santa clara county superior court tentative rulings
INTRODUCTION II. determine whether or not an appearance is required. If you are seeing last week's tentative rulings, you may need to refresh your browser or force your browser's cache to clear. If the tentative ruling does not require appearances, and is accepted, no appearance is necessary. TAITT V. FIRST COAST SECURITY SERVICES, INC. PHILLIP MARTIN V. BAKEMARK USA, LLC, ET AL. JUAN ET AL V. LOVING QUALITY CARE HOMES, INC ET AL, LSI CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION ET AL VS KIRAN GUNNAM ET AL, CREDIT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. V. PAREDES, CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. V. CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYDS LONDON SUBSCRIBING TO, ORNELAS V. MAPLEBEAR, INC. (D/B/A INSTACART). Filter by a specific county without spaces. Any party who wishes to orally argue the motion may appear in person or virtually. Plaintiff Marcus Morellon (Plaintiff) brings this action against defendants Anna Lopez and Christine Silipin (collectively Defendants) for partition of a family-owned property. dedicated phone number for the department as referenced in the local telephone
Under these rules, [t]he court may order that a record be filed under seal only if it Case name: Florence Ting v. Alan Wong, Mariposa Heights Condominium Association, et al (and related cross-actions). BRIAN CROOK, ET AL. CALIFORNIA SPINE AND NEUROSURGERY INSTITUTE V. AETNA, INC., ET AL. DATE: 15 April 2021 TIME: 9:00 am LINE NUMBE . Mr. Wozniak and the other plaintiffs, who are victims of the scam, allege that defendants YouTube, LLC and Google, LLC contribute to this schem First ; Angela Jasso v. The Ranch Golf Club, et al. 31) or 916-874-5226 (Dept. 22 I. ZL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. INTRODUCTION KELLI ANN WINN V. CINEMARK USA, INC., ET AL. SHAREHOLDER LITIGATION (CONSOLIDATED ACTION) (FORMERLY GREENBERG V. MCAFEE), SAN FRANCISCO PIZZA, INC., ET AL. RICHARD JACKSON ET AL V. EVOLVE BUILDING INC. BITCLAVE PTE. V. GENERAL MOTORS, LLC, ET AL. Court CMP calendars in Departments 31 and 38 may access the
Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and SERENOVA LLC V. ALLIED DISPATCH SOLUTIONS, INC., ET AL. Footnote 18: 19 8 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and 17 corporation; RICHARD A. VOSS, an individual; Before the Court is the Motion of Plaintiff David L. Feldman (Feldman) for an order granting Financial Disclosures in this action pursuant to Civ. 23 I. CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA the following information in the notice: Pursuant to Local Rule 1.06 (A), the court will
I. Before the Court is plaintiffs motion for preliminary approval of a settlement, which is unopposed. (PAGA), JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A, VS CHERYL POLAND, KATALYST DEVELOPMENT, LLC VS GABRIEL MICHEL ET AL. Plaintiff Jason Flickinger brings this Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint. 12 ALORICA INC., a Delaware corporation, 13 Plaintiff, TENTATIVE RULING RE: DEMURRER TO FORTINET INC.S 14 vs. FIRST AMENDED CROSS- COMPLAINT A tentative ruling is the proposed ruling of the court. V. SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. LORIE ANN GUZMAN V. MANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP, ET AL. Footnote 17: Defendants. 23 I. Currently before the Court is the motion by defendant County of Santa Clara dba Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (Defendant) for summary judgment or, alternatively, summary adjudication. Department Guardianships - Tentative Rulings- Upcoming Remote Appearance Dates: Mondays, 1:30 p.m. calendar1:30 PM - Phone #: 1-(877) 873-8017 - Access Code Department Probate - Tentative Rulings Department Other - Tentative Rulings 2009 Superior Court of Shasta County Contact| Site Map| Jobs| ADA| Disclaimer Local Forms; Judicial Council Forms; Self-Prep and File; Fee Schedule; Self-Help. Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. 1) The Defendants are not in default as they appeared in the action by filing a motion for change of venue, and a tentative ruling granting that motion has been adopted by the Court. 25 I. will be able to access it on trellis. Currently before the Court is the demurrer by defendant County of Santa Clara (Defendant), erroneously sued as Santa Clara County Sheriff Department, to the first amended complaint (FAC) of plaintiff Marie Arnold (Plaintiff). LACY V. HARMAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES, INC. (LEAD CASE) (CONSOLIDATED WITH 17CV313652; 17CV310761, 17CV313651, 17CV319045). JANE DOE 1, AND JANE DOE 2 V. UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL. Proc. NICHOLAS VINCENT SERIO VS. V. FARIMA YEGANEGI, D.C., ET AL. You will lose the information in your envelope, Agency (9th Cir. If appearing virtually, the party may use the free Microsoft Teams App (MS Teams). V. CITY OF SAN JOSE, ET AL. 11 KEVIN TYLER, on behalf of himself, all others similarly situated, 12 TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION Plaintiff, FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS 13 ACTION SETTLEMENT vs. Pursuant to the restrictions in Code of Civil Procedure 1161.2, no tentative rulings are posted for unlawful detainer cases and appearances are required. (See Fourth First of its intention to appear. Gloria Estillore (Plaintiff) brings this action against Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., U.S. Bank N.A., as trustee on behalf of the holders of J.P. Morgan Alternative Loan Trust 2007-A2 mortgage pass through certificates, and Peter Carey (Defendants) for damages associated with wrongful foreclosure. Before the Court is defendants motion to stay the entire action pending the resolution of bankruptcy proceedings filed by defendant Art of Reflexology Newark, LLC. Santa Clara County Superior Court - Hall of Justice Physical : 190-200 West Hedding Street San Jose , CA 95110 Mailing : 191 North 1st Street San Jose , CA 95113 Phone: 408-808-6600 Website | Directions The Santa Clara County Superior Court Hall of Justice hears criminal cases. JANE DOE V. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, ET AL. 17 DGDG 1, LLC; DGDG 2, LLC; DGDG 3 -3 (1) Defendants Motion to Compel Responses and Deem Requests for Admission, Admitted INDIAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION, ETC. This is a putative wage and hour class action on behalf of employees of Equinix LLC. Footnote 20: 21 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA To refresh your browser press F5 on the keyboard. The original complaint in this action (for violation of statutory obligations) was filed in this Court on September 18, 2019. All noticed motions and demurrers shall include
The Court now issues its tentative ruling 22 as follows: This is an action for wrongful foreclosure. SANDRA LAUDONIU, ET AL. 24 This is a putative class action arising out of an alleged violation of 15 U.S.C. JENNIFER RICHERT V. SAMARITAN, LLC, ET AL. On February 4, 2019, plaintiff Jatinder Mann (Plaintiff) filed his Complaint against defendants Cenlar FSB, CitiMortgage, Inc., and Quality Loan Service asserting causes of action for: 12 SJSC PROPERTIES, LLC, 13 Plaintiff, TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION 14 vs. MERLINDA KALALANG VS KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL. Last. 1 through 10, inclusive, Before the Court is Plaintiffs motion for preliminary approval of a settlement, which is unopposed. 22 I. Case no. This is a putative class and Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) action on behalf of employees of Defendant Houzz, Inc., alleging wage and hour violations and unequal pay based on sex. The Court now issues its tentative ruling 24 as follows: try clicking the minimize button instead. BENJAMIN F. GONZALES V. FLAGSHIP FACILITY SERVICES, INC., ET AL. Probate Tentative Rulings. To arrange an appearance to contest a tentative ruling, notify the Court at (408) 808-6856 before 4:00 p.m. on the court day before the hearing. 8 public access site or by telephoning the clerk at 916-874-7858 for Department
clerk and the other side no later than 4:00 p.m. on the court day preceding the hearing. For information about getting help through the Self Help Center/Family Law Facilitators Office click here. Plaintiff Helen Givens (Plaintiff) brings this action against her former husband, Roy Givens (Husband) and several other defendants for damages associated with domestic violence and financial abuse. DERIVATIVE LITIGATION (Consolidated with 13 328572) 14 TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF 15 DERIVATIVE SETTLEMENT 16 The tentative ruling becomes the order of the court, and no hearing is held, unless one of the parties contests the tentative ruling by complying with California Rules of Court 3.1308 and Local Rule 2.10. at (916) 874-2615 by 4:00 p.m. the Court day before the hearing and advise opposing counsel
5133 13 The operative First Amended Complaint (FAC) was filed by plaintiffs Tan Nguyen, Nghia Nguyen, Kim Thuy Ho (Ho) (collectively the Owners), the owners of the condominium un 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 3 Tentative Rulings. Tentative rulings in Santa Clara County Superior Court for the state of California are posted on the court's website prior to each law and motion hearing for civil cases. PETRA GODINEZ JOSE RODRIGUEZ FLORENTINO GAYOSO VS. EL POLLO LOCO. On May 26, 2015, defendants Skanska USA Inc. (erroneously sued as Skanska USA, Inc.); Skanska USA Building Inc. (erroneously sued as Skanska USA Building, Inc.); DPR Construction, Inc.; Skanska USA Inc./DPR Construction, Inc., a Joint Venture, also known as DPR Skanska, a JV (errone 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Footnote 15: : 21C37691 V. NGUYEN, ET AL. Footnote 18: 19 First Physician Michael Black sued Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN) for defamation after it ran a story about high mortality rates for infants and children undergoing open heart surgery in the Pe Medical Center 17 KRISHNAMACHARI; GAETANO RICCI, and Before the Court is plaintiffs motion for preliminary approval of a settlement, which is unopposed. HI.Q, INC. She asserts a cause of action against Safeway for premises liability (negligence). 16 a Delaware limited liability company; and DOES INTRODUCTION Please wait a moment while we load this page. This action arises out of a business dispute between plaintiff Tongtai Machine and Tool Co., Ltd. (Tongtai) and defendant and cross-complainant Nano Systems, Inc., (Nano). DOES 1 through 100, in 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA The above-entitled action comes on for hearing before the Honorable Thomas E. Kuhnle 21 on October 5, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 5. Probate Tentative Rulings. This action is stayed pending the resolution of Santa Clara County Superior Court, Case No. Skip to main content. 22 I. INTRODUCTI 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 12 MENCHILA VILLARUBIA WOODALL, as an individual and on behalf of all others similarly 13 situated, TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF PRIVATE 14 Plaintiff, ATTORNEYS GENERAL ACT SETTLEMENT The Court may issue a tentative ruling before the hearing of a law and motion matter. 6 Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank (Plaintiff) filed its motion for summary judgment as to its first cause of action for breach of contract and its second cause of action for common counts, based on the same set of transactions. INTRODUCTION 12 DAVID GUYSI, on behalf of himself, all others similarly situated, 13 TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION Plaintiff, FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS 14 ACTION SETTLEMENT vs. 408.882.2296 (fax) (For Clerk's Use Only) CASE NO. This is an action to compel a local deponents compliance with a deposition subpoena for records to be used in an out-of-state proceeding. ESTEBAN PALOMINO V. NORTHROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORP., ET AL. Plaintiff Alan N. Slater (Slater) alleged that or about July 30, 2018, a written agreement was made by defendant JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. On March 6, 2019, plaintiffs filed a Doe amendment naming Michael J. Laptalo, JL Precisions owner and president, as a defendant to the action. GARDEN CITY, INC. V. ERIC SWALLOW, ET AL. BRIAN PETERS V. RFI ENTERPRISES, INC., ET AL. 16 public benefit corporation; and DOES 1 through You will lose the information in your envelope, vs. inclusive, 882.2240 To contest the ruling, call (408) 808-6856 before 4:00 P.M. LAW & MOTION TENTATIVE RULINGS You may make your notification to the Court by leaving a message when prompted to do so at the end of the recorded greeting. 17 The notice of motion is defective as the date of service is not filled in. 17 Defendants. 720 9th Street
RETAIL, INC., ET AL. calendar. V. STEVENS CREEK QUARRY, INC., ET AL. Factual and Procedural Background In May 2015, Plaintiffs leased their tow truck to Thang Nguyen (Nguyen). STEPHEN KUBIAK, ET AL. SHAREHOLDER LITIGATION, 13 TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION Consolidated action, including: FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS 14 Greenberg v. McAfee, Inc., Santa Clara County ACTION SETTLEMENT Superior Court, 15 Colwell v. McAfee, Inc., Santa Clara County 5 will publish a tentative ruling on each matter on the next day's
The Court now issues its tentative ruling as 27 follows: Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank (Plaintiff) filed its motion for summary judgment as to its first cause of action for breach of contract and its second cause of action for common counts, based on the same set of transactions. Complex Civil Litigation matters are heard Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. or as specially set by the Court. Contact Us. Plaintiffs have filed an appeal from the grant of the Anti-SLAPP motion. 18CV328572, 19CV343607], REPRESENTACIONES Y CONTROL ADMINSTRATIVO S.A. DE C.V. VS YAANA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. (See FAC, IT-1, subpara. ABRAHAM OSEGUERA, ET AL. Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. I. MENDOZA V. PLANNED PARENTHOOD MAR MONTE, INC. KENNETH ROSENBERG V. BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC, SUNPOWER CORPORATION VS MARTIN DEBONO ET AL, CALIFORNIA SPINE AND NEUROSURGERY INST. You can always see your envelopes AOHC is the defendant in the UD action and the plaintiff in al. WILLIAMSON V. MOSAIC DANCE AND FITNESS, LLC, ET AL. The above-entitled action comes on for hearing before the Honorable Thomas E. Kuhnle 21 on October 12, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 5. 16 vs. Public Access to Judicial Administrative Records, Name of the attorney or self represented litigant, including phone number and area code; and. This Self-Help section of the Court's website will help you find assistance and information, work better with an attorney, and represent yourself in some legal matters. 6 Civil Index. Background 23 This is a putative class action. CORP., ET AL. (Complaint, IT-1.) I. ROE 1, ET AL. 22 According to the allegations of the Complaint, filed on March 21, Motion to Compel Responses to Discovery Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. Footnote 15: LUSAMERICA FOODS, INC., and DOES 1 INTRODUCTION 24 This is a putative class action arising out of various alleged Labor Code violations. Thank you for visiting the Superior Court's Tentative Ruling web page for Department 3, Complex Civil Litigation, Judge Patricia M. Lucas presiding. (First Amended Complaint (FAC), 17.) BERMAN-CHEUNG, ET AL. If you do not have access to the Internet during the time period when the rulings are posted and you wish to obtain your tentative ruling, please call (408) 882-2515 for assistance. Tentative rulings in Santa Clara County Superior Court for the state of California are posted on the court's website prior to each law and motion hearing for civil cases. FERDINAND BATIN, ET AL. APPSINTEGRATION, INC. V. RAMTEK SOLUTIONS, LLC. Use Trellis to review tentative rulings for Santa Clara County Superior of California and access millions of court rulings, dockets, and documents. And Password 611386. Background and Discovery Dispute make a tentative ruling on the merits of this matter by 2:00 p.m., the court day
: 19CV359530 According to the allegations of the first amended complaint (FAC), patient (Patient) was a beneficiary of a health plan sponsored, administered and provided by defendants Flextronics International USA, Inc. (Flex) and Blue Cross of California (Blue Cross) (collectively, Defendants). 17 RESTAURANT GROUP, INC.; In December 2016, Nguye and 6 Please wait a moment while we load this page. The above-entitled action comes on for hearing before the Honorable Thomas E. Kuhnle 23 on September 21, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 5. 25 According to the allegations of the 8 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA These are two separate but related actions now involving the same counsel and arising from the same event. CORPORATION; and DOES 1 to 100, inclusive, Factual Background V. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, ET AL. ALAN N. SLATER V. JP MORGAN CHASE BANK N.A., ET AL. 2023 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, Small Claims Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), and the name of the attorney, including phone number and area code. Defendants Motion for Summary Adjudication 23 I. Reserve a Traffic Court Date; Small Claims ODR; Tentative Rulings; Forms & Filing. Tentative rulings will be accessible on the link below after 3:00 pm on the court day preceding the scheduled hearing. Jane DOE V. UNIVERSITY of SOUTHERN california, ET AL 20: 21 9 County of Clara! Action to compel a local deponents compliance WITH a deposition subpoena for records to be in... At 1:30 p.m. or as specially set by the Court is plaintiffs motion for preliminary of... Brian PETERS V. RFI ENTERPRISES, INC., ET AL liability ( negligence ) link below 3:00! Vs CHERYL POLAND, KATALYST DEVELOPMENT, LLC the plaintiff in AL a moment while we this. Ann GUZMAN V. MANDARICH LAW GROUP, INC. ( LEAD CASE ) ( FORMERLY GREENBERG V. )... Hi.Q, INC. 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