branford hall career institute transcripts

(Notes: Since the June 26, 2020 consummation of the CIO from Premier to Trigram \(and loss of eligibility date\), Trigram has been) Tj (08/17/2018) Tj (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) Tj 0 J 0.52 437.28 TD (Accrediting Agency:) Tj 37.80 -285.44 TD 92.16 690.68 TD /F2 10.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD -43.36 352.32 TD (Address:) Tj Q 0 g 0 G 0.00 -199.96 TD -30.32 214.88 TD 0.00 -279.40 TD -335.60 135.24 TD BT (Address:) Tj ET -66.64 253.00 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD BT (N/A) Tj Q 0 g 0 G 30.76 -0.76 TD 0.00 -253.16 TD -38.64 0.00 TD /Resources <> >> (.) ET /Type /Page 401.20 275.84 TD /F2 10.00 Tf 17.56 294.80 TD (NCACHE) Tj 45 0 obj (Accrediting Agency:) Tj 0.00 107.20 611.16 666.84 re W n 0 J 36.28 365.00 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD -155.88 287.32 TD /Contents 77 0 R ET 4321 (Main Campus: Located in Region ) Tj 2.00 w Tj 0.00 -319.08 TD <> 0.00 -267.56 TD (CLOSED SCHOOL UNIT) Tj Q 0 g 0 G (N/A) Tj 0.00 -200.36 TD 0 J (Record Holder:) Tj ET 0.00 -176.16 TD BT >> q BT 0.52 613.44 TD Q 0 g 0 G (School) Tj 0.68 519.92 TD /F2 10.00 Tf Q 0 g 0 G BT 215.72 637.28 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD -38.64 199.96 TD (CLOSED SCHOOL MONTHLY REPORT - SECTION I) Tj BT Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD 401.56 690.72 TD Are you detail-oriented and analytical? -43.36 199.92 TD (Student Arrangements: All students completed their program.) (Closure Date:) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD (School) Tj 0.00 -11.72 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 253.40 625.48 TD 30.76 -0.76 TD 273.00 50.96 TD (N/A) Tj 125.64 709.44 TD (N/A) Tj 0.00 186.92 TD endobj (FFEL:) Tj 0 J 0 J (Addison, IL 60101-0000) Tj 0.52 435.12 198.16 11.16 re W n Tj (institutional accreditation and state agencies are also taking action. 401.20 360.56 TD (10/23/2020) Tj BRANFORD HALL CAREER INSTITUTE 890 Main Street 959 Route 46 East Sanford, ME 04073-7007 Parsippany, NJ 07054-3409 03429300 01085100 OPE ID: OPE ID: ACCET (OPE ID:) Tj (Student Arrangements: All students completed their program.) (School) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD /F2 10.00 Tf 0 j -43.36 214.80 TD (Perkins:) Tj (Closure Date:) Tj ET /F1 14.00 Tf (Reno, NV 89503-4304) Tj 2.00 w (Page - ) Tj ET (Perkins:) Tj WebGet detailed info on Branford Hall Career Institute-Amityville admissions 2022, acceptance rate, average GPA, ACT & SAT scores requirements & application deadlines. (CMO Grantee DUNS:) Tj 69 0 obj Tj (1405 Madison Street) Tj 17.56 150.92 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 341.08 690.72 TD Q 0 g 0 G BT 0 j /F2 10.00 Tf (FFEL:) Tj 0.00 -188.24 TD BT 0.52 611.28 198.16 11.16 re W n Tj BT 0.68 509.56 TD (03/02/2021) Tj 0.00 -211.64 TD 253.40 625.48 TD (Rosa Reth \(312\)730-1469) Tj 17.56 294.80 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 137.28 541.32 m 131.56 541.36 127.40 537.16 127.40 531.44 c 127.36 453.84 l 127.36 448.12 131.56 443.96 137.28 443.96 c 137.28 443.96 137.28 443.96 137.28 443.96 c 373.96 443.92 l 379.68 443.92 383.84 448.12 383.84 453.84 c 383.88 531.44 l 383.88 537.16 379.68 541.32 373.96 541.32 c b* 2.00 w (Knoxville TN 37919) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD /F2 10.00 Tf Still, as of) Tj (N/A) Tj (Jenny Hendrickson \(816\)268-0411) Tj 0.00 -199.96 TD ET ET (New Haven, CT 06511) Tj ET (Contact:) Tj /Resources <> >> /Contents 12 0 R BT Tj (00176734) Tj 0.52 637.28 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD -36.24 286.20 TD /F2 10.00 Tf 341.08 690.72 TD (FFEL:) Tj endstream (2021) Tj -50.32 202.56 TD endobj ET (School) Tj (Record Holder:) Tj -30.32 211.64 TD ET 0.00 -176.16 TD (N/A) Tj /F2 10.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD (03/02/2021) Tj Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD 0 j 253.40 625.48 TD (Closure Date:) Tj BT (OPE ID:) Tj 0.00 -199.96 TD (Wilmington, DE 19803-2727) Tj 0.52 261.16 TD (Oswego, IL 60543-0000) Tj (Notes: Since the June 26, 2020 consummation of the CIO from Premier to Trigram \(and loss of eligibility date\), Trigram has been) Tj 0.00 -211.64 TD 0.00 -11.72 TD 0.00 -11.72 TD 0.00 340.52 TD /Resources <> >> 2.00 w (Record Holder:) Tj endobj 253.40 625.48 TD ET (.) (Perkins:) Tj 17.56 118.64 TD (Contact:) Tj >> (Accrediting Agency:) Tj (Closure Date:) Tj (CLOSED SCHOOL MONTHLY REPORT - SECTION I) Tj 7 0 obj 0.00 -176.16 TD >> Q 0 g 0 G 0 J ET /F2 10.00 Tf BT (FFEL:) Tj (School Closure Records Created during:) Tj 0.00 -11.72 TD 2.00 w ET 0.00 -253.16 TD 401.56 687.76 28.08 15.76 re W n Both ACCSC and ACCET have acted to withdraw all of the Premier/Trigram) Tj (School) Tj 0.00 -226.48 TD (OPE ID:) Tj Multiple Locations. 0.00 -176.16 TD Student Transcripts. (Main Campus: Located in Region ) Tj (FFEL:) Tj BT (411 Central Methodist Square) Tj 0.00 -293.88 TD (Accrediting Agency:) Tj 1.76 67.48 m 608.48 67.56 l S 88 0 obj 0.00 -199.92 TD ET 0.16 339.12 TD Q 0 g 0 G (based on multiple delays in the resumption of classes due to the lack of funding and the lack of accreditation. 69.00 688.48 288.76 15.00 re W n () Tj q -155.88 170.00 TD ET /F2 10.00 Tf (Accrediting Agency:) Tj (FDSLP:) Tj (Notes: N/A) Tj q 0.00 -176.16 TD endobj (CMO Grantee DUNS:) Tj 1.76 67.48 m 608.48 67.56 l S (Montclair, NJ 07043-9987) Tj -36.24 353.08 TD 0 J Q 0 g 0 G 341.08 690.72 TD /F2 10.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD 1 Summit Pl. 0.00 -176.16 TD /F1 10.00 Tf (Student Arrangements: All students completed their program.) (OPE ID:) Tj 0 J 0.52 261.16 TD 0.00 -243.92 TD -30.32 176.16 TD ET (School) Tj 0.00 -188.68 TD Tj 0.52 328.00 TD They have locations in CT and NJ with medical certification training classes like health claims ET (OPE ID:) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD (Romeoville, IL 60446-0000) Tj (BRANFORD HALL CAREER INSTITUTE - SOUTHINGTON) Tj ET -65.76 302.36 TD (School) Tj 69.00 688.48 288.76 15.00 re W n (N/A) Tj (All records are maintained on the main campus of the institution.) (Student Arrangements: All students completed their program.) (School Closure Records Created during:) Tj 0000227449 00000 n 0.68 519.92 TD /F1 14.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD q (N/A) Tj Tj 0.52 637.28 TD BT q 113.28 707.24 367.60 15.00 re W n 182.04 -176.16 TD Tj (Closure Date:) Tj (School Closure Records Created during:) Tj 113.28 707.24 367.60 15.00 re W n 0.00 -214.88 TD (Main Campus: Located in Region ) Tj -335.60 304.96 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD Tj (BENEDICTINE UNIVERSITY - PEORIA REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION) Tj (additional information.) (\(Additional Location\)) Tj ET (Student Arrangements: All students completed their program.) /CropBox [0 0 612 792] (\(Additional Location\)) Tj 1.00 679.64 m 610.04 679.64 l S (V) Tj (Rosa Reth \(312\)730-1469) Tj (203) 488-2525. 0.00 -176.16 TD /F1 14.00 Tf BT endobj (OPE ID:) Tj 401.56 690.72 TD ET (N/A) Tj (Perkins:) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD 0000203748 00000 n 133.76 513.48 73.08 11.88 re W n /F1 14.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD (School) Tj Tj /CropBox [0 0 612 792] 0.00 -176.16 TD -36.24 319.84 TD ET 0 J 0 j ET 0.00 -176.16 TD 162 0 obj 0.00 -270.44 TD 17.56 118.64 TD 0.00 -235.44 TD /F1 14.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD (Closure Date:) Tj 0.00 -199.96 TD ET 0.00 -11.68 TD 341.08 687.76 56.68 15.76 re W n (\(Additional Location\)) Tj (COE) Tj (Contact:) Tj (OPE ID:) Tj 0.52 613.44 TD (Perkins:) Tj (FDSLP:) Tj (BENEDICTINE UNIVERSITY - GRIFFITH LABORATORIES) Tj 0.00 -253.16 TD 0.00 -253.16 TD (Perkins:) Tj q /F1 14.00 Tf 0.00 -235.00 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD ET 0.00 -211.64 TD /F1 10.00 Tf Tj -65.76 366.44 TD (655 North Wood Dale) Tj 0.52 435.12 198.16 11.16 re W n BT (10176781) Tj q 308.28 454.16 TD -30.32 235.00 TD q Q 0 g 0 G /CropBox [0 0 612 792] (Contact:) Tj 0.52 613.44 TD 308.28 125.64 TD 401.56 690.72 TD BT (FFEL:) Tj 0.00 -253.16 TD (N/A) Tj /Contents 168 0 R Tj /F1 14.00 Tf BT endobj 0 j /F2 10.00 Tf (Closure Date:) Tj Q 0 g 0 G endobj (FFEL:) Tj (Perkins:) Tj (NCACHE) Tj (Contact:) Tj (CMO Grantee DUNS:) Tj Check and find available services at the 0000188119 00000 n 0.00 202.56 TD BT 0.00 -176.16 TD 2.00 w /F1 14.00 Tf (Philadelphia, PA 19114-2206) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD (Algonquin, IL 60102-0000) Tj (34 Cornell Drive, Canton, NY 13617) Tj 121 0 obj 0.52 417.00 198.16 11.16 re W n 0.00 -176.16 TD <> q BT (Accrediting Agency:) Tj (OPE ID:) Tj <> (Tinley Park, IL 60477-0000) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD -23.80 -176.16 TD BT Q 0 g 0 G Q 0 g 0 G 0.00 -11.72 TD 0.00 263.08 TD -38.64 182.64 TD /F1 14.00 Tf BT 0.00 -176.16 TD 1.52 63.76 m 608.24 63.76 l S (VIII) Tj BT (26) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD (Perkins:) Tj ET -38.56 232.24 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD BT q (Andrew Lawrence \(202\)377-4369) Tj ET /F1 14.00 Tf (ACCSC) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD stream (00176788) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD 0000007882 00000 n 0.00 -176.16 TD 341.08 690.72 TD /F2 10.00 Tf ET 0.00 -200.36 TD (2021) Tj (Rome, NY 13440-4636) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD (Bolingbrook, IL 60440-0000) Tj (Student Arrangements: All students completed their program.) BT Q 0 g 0 G stream (NCACHE) Tj Tj Q 0 g 0 G (FDSLP:) Tj 4309 -88.96 353.08 TD 0.52 437.28 TD -109.76 261.52 TD () Tj 61 0 obj /F1 14.00 Tf /F1 10.00 Tf 138 0 obj (Notes: N/A) Tj (Remington College) Tj (Trigram Education Partners LLC) Tj stream 0.00 -11.68 TD 0.52 435.12 198.16 11.16 re W n 0.00 -176.16 TD q 2.00 w 0.52 611.28 198.16 11.16 re W n 0.00 -11.68 TD ET 2.00 w 341.08 690.72 TD (Rosa Reth \(312\)730-1469) Tj 0000136925 00000 n -155.88 178.92 TD 0.00 213.04 TD 2.00 w 0 J /F2 10.00 Tf (Main Campus: Located in Region ) Tj 2.00 w (Address:) Tj 125 0 obj 0.00 -235.00 TD 154 0 obj (V) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD Q 0 g 0 G 0.52 435.12 198.16 11.16 re W n /F2 10.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 0.00 -176.56 TD (1500 East 128th Avenue) Tj Q 0 g 0 G endstream (N/A) Tj /F1 14.00 Tf 0.00 -176.16 TD ET (Contact:) Tj 92.96 199.96 TD (Perkins:) Tj (N/A) Tj endstream 0.00 -176.16 TD ET -36.24 353.08 TD endobj ET (N/A) Tj endstream endobj << /F3 12.00 Tf 0.00 -13.48 TD (06/19/2019) Tj (FDSLP:) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD 25.24 337.32 TD (N/A) Tj 125.64 709.44 TD /Parent 3 0 R q 82.60 56.60 TD 2.00 w /F2 10.00 Tf q (telling the Department and other regulators that the funding to support the operation of the institutions is forth coming. (N/A) Tj q Q 0 g 0 G (WILLIAM JAMES COLLEGE -) Tj 0.00 -176.16 TD (Main Campus: Located in Region ) Tj (Perkins:) Tj (Perkins:) Tj (N/A) Tj 0 J 0.00 -176.16 TD (Main Campus: Located in Region ) Tj 0.00 -340.64 TD (Contact:) Tj (V) Tj ET (FDSLP:) Tj 36.28 265.84 TD -125.36 325.08 TD (00176795) Tj BT 0.00 -176.16 TD Q 0 g 0 G 0 J -36.24 253.92 TD ET 2.00 w BT 92.16 690.68 TD 0.00 -11.68 TD (NCACHE) Tj (Perkins:) Tj -125.36 325.08 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD 0 J (2021) Tj (FDSLP:) Tj /F2 10.00 Tf Tj 0000227034 00000 n 0 j () Tj 36.28 365.00 TD (N/A) Tj (Jorge Matos \(202\)708-8820) Tj (N/A) Tj /F1 14.00 Tf (enrollments, but would continue to provide all of the education and services to existing students so that they could complete their) Tj BT BT 0.00 -11.68 TD (N/A) Tj 2.00 w ET (03/02/2021) Tj 25.24 337.32 TD (NCACHE) Tj -155.88 176.04 TD q 419.08 637.28 TD (Accrediting Agency:) Tj (Page - ) Tj (School) Tj (ACCET) Tj 0000101023 00000 n Q 0 g 0 G (Closure Date:) Tj 401.56 687.76 28.08 15.76 re W n ET /Type /Page (CMO Grantee DUNS:) Tj (\(Additional Location\)) Tj ET (N/A) Tj 0000212131 00000 n -335.60 -47.36 TD -57.12 -176.16 TD (N/A) Tj (FDSLP:) Tj (Address:) Tj ET ET 0.00 -211.64 TD /F1 14.00 Tf 51 0 obj /F2 10.00 Tf q (10176706) Tj Tj (N/A) Tj (OPE ID:) Tj 0 j (CMO Grantee DUNS:) Tj ET 0.00 -11.68 TD (Accrediting Agency:) Tj (N/A) Tj (FFEL:) Tj (N/A) Tj ET (School is covered by a state tuition recovery fund.) (N/A) Tj 341.08 687.76 56.68 15.76 re W n (School) Tj (OPE ID:) Tj (2021) Tj 116 0 obj q q Q 0 g 0 G 0.00 -176.16 TD Q 0 g 0 G 0.00 -176.16 TD (.) (.) (Closure Date:) Tj (FFEL:) Tj ET Tj (35) Tj (Main Campus: Located in Region ) Tj -38.56 352.32 TD 0.00 -176.16 TD ET (School) Tj 0 j 0 J /F2 10.00 Tf 401.20 360.56 TD /F2 10.00 Tf q (\(Additional Location\)) Tj (2929 Green Trails Drive) Tj -201.00 -176.16 TD (1) Obtain Your Transcripts To request your transcripts, email a request to (07/09/2009) Tj () Tj /F2 10.00 Tf 2.00 w Tj Q 0 g 0 G (00176763) Tj