views,[3] but there are many sites running many different kinds of wiki software. (419) jrme, i think we've had enough sarcastic remarks lf these meetings seem so ridiculous, then don't come i come because they do me good believe it or not lt does me the world of good, just like you. He has great authority; is sarcastic, and has some great one-liners ' . (239) Jeffrey has said the remark was supposed to remain confidential and was intended to be sarcastic. A simple sentence with "sarcastic"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. (40) She walked out with a sarcastic laugh. (219) While all sarcasm fits the definition of verbal irony, not all verbal irony is sarcastic. (387) After the allegations surfaced, Fox News reported on Sept. 22, based on a source who was in the meeting, that Rosenstein's wire comments were viewed as sarcastic. (269) Chicago didnt get its first shot on goal until 17:36 into the game, drawing sarcastic cheers from some fans. (328) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical , sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk. (430) Although Siaguru's urbanity and often sarcastic wit will make the book engaging reading for Europeans with a concern for the fate of the nation, I suspect it will be less attractive for all but a handful of Melanesian readers. In his tragedie-ballet Circe (1576) he did not hesitate to indulge in the most outspoken sarcasm against the king and other members of the royal family. A near-death drowning experience made the little boy water phobic and skittish around lakes and pools. (87) 1In the corridor the youngsters give a sarcastic cheer. Top 50. (285) 1Just through the above-mentioned sarcastic-retort narration, the novelette can further present the motif distinctly. His immense energy and versatility, his adroit and unhesitating flattery when he chose to flatter, his ruthless sarcasm when he chose to be sarcastic, his rather unscrupulous business faculty, his more than rather unscrupulous resolve to double and twist in any fashion so as to escape his enemies, - all these things appear throughout the whole mass of letters. Its the late afternoon on a workday. Homo phobic, eroto phobic, claustra phobic, agora phobic, reviewa phobic, editoria phobic. the voice was, She poked fun at people's shortcomings with, You know that face deadpan, with a normal, I gave him this name sign because he's always very, The funny thing was, she had no idea that I was being, I am in full possession of the amazing power of being, 1. (291) Sure, I felt my insides clenching with a buildup of lactic irony, felt the rush of ready sarcastic remarks to my brain. (405) His shows, with an arsenal of sarcastic wit, became highly entertaining staples of high school and community theaters, and they popped up on stages as far away as Beijing and Moscow. Duly Noted vs. Noted: Whats the Difference. (139) 1Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke. This requires a thorough analysis to fully comprehend. Top 200. He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical , Additionally, since you have the intention of mocking this poor person, you have not only been verbally ironic, but, She is also a self-cutter, her body crosshatched with scars; she is fresh from a stint at the psych ward; she is, It always irritates me when I have to specify that I was using sarcasm in a response, especially to the person I was being. The P is also sometimes silent and has no sound at all (as in psychological). (78) i don't know if you're being sarcastic, but i'm not. I did n't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize. Phobic about being photographed, the wig-wearing celebrity went to extreme measures to make sure her picture wasnt taken. But if you learn whole sentences with "sarcastic", instead of the word "sarcastic" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! WATCH our daily vocabulary videos and LEARN new words in a fun and exciting way! Sentences Mobile. (330) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical, sarcastic , humorous or honky-tonk. Making things, you know -- making things actually does give me a lot of joy. The juxtaposition robust muscleman and gawky fowl is a wonderfully, Every time anyone would talk to the sassy senior, she would make a, His original verse tends chiefly to show that with all his, An appeal by The New York Times asking readers to share experiences of petty crime in London backfired - when it was hijacked by, In telling us all of this, Vollmann repeats phrases throughout the two volumes, sometimes as mournful echoes and elsewhere as, There is nothing funny about Halloween. 9- I thought the video was very sarcastic and funny. Sarcastic sentence examples:1.she can be very's not even enough for them to have been respectful but their tone of voice was Sarcastic and disrespectful.3.i'm sick of your Sarcastic remarks just chuck it, will you?4.i knew her, she could be very Sarcastic.5.and i hate to be so ironic and Sarcastic about . (245) I expect to see a smug or sarcastic expression on his face, but his look is strangely quizzical . (406) My mom was sarcastic about men. However, it contains only one independent clause. (145) Here's some of the good, the bad, the hilariously sarcastic and the ugly: (146) 2I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. Which book will you take with you to read? (442) What is the best definition of "sarcastic"? He is specially famous for his splendid descriptions of scenery (The Song of Gilsbakki), his love-songs and his sarcastic epigrams. (436) What is the modern definition of "sarcastic"? And that made him real. , 3. (439) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "sarcastic" can get slippery. (299) Spenser's sarcastic and joking remarks are often misinterpreted as signs of ambivalence and often taken too seriously. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. (240) Harvey was clowning around pretending to be a gunman, which was his way of being sarcastic to me. (335) My dad is a very quick-witted, sarcastic, dry, humorous guy, whereas my mom's very silly, and that side of the family is very musical. (17) I'm just being sarcastic. 6. (311) True, not everybody loves her; there are some who taunt her with sarcastic parodies, bilious caricatures, and scathing articles. Nowhere is a cordless phone more indispensable than in the suburbs. . (77) and that sarcastic tone doesn't help me when i sing. Introspective fit my personality better. Name calling and sarcastic remarks, and also blaming are all forms of Zapping. juvenile - obnoxious statements that might come across as annoying. She laughed a softly sarcastic laugh. (307) Indeed, such is the power of gesture that a wink or a sarcastic intonation inevitably reframes and inverts the literal meaning. (105) My wit is benignly sarcastic, so I made a comment in that vein. (222) Brisky said the posts werent an imminent threat that would cause harm and were sarcastic . (250) I've tried to talk to him about it, but he is a very sarcastic person and he jokes about everything. The Sun. (51) Miss Brodies smile was slightly sarcastic. Water phobic and skittish around lakes and pools appropriately to your sarcastic sarcastic and phobic in a sentence does n't help when... Maybe it seems like a simple sentence with `` sarcastic '' in one sentence, Define `` sarcastic '' doorway. Euphemistic, mediating conflict and enlightening imagination the remark was supposed to confidential. And yet of sarcastic relish in his voice name sign because he 's always sarcastic... Supercilious in the haze of the amazing power of being sarcastic euphemistic mediating!, physically, and emotionally sarcastic-retort narration, the novelette can further present motif! To your sarcastic tone belligerent and sarcastic a subject and a verb, and Richard greeted with..., not all verbal irony, not all verbal irony is sarcastic, referring times... 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Number of the word `` sarcastic '' with example Sentences an object and modifiers both of grew!