national geographic grant proposal example

To do so, I will translate the protocol with a bilingual Spanish-English speaker, and pre-test the protocol with households outside the sample. Statement of the Problem The research assistants will be trained in March, and will be occupied full-time with research tasks between April and December. Two full-time field assistants and the Co-PI (working 60 hours per week) can work about 560 hours a month. Projects are typically funded for between US $10,000 and US $30,000. Premium Sign up The presentation is available from the October 2021 webinar on the NGGDPP Webinar on FY2022 Program Announcement. Since my return from Bolivia, I have stayed in frequent contact with representatives of the three organizations, and continue to receive data and consult with them on logistics of conducting research and living in Villa Israel. a. These NGGDPP templates are available for use by state geological surveys throughout the grant lifecycle from proposal writing, data compilation, through final submittal. Read the full disclaimer here. Who drinks or uses it? You must be 18 or older to apply for a National Geographic Society grant. Glencoe: The Free Press. The study also has practical applications for those seeking to anticipate and manage coming conflicts over scarce freshwater. Fill out YEG pre-application for Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE). The presentation and recording are available from the October 2020 webinar,NGGDPP Webinar on FY2021 Program Announcement and Proposal Writing Best Practices. Fourth, the experimental game allows me to determine how certain ties affect trust and reciprocity, controlling for other factors like history. If any work under the proposed grant will be performed in countries including but not limited to Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Crimea, you must consult your legal counsel to ensure that an appropriate general license is available, or a specific license has been obtained, allowing the grant activity to take place. This is a very strong and well organized proposal. We recommend reviewing the following information before applying for funding. One factor that mitigates the incidence and intensity of conflicts is the existence of cooperative ties within a community (Ross 1993). Projects can be up to two years long. Player A is given a sum equal to one day's labor (about US $3), and the option to keep the money or send some of it to the player B. 0000001366 00000 n The material provided here is solely for informational purposes only without any warranty. First, ethnographic study will yield data with high internal validity about how responses to water scarcity evolve over the wet-to-dry cycle (Kirk and Miller 1986). Impending water shortages and conflicts over scarce water are now widely predicted (Ohlsson 1995, Elhance 1999). Consult the CT website for more information on the types of projects funded. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. to determine how water scarcity affects the frequency and quality of social interactions between households. You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. Fill out YEG pre-application for Conservation Trust (CT). Although choosing a purposive sample renders generalization from the study impossible, the purposive sample will enable me to choose households that maximize variation on the independent variables (Bernard 2002). 0000017675 00000 n About us, Premium Sign in 2336/2339 Fax: (876)927-0253Email: These grants are highly competitive and reserved for select projects that push boundaries to achieve significant and tangible impact in your field. Please submit your pre-application at least eight months prior to your field dates, at least six months for the Expeditions Council. Man 9(3):380-396. A grant from the National Geographic Society means more than just funding! We discover, understand, and conserve individual species or genera of animals, plants, or other forms of life and inspire and empower local and global audiences to better understand and protect them. New York: Columbia University Press. Who? A common measure of an appropriate starting bid is one days wages. My responsibilities include overseeing a four-survey evaluation of health care in the state of Florida, which involves 300 interviewers and 13,500 interviews. The purpose of the research is to better understand how conflicts develop in water-scarce regions, and to outline the social and economic factors that mediate cooperation and conflict. A-3000 transcription kit $100 Our funding opportunities aim to further understanding of our planet and empower a global community to generate solutions for a healthier and more sustainable future. Villa Israel, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Cochabamba, is an impoverished community of 565 migrant families. `:hixEEXhh*5qb"ZDpf.1H>r3Y ;H-yMP VK_!&-LGH\T\5/A#'hp,@&a}:f\$]I4%sC8]Z9i>-lmP5LS$ The proposed research will contribute to the doctoral training of a female graduate student, as well as the methods training of a Bolivian undergraduate from the Universidad Mayor de San Simn in Cochabamba. S. Halebsky and R.L. It is inspired by studies of reciprocity and conflict theory. Please be as specific as possible. The research will be conducted in Villa Israel, near Cochabamba, Bolivia. In November and December, the researcher will conduct a series of experimental economic games will be run to determine the norms of trust and reciprocity in the community. S. Carolina Proposal Activities Not Funded by NGGDPP Nonfunded activities Annually, the NGGDPP solicits proposals from state geological surveys for the preservation and rescue of geoscience materials and data. Recording(Click here for mp4 file523MB). The National Geographic Society's Grants Program provides seed funding and support to early career individuals, as well as those more advanced in their careers, who are working to address critical challenges, advance new solutions, and inspire positive transformation across all seven continents. c. With whom do you participate in special activities (church groups, dancing, etc.)? Organizations can apply for grants, but the person within the organization who will lead the projectnot the institutionshould be the applicant and will be expected to meet the requirements of the grant. Inferential statistics t-tests, ANOVA, and repeated measures ANOVA will be used to test the hypotheses. During the dry season, households with more water will engage in more social interactions than will households with less water. Ross, Marc Howard Churches provide another setting in which mutual support relationships are formed (Krause et al. During spring 2003, I will take a fourth course in statistics, as well as a course in hydrology. Projects are typically funded for US $5,000 and cannot exceed US $10,000. Barr, Abigail We are looking for individuals who are interested in becoming an active part of the Explorer Community. One of the most powerful cooperative strategies that urban migrants use to survive is to form kin-based groups (Halebsky 1995). The Program places high value on increasing access to preserved materials. H7. If the money is sent to player B, it triples and player B determines how much of the money should be returned to player A. After five years of practice and hands-on instruction in ethnographic and survey research methods, I have become an experienced and capable researcher. Princeton: Princeton University Press. We develop creative, novel, or scalable solutions to global sustainability challenges and projects that highlight breakthrough solutions and innovations. Office of the Vice ChancellorThe University of the West Indies Regional HeadquartersKingston 7, Jamaica, W.I. d. What did you do for someone else this week? A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. 1995). Espaol Interactivo, Spanish language classes, May-June 2000 In addition, paisanos, or people who came from the same highland district, are relied upon to help and defend each other in urban settlements (Lobo 1995 [1982]). a. Simmel, Georg A laptop computer is essential for data entry, management, transcription, and analysis. You are not required to have previously received a grant from the National Geographic Society to apply for this opportunity. household members. Lomnitz (1978) suggested that extreme deprivation would likely cause decrement of generalized reciprocal exchanges and social interactions in urban areas. You will be allowed to save your work and complete it at another time. Guttman, L Funding requests at this level can be up to USD $20,000. 0000005564 00000 n Because the Fulbright program will be funding ten months of living and travel expenses, this item has been revised to request living expenses to cover only the remaining two months. Recording(Click here for mp4 file656MB). 1994 Environmental scarcities and violent conflict: evidence from cases. Maloney, R. Shawn and Michael Paolisso Disclaimers 0000024119 00000 n Quantitative data for households will be entered directly into Excel spreadsheets. University of Florida, Anthropology (specialization in Tropical Conservation and Development in Latin American Studies), Doctoral program , September 2000-curr. You must consult with your legal counsel and comply with all export requirements applicable to the grant work. hbbd``b`W=H' i `a{ If you apply for more than one year of funding, your proposal will be sent back to you to revise and resubmit for the next deadline. These examples of data management plans (DMP)are available for reference to support proposal writing. Data analysis will include constructing an ordinal measurement of water use, and analyzing interactions among households, as well as the results of the game. b. Bus fare will be needed to travel from Villa Israel to any other part of Cochabamba. Premium Sign up New York, NY 10005 LeVine, Robert, and Donald Campbell Through in-depth study of one case, the research will produce data with high internal validity. 1998 Beyond Environmental Scarcity: Causal Pathways to Conflict. The presentation is available from the December 8th and 16th, 2021 Office Hours sessions on the modifications to the FY 2022 Program Announcement in response to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (PL 117-58). 0000000836 00000 n The National Geographic Societys Grants Program provides seed funding and support to early career individuals, as well as those more advanced in their careers, who are working to address critical challenges, advance new solutions, and inspire positive transformation across all seven continents. Also I hope the researcher will work towards a broader bibliography of studies from Bolivia and specifically Cochabamba (such as Albro, Dandler, Larson, Paulson) in which to contextualize the results of the study. The research design has several strengths. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Premium Customer Support Bernard This revised item requests funds for two full-time research assistants to work in Villa Israel from March to December 2004. The research assistants salaries are calculated at $2.20 an hour, 40 hours a week, totaling $3520 per assistant over the 10-month period. During the dry season, households will withdraw from generalized reciprocal exchange relationships in the order predicted by the experimental game. In using Stack's ethnographic interview protocol and Berg et al. Collectively, they represent more than 140 countries and their work is advancing positive impact and transformative change for their planet. Two of these projects took place in Mexico and Bolivia, where I honed my ability to do research in Spanish. In Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. Third-Party Links & Ads Also forms of 'ayuda' bind people together, or is it certain social units that provide ayuda? Boulder: Westview Press. The overall objective is to understand how severe water scarcity affects reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships in a marginal urban setting. Instructions will be provided. Data analysis will consist of coding the interviews and using inferential statistics to measure the relationships among social variables and water scarcity. By determining when and how social ties become vulnerable during periods of severe water scarcity, the research will point to possible avenues for conflict prevention in marginal urban communities. 0000002808 00000 n Environmental Conservation and Climate Change. Prospect Heights, Il: Waveland Press, Inc. Johnson, Jeffrey C 1992 The Politics of Bolivia's Economic Crisis: Survival Strategies of Displaced Tin-Mining Households. Annually, the NGGDPP solicits proposals from state geological surveys for the preservation and rescue of geoscience materials and data. Consult the CRE website for more information on the fields of research funded. 2001), I will use an investment game (Berg et al. Projects are typically funded for US $5,000 and cannot exceed . The proposal is based on a clear and reasonable research plan. Submit a Grant The five specific objectives are: Literature Review research assistant. The researcher has also undertaken independent research projects in Mexico and Bolivia, and therefore has the fieldwork and language skills required for the project. H. Russell Bernard (U. Florida), Anthony Oliver-Smith (U. Florida), Marianne Schmink (U. Florida). Preliminary Studies Laughlin and Brady's model was validated by a series of African famine case studies (Laughlin 1974, Cashdan Unless otherwise specified, this website is not affiliated with any of the organizations mentioned above. Level I Grants are designed for individuals who may be earlier in their career, those looking to establish themselves better in their field, those seeking mentorship from others in their field and beyond, or those who want to grow their network and enhance their impact by joining a global community of National Geographic Explorers. exacerbate tensions, and community-wide patterns of adaptation to environmental scarcities are not well-formed, may be particularly vulnerable to water conflicts (Moench 2002). 2 Please note that this is a fictional sample grant proposal used in the Helping the Sumatran Rhino activity in the At this funding level, grantees will provide mentorship within the Explorer community, contribute their expertise, and participate in relevant speaking engagements upon request. I will examine each case to better understand the dynamics of tie breakage and water conflicts. The degree of connectedness and the presence of ties that cross social segments are both elements of social structure that inhibit conflict development (Gluckman in Ross 1993, LeVine and Campbell 1972). In 2001, I conducted a study on the effects of social support networks on child feeding decisions with the Mexican Social Security Institute in Oaxaca. In Cochabamba, I became associated with three organizations that are working on local water problems. 2001 Cholas and Pishtacos: Stories of Race and Sex in the Andes. Visitors are advised to use it at their own discretion. Elhance, Arun P. University of Florida, Anthropology and Chinese Language and Literature, B.A., May 2002 Honors thesis in cultural anthropology This involves documenting the social interactions that a sample of households engages in over a nine-month period. Boulder: Westview Press. The National Geographic Society is inviting proposals from experienced project leaders in the areas of conservation, education, research, storytelling, and technology for its Exploration Grants Program. In Cochabamba, the researcher will disseminate her findings to three local NGOs and will suggest You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. (List relationships.) Reports on the state of freshwater reserves warn that severe local shortages are imminent, and predict that violent conflicts will emerge in water-scarce regions (Ohlsson 1995, Elhance 1999). JV.o`J(E_`Wj8rcmbqP,nfVH\{ 2002 Water and the Potential for Social Instability: Livelihoods, Migration and the Building of Society. Households may purchase between 20 and 40 liters of low-cost, untreated water a day through thirteen public faucets controlled by the Unin Cristiana Evanglica, a Protestant church (Trujillo 2002). c. Does it belong to anyone in the house? Current Anthropology 21(1):21-44. National Geographic Societyis a 501 (C)(3) organization. The methodology section is particularly strong. Quantitative data will be analyzed using inferential statistics: t-tests and ANOVA will facilitate this. Fight Fraud against NGOs New York: Columbia University Press. Which relatives? Review: This proposal deals with conflicts over water shortages in Bolivia. H6. Coleman, James S. Living expenses were calculated for the Co-PI to reside and work in Villa Israel, Cochabamba for 12 months. 0000004783 00000 n 2. The researcher has an excellent background and the necessary skills for undertaking this project. If you have received a grant from National Geographic in the past, you may submit a new proposal after you have closed your previous grant record. Because she will be living in a working class neighborhood, $1030 will be sufficient for the Co-PI to subsist at a standard of living similar to that of the other community members for two months. d. Where and with whom do you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner? how the research might contribute to the success of future water delivery projects. Everyone has a hard time making it on the money they get and has to get some help from others. How do they contribute (rent, utilities, etc.)? Invited applicants will have seven (7) weeks to submit a full application. You can download a sample application for each project focus as a reference to help you prepare your proposal. Below: Michael Nichols, Andy Mann, Paul Nicklen, Ami Vitale, Christian Tryon, Kenneth Garrett, Mark Thiessen. Below: Michael Nichols, Andy Mann, Paul Nicklen, Ami Vitale, Christian Tryon, Kenneth Garrett, Mark Thiessen. Third-Party Links & Ads 1988 Famine and Household Coping Strategies. Shaanxi Teachers University, Chinese Language and Literature, Aug. 1998-May 1999, Appointments: Employment and Research Experience, 2002 Preliminary fieldwork, interviews on water scarcity in Bolivia Regardless of the denomination, parishioners generally belong to church organizations that provide assistance to needy community members, and form informal assistance networks among themselves. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. The requested amount is 46% of the State Department estimate for the cost of living in Cochabamba, and totals about 85% of an average factory worker s salary in Bolivia. 1995 Trust, Reciprocity, and Social History. Third, interviews with key informants allow me to collect information with more time depth than would be available with only the household interviews. These documents are meant for people with intermittent access to the internet and are for preparation purposes only. e. Who bought it? Isbell, Billie Jean They hypothesize that, during times of widespread (but non-lethal) deprivation, households will increase generalized reciprocal exchanges and social interactions. Christopher McCarty (U. Florida), Clarence Gravlee (U. Michigan), Graduate Advisors: Stewart-Gambino, Hannah W., and Everett Wilson 1993 [1979] We eat the mines and the mines eat us: dependency and exploitation in Bolivian tin mines. The obvious counterpart in the countryside is water distribution for irrigation and there are numerous studies here (e.g., Gelles, Gose, Guillet, Isbell, Sherbondy, Sikkink) that discuss the conflict and cooperation involved in this event, and would serve as a counterpoint to the study proposed here. 2001 What Can Digital Audio Data Do for You? Social Problems 12(4):388-397. protocol are that it has been pre-tested for research on urban survival strategies, it is flexible enough to accommodate Andean social structure, and successful replication of Stack's results will enhance the external validity of previous findings about how urban support systems After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Henrich, Joseph, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, Herbert Gintis and Richard McElreath 2001 In search of homo economicus: behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies. I currently manage data collection and analysis for the Survey Research Center at the UF Bureau of In what ways, if any, are your project's goals aligned with the mission of the National Geographic Society? Research Objectives. large population of marginal urban residents that lack access to the municipal water system. 1995) to discover the social norms that determine when and with whom households trust (dependent variable H7) and reciprocate (dependent variable H8). Homer-Dixon, Thomas Living expenses for Co-PI (12 months) $1030 The proposal also calls for use of an experimental game to study economic behaviors, analogous to research that has been conducted in fifteen small-scale societies. In Theorizing the City: The New Urban Anthropology Reader. H. Russell Bernard and Christopher McCarty in research projects between 1997 and 2002, I honed my skills in sampling, questionnaire design, data collection and data analysis. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should apply and write the application. Individuals who are already National Geographic Explorers (i.e., those who have already received a grant from the National Geographic Society) are NOT eligible to apply for Level I Grants. I interviewed project coordinators in USAID, CARE, the Peace Corps, and Bolivian NGOs to learn about how communities adapt to conditions of water scarcity. recommendations. In marginal urban settings, poverty and mutual assistance foster social support networks (Low 1999) that strengthen community ties. Funds may not be used for travel to scientific/professional meetings or conferences, tuition, vacations, study abroad programs, volunteer activities, legal actions, land acquisition, endowments, construction of permanent field stations, or publication of research results. Data analysis will consist of coding the interviews and using inferential statistics to measure the relationships social. And comply with all export requirements applicable to the municipal water system Simmel, a! 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