ardc recent suspensions

Ms. Susman, who was licensed in 1983, was suspended for five months, with the suspension stayed in full by one year of probation with conditions. No client lost money due to Mr. Kelly's misconduct. If an objection is filed, the suspension shall not become effective until the evaluation of the objection is completed. Mr. Cohn, who was licensed in 1983, was suspended for six months and until he completes the ARDC Professionalism Seminar. Mr. Stroth, who was licensed in 2001, was suspended for 30 days and ordered to take the ARDC's professionalism seminar. Mr. Tanzillo, who was licensed in 1986, was suspended for four months and was required to complete the ARDC Professionalism Seminar within one year of the order of discipline. The suspension is effective on April 15, 2022. While handling a federal civil matter, she failed to comply with court orders to file certain documents by specific deadlines, did not address controlling caselaw in her arguments and pleadings or understand relevant legal documents or procedures, and did not review pleadings that her paralegal had drafted before she filed them with the court. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. Mr. McCulloh, who licensed in 1983, was suspended from the practice of law for one year, with the suspension stayed after 60 days in favor of a one-year period of probation. Mr. McWard, who was licensed in 2017, was suspended for 90 days. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. The suspension is effective on December 7, 2021. Mr. Jackson was licensed in Arizona in 2011 and in Illinois in 2014. In the course of representing a client in an immigration matter, she failed to file an application to adjust the client's visa status, made false statements about the status of the matter to the client, and generated two fabricated emails purportedly from an immigration agency in order to mislead the client about the status of the matter. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Mr. Gonzalez, who was licensed in 2012, was suspended for one year and until further order of the Court. He engaged in conduct with no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, and burden a third person in the course of pending litigation by using vulgar and abusive language toward his female opposing counsel during a deposition. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended her for 90 days, with the suspension stayed after 30 days by a two-year period of probation, nunc pro tunc to November 23, 2020, subject to the conditions imposed in Indiana, and continuing until her probation in Indiana is terminated. James Mark McTighe, Tinley Park Mr. McTighe, who was licensed in 1991, was disbarred on consent. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for thirty days. She failed to act diligently on a client's domestic relations matter, failed to adequately communicate with the client, and filed a pleading in the case containing false statements. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended her for six months and until she is reinstated to the practice of law in Arizona. Mr. Buhl was licensed in Illinois in 1985 and in Connecticut in 1987. Mr. Ahn, who was licensed in 1991, was suspended for one year and until further order of the Court. Her discipline arose from her conviction for battery resulting in bodily injury for struggling and twice spitting on a police officer who had taken her to a hospital for a blood draw after stopping her on suspicion of impaired driving. Mr. Roberts, who was licensed in 2015, was suspended for 60 days. Mr. Lewin, who was licensed in 1974, was suspended from the practice of law for 60 days. She also filed a brief on appeal in a client's immigration matter without complying with mandatory legal authority concerning claims of ineffective assistance of counsel. The Supreme Court of Colorado disbarred him for not diligently representing three clients in patent matters, failing to keep clients informed about the status of their matters, converting client funds in two of the matters, and abandoning two of the clients. Concurrently, total land growth rate decreased from 2.4 km2 y 1 to 1.6 km 2y 1 for ARSD and 3.2 km2 y 1to 0.6 km y for WLSD. An interim suspension may also be . January 17, 2023 3:31pm. Mr. Darnell did not diligently pursue a client's personal injury matter, did not reasonably communicate with his client, and made misrepresentations to his client about the status of her matter. Mr. Palladinetti, who was licensed in 1985, was disbarred. Mr. Bartelsmeyer, who was licensed in 1992, was suspended for three years and until further order of the Court. She also engaged in the unauthorized practice of law for approximately two months after having been removed from the roll of attorneys for failure to register, and she made false statements to the ARDC during its investigation of her case. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Mr. Smith, who was licensed in 1995, was suspended for three years and until further of the Court. The suspension is effective on June 9, 2022. He was found guilty of bank fraud after he participated in a multi-year scheme that provided fraudulent information to lenders in order to qualify buyers for mortgage loans to purchase condominium units owned by other participants in the scheme. Please note: Some lawyers named as respondents in disciplinary proceedings may have names similar to other lawyers on the master roll of attorneys. The Wisconsin Supreme Court publicly reprimanded him for failing to file a written motion seeking a change of venue as directed by his client in a visitation rights case, charging an unreasonable fee, and failing to refund the unearned portion of that fee after his client had terminated his services. The suspension is effective on February 7, 2023. Then, in the course of seeking other employment, Mr. Paleczny falsely told at least four prospective employers that he had been laid off from his prior firm. In addition, he misrepresented to the ARDC the amount of restitution he had paid to the credit card company. During a dissolution of marriage case, she came to an agreement with opposing counsel concerning parenting time, prepared a proposed order memorializing the agreement, and obtained opposing counsel's permission to submit the order to the trial judge for entry. Mr. Wettermann, who was licensed in 1995, was disbarred on consent. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. While working as an associate at a law firm, she submitted false billing records totaling 86.4 hours, which resulted in one of the firm's clients being overbilled by $40,176. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Ms. Doss claimed that amount was required to satisfy her legal fees, but her client disputed her entitlement to the fee. Ms. Lemp was licensed in Missouri in 2010 and in Illinois in 2012. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. In 2012, Mr. Semrad was placed on court supervision for a misdemeanor driving-under-the-influence charge, and he was later convicted of misdemeanor domestic battery. The suspension is effective on October 12, 2022. Mr. Gordon failed to file a brief in his client's criminal appeal and did not refund the fees he received for the representation. The Supreme Court of Missouri entered an order suspending him indefinitely and staying the suspension in full in favor of a two-year period of conditional probation. Ms. Kieffer was licensed in Illinois in 2001 and in Iowa in 2002. He failed to diligently pursue several clients' dissolution of marriage cases, he did not keep those clients reasonably informed about their matters or promptly comply with their reasonable requests for information, and he failed to refund unearned fees. Mr. Ybarra failed to diligently represent clients in several matters, including divorce and family-law cases, made misrepresentations to clients about the status of their matters, and did not refund unearned fees to a number of those clients. Ms. VanAusdall then created a second proposed order that included provisions that had not been agreed upon and falsely assured the trial judge that opposing counsel had agreed to the order she was presenting. He engaged in a conflict of interest when he represented clients with adverse interests in a small-claims action, and he failed to explain the matter to one client to the extent reasonably necessary for that client to make informed decisions regarding the representation. The Indiana Supreme Court suspended her for 90 days, beginning November 23, 2020, with 30 days of that suspension to be actively served and the remainder stayed subject to completion of at least two years of conditional probation. A lawyer suspended for more than six months or a disbarred lawyer shall be reinstated or readmitted only upon order of the court. Between March and May 2018, Mr. Rueda converted over $15,000 in four client matters due in part to his failure to keep appropriate trust account records. He also failed to return unearned fees to the client; neglected a second client matter, resulting in the entry of a default judgment against the client; and failed to respond to requests for information and a subpoena to appear for a sworn statement. The Missouri Supreme Court indefinitely suspended her, with the suspension fully stayed by a one-year period of probation with conditions, and ordered that, should probation be revoked and the suspension take effect, no petition for reinstatement would be considered for a period of six months from the date the suspension became effective. A judge held her in contempt for failing to appear at multiple court dates in a dissolution of marriage matter. The suspension is effective on October 12, 2022. Mr. Field, who was licensed in 2011, was suspended for three years and until further order of the Court. While representing a recently-widowed woman in matters relating to the administration of her deceased husbands estate, he collected an unreasonable fee of $20,000 for preparing new estate-planning documents for the woman and her adult daughter and for incorporating a business for the daughter, and he sought an additional $25,729.75 in fees that the client did not pay. He engaged in the unauthorized practice of law when he continued to practice law for eight months after his name was removed from the roll of licensed attorneys for failing to comply with Minimum Continuing Legal Education requirements. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. Also, in the course of the disciplinary investigation, Mr. Cunningham made false statements to the ARDC about his use of a credit card account set up by his wife. The suspension is effective on October 12, 2022. 26037, 2010 PR 64 (Ill. Sept. 26, 2013). The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Mr. Darnell was licensed to practice in Illinois in 2005 and in Virginia in 2007. ardc recent suspensions. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. While acting as an Assistant States Attorney, he provided incomplete or false information to a judge in order to cause the judge to set a lower bond amount for an individual under arrest. The suspension is effective on February 7, 2023. In the course of representing clients in personal injury matters, he provided financial assistance to two clients, misrepresented the status of matters to at least two clients, and signed a client's name on a settlement release without authority. The Supreme Court of Missouri placed him on probation with conditions for 12 months for making disbursements from his client trust account before the appropriate funds had been deposited into the account and for failing to keep required trust account records. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Ms. Kowalski, along with five other defendants, including her brother, attorney Robert Michael Kowalski, was the subject of an eighteen-count second superseding indictment which charged that Ms. Kowalski committed the offense of bankruptcy fraud when she and her brother, as part of a scheme to defraud, made false representations in documents filed in her brothers bankruptcy case, and when she used her client trust account to conceal hundreds of thousands of dollars from her brothers creditors and the bankruptcy trustee. His misconduct arose from his guilty pleas in two Rock Island County cases to charges of possession of a controlled substance and delivery of methamphetamine. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. The ARDC summaries contain the name of each disciplined lawyer, the community in which that lawyer last practiced, a brief summary of the misconduct and the disciplinary sanction ordered by the Court. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for six months and until further order of the Court, with the suspension stayed in its entirety by a one-year period of probation, nunc pro tunc to February 8, 2022, subject to the conditions imposed in Missouri and continuing until he successfully completes his Missouri probation. She failed to diligently pursue two clients' immigration matters, did not adequately communicate with the clients, and failed to respond to the ARDC's requests for information. His misconduct arose from his August 2021 convictions of four counts of bankruptcy fraud and three counts of concealment of assets, for which he was sentenced to two years in prison. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Missouri, with the suspension stayed in its entirety by a term of probation subject to the conditions imposed in Missouri and continuing until he has satisfied his Missouri probation. In another case, she failed to timely turn over a client file to new counsel and was sanctioned by the court for not complying with various court orders. Ten months after learning of his personal injury client's death, Mr. Kolb prepared and sent a letter to an insurance company demanding settlement for injuries and for "future pain and physical limitations." He neglected two client matters and failed to communicate with those clients, and he concealed from a bankruptcy court his client's payment of attorney's fees to him. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline, reprimanding her and placing her on a one-year period of probation, nunc pro tunc to May 10, 2022, subject to the conditions imposed by Arizona and continuing until she successfully completes her Arizona probation. While acting as an attorney agent for Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. in connection with various real estate matters, he converted $11,123 belonging to ATG and provided altered bank statements to ATG in order to conceal his conversions. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for two years and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Connecticut. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for 180 days, with the suspension stayed after 60 days in favor of a two-year period of probation, nunc pro tunc to April 23, 2019, subject to the conditions imposed in Indiana and continuing until he successfully completes his Indiana probation. Mr. Krkljes, who was licensed in 1988, was suspended for one year and until further order of the Court, with the suspension stayed after 30 days in favor of a two-year period of probation with conditions. Mr. Bracamonte was licensed in Illinois in 1979 and in Arizona in 1988. Ms. Sodaro was licensed in Illinois in 1986 and in Arizona in 2017. He also made false statements on his law school and bar admission applications and to the ARDC. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for two years in Illinois, stayed after 90 days by a term of probation subject to the conditions imposed in California and continuing until his California probation is satisfied. In two cases, Mr. Wills failed to appear in court for clients, leading to the dismissal of the cases. Ms. Yohanna, who was licensed in 2009, was suspended for six months. The suspension is effective on June 8, 2021. His misconduct arose from his December 2017 guilty plea to a charge of battery after he punched an employee of a tavern and his October 2018 guilty plea to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, his third conviction for driving while intoxicated. In two separate matters, Arizona disciplinary authorities disciplined Mr. Wittig. He falsely told his client that he had communicated with an insurance claims adjuster, and he made false statements to the ARDC in the course of the disciplinary proceeding. Ms. Doss, who was licensed in 1989, was disbarred on consent for dishonestly converting $8,767 in funds being held in trust for her client in a real estate transaction and for improperly withholding $3,875 in funds being held in trust for that same client. is anya epstein related to jeffrey epstein. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline, reprimanded him, and suspended him for 120 days. Mr. Bracamonte filed asylum applications without an indicated basis for asylum, he canceled asylum interviews or advised his clients not to appear for asylum interviews, and he failed to demonstrate a clear intention to pursue an asylum claim, causing prejudice to his client. Mr. He engaged in a number of criminal acts involving incidents of domestic violence and driving while over the legal limit for alcohol, and he mishandled three patent applications. He committed the criminal act of aggravated battery on one of his neighbors, a woman over 60 years of age. The suspension is effective on June 8, 2021. Mr. Potere was licensed in Illinois in 2012 and in California in 2015. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for 90 days. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. While representing a litigant in an appeal, she filed two motions seeking extensions of time on which she had forged the notary publics signature block. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. He was suspended for one year with the suspension stayed after 60 days in favor of an 18-month period of probation with conditions. Mr. Babcock, who was licensed in 1992, was disbarred on consent. Mr. Sherman was licensed in Illinois in 1967 and in Florida in 1975. e) The CPO may debar a vendor. In December 2020, the Supreme Court of Florida granted Mr. Leone's petition for disciplinary revocation of his law license, with leave to seek readmission after five years. She was the subject of a misdemeanor charge of attempt forgery. He was suspended on an interim basis on October 15, 2020. The ARDC may seek an interim suspension whenever an attorney has been charged with (as opposed to convicted of) a crime that involves moral turpitude or a crime that reflects adversely on the attorney's fitness to practice law, and there is persuasive evidence to support the charge. The Supreme Court of Iowa suspended him with no possibility for reinstatement for 30 days. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Virginia. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. He also made a false statement to the ARDC during its investigation of his conduct. STATE SEEKS SUSPENSION OF ATTORNEY - Chicago Tribune The ARDC's offices are temporarily closed to the public due to COVID-19. The suspension will be effective 7 calendar days after receipt of notice unless, an objection is filed. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and censured him. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. In 2016, the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, suspended him for six months and until further order of the Court for misappropriating $6,250 in settlement funds and failing to promptly comply with his client's reasonable requests for information. 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