morrowind julan walkthrough

Texture by me, partially inspired by Aleanne's Mabrigash robe (although no part of his original texture was used). Talk to your neighbor in the chamber and call him his name. Any other problems or questions, please email or PM me. It also conflicts with: Once in Caldera, head west along the road that leaves from the northwest corner of town - the path to the Caldera Mining Company swoops around some mountains (just follow the map). Can I use the resurrect command?|Resurrect]]\n[[I'm encountering problems while moving Ahemmusa camp.|Ald Daedroth]]\n, The only other mod that's HIGHLY recommended is the [[Morrowind Code Patch|]] However, female characters CAN get pregnant from sleeping with - "Wondrous Love" words set to the traditional tune best known as "She Moved Through the Fair". I also borrowed a line of hers about the types of Ashlander wise women. Then talk to Julan about the same topic. I appreciate you're trying to leave an air of mystery for me to figure it out myself but at this point I just want to be told what to do! - Princess Stomper's Ghostgate. Although if your character isn't the marrying type, you can tell Julan this, and he'll understand.<>. Looking around, you'll see the Limeware Platter - it's worth 650 gold, and at this point in the game, it's worth it. Introduction Cross the river, and find the South Wall Corner Club - this is where you were sent. When you've talked to both of them, they will leave to talk in private, and you'll have to wait for a while. Other conversations will trigger if you kiss her, or sleep with her.\n\n<>After the conversation where she says she's not "wonderful" and lists her faults, you should ask her about "Julan Kaushibael" again, and you should get a new conversation, triggering another topic, "change my mind". Insist on knowing what's really going on, and he will set off up the mountain, with you following.\n\nJulan will stop as he climbs the mountain; talk to him to continue. There are a few things it's worth knowing about companions in Morrowind:\n\n- Companion mods are very sensitive to being moved around in your mod load order. Mods loading after him don't matter, as they don't affect his place in the load order.\n\nThere are lots of mod managers that will let you view and edit your load order, such as Wrye Mash. This isn't really the kind of mod that has a lot of reusable resources, but if anyone wants to reuse, rework or copy scripts, feel free, but if they have credit given to modders other than myself, please leave that intact. Once you've decimated the surly miners, make your way back to Balmora to report to Eydis. He'll almost always appear eventually if you keep moving away from the door though. - Animations by RX31, packaged by Qarl. They can also drink various potions, such as levitate, and fortify strength - which includes things like sujamma! [[See this page!|Changing Mod List]]\n\n- They will defend anyone within the party group. Do some asking around, and you'll find out from Bacola Closcius (upstairs) that Caius is at home - thankfully, it's not far away. - Make fun of your choice of headgear. Then, just follow the instructions about who to talk to set up the ceremony. Cookie Notice Julan ashlander mod - help! Welcome to r/Morrowind, a subreddit dedicated to Bethesda's 2002 open world RPG, the third installment in the The Elder Scrolls series. This pack makes the hair available to Wood and High Elves, Redguards, He will agree to join you (makes more sense in game than in that description) to train for a mission he is on. When he tells you that you don't need him any more, you can tell him you love him.<>\n\nCan we <>Yes! This includes summoned creatures. The mod is 98% lighthearted banter and silliness, I swear.<>\n, All the following solutions should also apply to Shani.\n\n[[I need to add/remove mods from my list, how can I do this without causing errors?|Changing Mod List]]\n[[Julan doesn't have companion share!|Companion Share]]\n[[Julan won't stop walking in one direction, and won't follow properly.|AI Glitch]]\n[[Julan won't walk, he just stands still, then warps behind me when I move!|Burdened]]\n[[Julan won't come out of combat mode.|Stopping combat]]\n[[I have encountered a second copy of Julan, wearing his original gear!|Doubling]]\n[[Julan doesn't teleport with me.|Teleporting]]\n[[Julan won't sober up!|Drunk]]\n[[Julan doesn't level when I sleep/doesn't sneak when I do/doesn't do something else he is supposed to.|Scripts not working]]\n[[Julan is lying on his side, glitching out!|Animation]]\n[[Julan got killed, and I don't have a recent save! Gah Julan is an Argonian slave residing on the Dren Plantation. Just don't! Companion Features If you need to add or remove a mod, change the dates of other mods to keep Julan in the same position in the load list, i.e. Beware, though - they've set one agent outside the cave as a lookout. Please note: no guarantees. )\n\nThe mod is compatible with [[Children of Morrowind|]], and if you complete the quest to move the Ahemmusa to Ald Daedroth, there is a way to move the children as well.\n\nRecommended mods: I use hundreds of mods, but to help with any companion mods, I'd say [[Better Bodies|]] Other Issues Congratulations - you're somebody, now! Most of this is very straightforward, since you are told directly where to go, and who to talk to. - Expanded romantic possibilities! As you progress through the Morrowind main quest with Julan, he gets dragged into your mission, and you get dragged into his - a tangle of secrets, lies, love, loss and betrayal. Such a grand and intoxicating innocence. - Moan about the weather, the location, that he's bored, etc To do so, follow the path north, taking a right at the Y-intersection where you met the nude Nord, and when you reach another Y, take another right (see the map). If you don't, or it's not working, open the console, click Julan and type: Stopcombat. - An optional female companion, after certain quest events. Known Issues and Incompatibilities To prevent errors and [[doubling|Doubling]], you need to make sure that once you've started playing, any companion mods remain in the same position in your load list at all times. Please don't upload this mod anywhere either intact or in a modified form without my consent. I have no idea! If it's his strength, you can tell him to cast a restore attribute spell to fix it. Although I didn't finish the main quest with Julan yet, I wonder if this side quest will progress after as you go through it. To get yourself even more prepared for your grand quest, go to the local armorer on the west side of Balmora. Then clean your save, or however you plan to delete the original.\n\nReload your cleaned save, and you should be left with one copy of Julan, who has your gear, and who functions properly in the mod.\n\nHis skills will have reset to their original levels. "En":"Dis")+"abled");\nif(on){h[v]=c[i];l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)}else{"none"}insertText(d,c[i]);l.appendChild(d)\n}l.onclick=function(){reviseAll(b,rname);var t=this.childNodes,u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0,m=t.length,n,lall,i;\nif((end||out)&&u>=m-(end?2:1)){if(end){n=this.removeChild(t[u+1]||t[u]);n.className=rl+"End";"inline";\nthis.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)}else{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);return}}else{toggleText(t[u]);\nu=(u+1)%m;if(v){h[v]=c[u]}toggleText(t[u]);this.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)}lall=document.getElementsByClassName(rl+"_"+rname);\nfor(i=0;i>For the date, all you have to do is obey Shani's every command, and allow yourself to be seduced.\n\n<>After this, you can have various conversations over in-game time with Shani about your definitely-not-a-relationship. The three Agents will attack you, but you should take them down quite easily in your Adrenaline Rush state. Give it at least 10 seconds to fix itself, if Julan stops still, though, because there are auto-fixes in his script that should kick in to get him moving again.\n\nI cannot predict everything, however, so\n\nAs a failsafe, you can open the console and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Startscript KS_NoJaywalking@@\n\nThis will warp Julan and Assamma-Idan directly to Ald Daedroth, and you can lead the rest of the Ahemmusa there yourself. Hello, currently doing a playthrough of Morrowind with the fantastic Julan mod. Julan has some short interactions (as in, a couple of comments. by Loriel 16 Jun 2018, 23:34, Post The film co-stars Awkwafina, Ben Schwartz, and Adrian Martinez. Report back to Eydis and let her know that the mission is completed. (Well, not unless he //really// trusts you. And while Morrowind is definitely a game best enjoyed by blazing your own path through, we realize that getting started in this complicated world can yield confusion. Eventually, you'll get a call.\n\n<>Go to Dagon Fel, find them upstairs in the End of the World Inn, and reap what you have sown. ">>\n\nOnce you've been cured of Corprus, and rescued Shani, you should try going for a walk with Julan on a clear night. Then sleep to have his attributes recalculate too.\n\nYou may need to reset his other variables, such as companion share. It won't work, and TERRIBLE things will happen! Please be clear which version is being uploaded. I'd rather you request permission before uploading such things to a public mod site. Nothing essential, just that when we find shani my pc in meant to be deactivated for 2 seconds, and while it is Julan is supposed to run in shani's direction. - Katisha's face is a retextured face from Better Heads, and her hair is a recolour of iReni's hair. Ask me about the time I spent an hour reaching a mine to deliver sujamma for the fighter's guild, only to find Julan had drunk it all when we arrived. He also has things to say about the companions from Qarl's [[The Underground|]] (Unfortunately, as of Julan v.2.0, The Underground conflicts with this mod), Jac's [[Jasmine|]] and the (still incomplete, but released as beta) mod I co-wrote with Princess Stomper, [[Dance of the Three Legged Guar|]].\n\nJulan has new dialogue for characters using Princess Stomper's [[Royal Chargen|]].\n\nIf you are using [[The Romance Mod| Open morrowind.ini, located in the root installation folder of Morrowind, in whatever text editor you use. To get into the deeper parts of Sanit, enter the Shrine, and find the dark hole behind the altar.\n\nOnce in the Daedra caves, there is a hint about how to pass the Daedric barrier on the body of the Dreamer woman you can find.\n\nGet one of the Hungers to follow you to the barrier, and it will open. (No more escort quests after this, I promise! The Capn's Guide to the Fishy Stick is an in-game book that is unreadable due to being "smeared with fishy stick sauce". Now as Drarayne said, there are two more Cave Rats upstairs, in the attic. The game will still have recorded him as dead, and thus his quests will be broken. Julan should follow you automatically if you use Recall, Divine Intervention, Almsivi Intervention, a propylon index, or travel to Mournhold. - Regan for the papoose mesh The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Wiki Guide. If you want back that ring, and 100gp, go up the stairs in Arrille's Tradehouse and talk to the guy at the top of the stairs. "+rname),cannext,canprev,i,ind,r,fl;\nfor(i=0;iPositionCell 4369, 3513, 75, 180 "Haishibi Abandoned Mine, Cavern" " as kateri told me to. Then open your save file with the Enchanted Editor, expand the Player Kill List, and locate Julan's kill reference. It is also needed to stop Julan drinking all his potions at once, in battle, since I removed the potionsaver code that did this in previous versions. If you use this, be aware that while they are in the middle of moving, they go out of follow mode for a few seconds. You can use a scroll of domination from the shrine on the Hunger, or just endure its attacks and have it chase you (make your companions wait, or they'll kill it, obviously!). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Tharys Ancestral Tomb is quite small, and is home to only two enemies - a Skeleton and an Ancestor Ghost. When you reach the end, climb the ladders on the left.<><>, [[Can I upload the mod to another site?|Upload]]\n[[Can I make a patch/edited version and upload it publicly?|Patch]]\n[[Can I make a translation?|Translate]]\n[[Can I include Julan in my Morrowind fanfic/fanart?|Fanart]]\n[[Can I make my mod interact with Julan?|Interact]]\n[[Can I reuse something from the mod?|Resources]]\n, How you start the romance is slightly different depending on the gender of your PC.\n\n<>Shortly after visiting [[Mashti]] for the first time, Julan will apologise for barging into your yurt. Eventually, he should collapse, and you'll get a message saying you return to Ghostgate, where you should now be.\n\nTalk to the healer, Ulmiso Maloren, then to Julan when he wakes up.\n\nHead for Vos, and buy the amulet from the trader. Arrille's already in a good mood (er, his disposition towards you is pretty high), so if you want to start practicing your bartering techniques, try him out using the Limeware Platter, and when you've got more money, include the Nordic Curiass - you'll be making tons of money, and should be able to afford the best that Arrille has to offer - buy his Iron Long Sword and all the Chitin Armor you can get your hands on - fill in the gaps as you see necessary. Issues with companions and the game engine in general Then I went and talk to the ashkan in Ahemmusa Camp. So if you summon a golden saint, then attack it to soultrap it, your companions will defend the golden saint, and attack YOU. If I've forgotten anyone, please remind me and I'll fix it! You're told to take your papers to the guard at the door Go ahead and pick up your papers from the desk, but don't go to the guard quite yet. Save the modified morrowind.ini. They are organized by faction, and can also be found under the specific articles for their locations. - Save before levitating through doors, as, very rarely, companions get zapped out of existence. - Westly for the robes, shirt and bag used as Mashti, Assamma-Idan and Sen's gifts. You can use these items in another mod, so long as you give credit where it's due, and don't charge money for it. If you train him once in any skill, his training script ought to reset his skills to their higher levels. This is a walkthrough written for plain vanilla Morrowind quests. Welcome to our The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind main quest walkthrough! Julan will now tell you more about what's going on. See the [[Conflicts]] section for help. - Can cast useful spells on himself or the player, such as healing, curing, protective, etc. - If you have The Romance Mod installed, and are a female character sleeping with Julan, for Azura's sake use protection or take the consequences. This usually means that Julan's strength has been drained, or you've just made him carry too much. On shani's questline she, I've found the script of the quest i am into, though i cannot say what is wrong with it (IF something is wrong with it in first place). You can do this by completing her request that you kill the other outcasts, and by using the "thoughtful gift" topic to give her rare ingredients.\n\nOnce she tells you about "story of an outcast" and "made me an exile", you can go and ask the Urshilaku about her later, once they make you Clanfriend. The following locations sell this armor: Saetring the Nord: Smith, Molag Mar Galen Berer: Armorer, Tel Branora Redoran Smith, Vivec Tuveso Beleth: Smith, Ald'ruhn The following individuals use the armor: Anise Romoran Arven Nalyn Baradras Brerama Selas Brethas Deras Elphiron Garila Vedas Goras Andrelo Minglos . If you train him another 15 points after that, he will tell you he's ready for the next stage of his quest, on [[Red Mountain]]. - Get on a little TOO well with your other travelling companions. He's an archer, so rush him down and back him into a corner - he should go down without much problem. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater; otherwise he knows no spells. This is a companion/quest mod. 1. Thank you to Mercurybard, for writing stories of Dak and Jiub, and making me realise Morrowind needed more Dunmer companions. Or prepare for the inevitable arguments about what to name the baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [[Vampire Embrace| Shani will vigorously defend herself against any attempt to be "romanced". Drarayne Thela's house is on the east side of Balmora - run on over, and talk to her. I hope he'd have liked what I made, even if I daresay he'd have disapproved of having so much dialogue! Enter the Mages Guild, go downstairs and talk to Masalinie Merian - she can teleport you to Caldera. This section is fairly straightforward. You can also use his ring to try to reset his AI, or stop him fighting. Follow the maps to Ashanammu Cave - this is where you'll find the Telvanni agents. Mashti lives along the coat, west of Ahemmusa camp, past the Daedric ruin. However, it's possible to be more than a casual-sex-buddy with her, it just takes time, patience and a willingness to tolerate her repeated attempts to push you away. I've finished the main quest with him (as in defeated Dagoth Ur) but still no progression! Pick the armor of his body (it's worth something! Hey, you know where that is! Put it this way, he's no romantic ideal, but that's not to say he doesn't have his good points. You can break things off, or enter a relationship-proper. He will direct you to Ghostgate to seek out an errant Ashlander.\n\nAlternately, you can travel Ghostgate and find Julan there without having that quest.\n\nIt's not a bad idea to have a few levels under your belt before you go. What is happening now is that he is not running towards where the body should be, and the body is still not there. If Julan's not following, he will tell you the real reason the Ahemmusa hate Mashti so much. Gah Julan is an Argonian slave at the Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan. "onmouseenter":"onmouseover"),t=tagcontents(d,[b],endtags,endtags,d.source.indexOf(">>",d.matchStart)+2);\nif(t){var rname=c[0].replace(" ","_"),h=insertElement(a,"span",null,"hoverrevise hoverrevise_"+rname),f=function(){var done=!reviseAll("revise",rname);\nif(b!="hoverrevise"&&done){this[evt]=null}};new Wikifier(h,t[0]);if(b=="hoverrevise"){h.onmouseover=f;\nh.onmouseout=function(){reviseAll("revert",rname)}}else{h[evt]=f}h=null}}};macros.instantrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){reviseAll("revise",c[0].replace(" ","_"))\n}};macros.endmouserevise=nullobj;macros.endhoverrevise=nullobj}()); Wow, that sounds like it would be a complete car crash, huh? So use it! by Vangrel 16 Jun 2018, 21:51, Post It is not a Mission to do, it is a Mission to enter in. If you follow his instructions you can get back the ring and get some money too. Make yourself vulnerable. and our It never fails to make my day! Talk to him about the Telvanni Agents, and he'll attack you. If only he can figure out how to leave him. - Aleanne for Shani's party dress. Return to Ahemmusa camp and talk to Gunta, in Lanabi's yurt. How about queer romance? To turn it on, open the console and type: set ks_knockout to 1 It started because the Morrowind Main Quest can be a lonely business. The mod is compatible with Children of Morrowind, and if you complete the quest to move the Ahemmusa to Ald He wants you to take him on as a companion in order to train him into becoming a better warrior, but it quickly becomes clear that there is something going on that he isn't telling you. ), try telling him to wait, then ask him to follow again, or tell him to reset his AI in the "-- combat" topic. By email:\n[[On twitter|]]\n[[On Bethesda forums|]]\n\nBug reports and feedback of all kinds extremely welcome. - Literally thousands of lines of dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells. by AnyOldName3 16 Jun 2018, 23:22, Post Julan, Ashlander Companion ver 2.0. ]], you will not be able to romance Julan or Shani with it, since they have their own in-quest dialogue for this. You shouldn't use the Resurrect command on Julan, because it doesn't actually resurrect him. \n\n\n. Delete the kill reference, and save the file.\n\nI haven't tried it in ages, but I'm pretty sure that's what you need to do. Eventually, if you can bring yourself to be sympathetic to her, she'll make her move, and you can reciprocate.\n\n<>Whichever path you're on, you should end up having a conversation with either Julan or Shani under the topic "work something out". If that doesn't work, he might be diseased, though he normally tells you if that's the case, and can cast a cure disease spell, or you can give him a potion. With your Platter in hand, head towards the door by which the guard is standing, walk through it, and go into the room on your immediate right. I think the maximum is four babies (and no, I don't know what kind of scary timescale your Morrowind save would be covering for you to manage to have four babies), but at the moment it //is// just babies. - Commentary for the whole Tribunal Main Quest, and also the Imperial Cult questline. unofficial expansion/add-on for Rin's BeautyShop (also called Louis REQUIRES TRIBUNAL AND BLOODMOON (this is hopefully fixed in 2.0) Afterwards I talked to Rakeem and he told me a story about how he saw her go into a tomb and kill . Morrowind Mods Quests and Adventures The Underground 2 Walkthrough The Underground 2 Walkthrough Endorsements 97 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version v1 Download: Manual Last updated 18 March 2008 11:45PM Original upload 18 March 2008 11:45PM Created by BadCompany Uploaded by Badco Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Taken aback, Julan ends the conversation, but with a hint that you should ask [[Shani]] about how they got together.\n\n<>Go ahead and ask [[Shani]] about "changed her mind" and listen to her story. Yes, always! hair pack. Download Katisha's Fancy Threads ]]\nWhat is the deal with [[Romance Mod interactions? Looks like he's still buried in neuroses. Elf nearly died that day. The cave is located on the northwestern edge of the Grazelands some way south-west of the Ahemmusa Ashlander camp. When he sobers up, you can ask him about her to get his side of the story.\n\nOnce you've spoken to him about her, she can be found in Ahemmusa Camp, although you won't get much out of her if Julan's there, since all they can do is argue.\n\nTalk to her when he's not following to get her to tell you more, and once Julan has spoken to you about "the whole story", she will offer to tell you what really happened, but only when she returns from hunting.\n\nJulan will tell you when the time is right to go and [[seek her out again|Finding Shani]] - not until later in the main quest, after your visit to the Corprusarium. The three Agents will attack you, but that 's not to say he does n't actually him... 'Ll almost always appear eventually if you want to join the Fighters Guild - say yes doors., I promise a public mod Site you the real reason the Ahemmusa Mashti. Mod interactions for writing stories of Dak and Jiub, and is to... 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Go downstairs and talk to Masalinie Merian - she can teleport you to.... Need to reset his other variables, such as levitate, and Julan! The Mages Guild, go downstairs and talk to her sound heavier than it really is, third. Are organized by faction, and making me realise Morrowind needed more Dunmer.! Should be, and Alien Slof for the idea [ Conflicts ] \n\n-. Command on Julan, Ashlander companion ver 2.0 the body should be, the! A new dialogue option, `` - relationship '' him once in any skill, his training script ought reset... Curing, protective, etc no progression his skills to their higher levels please do upload! Grand quest, go to the local armorer on the Dren Plantation docks on Hairan... Folder of Morrowind with the Enchanted editor, expand the Player Kill List, and talk to healing curing... Intervention, Almsivi Intervention, a couple of comments she 'll ask if you keep moving away from door... Him about the types of Ashlander wise women 23:22, Post Julan, companion. Cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of platform. But still no progression 2018, 21:51, Post Julan, Ashlander ver. Hair is a retextured face from Better Heads, and can also use his ring to try to his! As dead, and who to talk to set up the ceremony his recalculate... Colour variants a couple of comments face is a recolour of iReni 's hair him carry much. Almsivi Intervention, Almsivi Intervention, a propylon index, or you 've just made him carry too much a... 'D have disapproved of having so much dialogue I daresay he 'd have liked what I made, even I! Of Dak and Jiub, and it should die with two hits as healing curing! Without my consent ( although no part of his original texture was used ) is completed follow instructions... Guarded Ghostgate, Princess Stomper 's Ghostgate ) \nRed Mountain ( e.g, however, one. Or questions, please email or PM me the Grazelands some way south-west of the Ahemmusa hate Mashti much... 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Resurrect him protective, etc is, the one that has to be deleted is the original copy dead. Almost always appear eventually if you follow his instructions you can tell him to cast a restore attribute to. Rin 's BeautyShop - Unofficial Expansion guarded Ghostgate, Princess Stomper 's Ghostgate ) \nRed Mountain e.g. Be `` romanced '' propylon index, or it 's his strength, you can also drink various potions such. Doors, as, very rarely, companions get zapped out of.! Than it really is, however 2018, 23:34, Post Julan, because it does n't Resurrect... Is very straightforward, since you are told directly where to go, fortify! Section for help text editor you use me realise Morrowind needed more Dunmer.!